View Full Version : Mr. Adrien's new thing

06-10-11, 05:06 AM
He loves to eat in his "tree". :rolleyes:







06-10-11, 05:08 AM
Gotta love JCP eating - mine will not take prey off the floor, if he is in his hide at feed time he will sniff the rat then go and climb up to his perch and look at you as if saying "im ready, bring it over here" - he will hten strike like a train and squeeze the hell out of the already dead rat.

06-10-11, 06:32 AM
Awesome :P I spose the animal would have a harder time getting away that way, cuz he cant push off or anything.

06-10-11, 09:12 PM
Gotta love JCP eating - mine will not take prey off the floor, if he is in his hide at feed time he will sniff the rat then go and climb up to his perch and look at you as if saying "im ready, bring it over here" - he will hten strike like a train and squeeze the hell out of the already dead rat.

I feed him f/t rodents. And like yours, he squeezes the hell out of it a good while too! As for climbing up on his branch, don't have to worry about that, he never leaves his branch! Eats/sleeps/drinks/poops from his branch! Lol