View Full Version : Is this a sufficient heat tape kit?

06-08-11, 10:55 PM
I'm trying to heat an 8' enclosure for a burm. Does this look like a sufficient set up as far as the rheostat and other wires with it? It lets you create your own and i'd rather buy a kit than everything individually but I don't know what size of tape or length to get. The cage is 8' long and the burm is about 8'. How big of an area of tape do I need? What width and length of tape should I order with this kit, if it's even a decent kit I should get?

Flex Watt heat tape create your own heater warmer kit! | eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/Flex-Watt-heat-tape-create-your-own-heater-warmer-kit-/330347029333?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item7dba824086)

06-11-11, 11:00 AM
Uhh can anyone with heat tape experience give me a yes or no on this kit? How much of her tank should I cover? 1/3? 1/2?

06-11-11, 11:11 AM
Ive never used a "kit" but isnt the general rule of thumb 1/3 of the enclosure?
I am actually on the bus going to buy heat tape right now :-P

Personally I would think heat tape wide and long enough that the snake could coil its entire body ontop of would suffice.

06-11-11, 11:16 AM
OK thank you. I was more concerned with the wiring it comes with being crap and if it looked like everything you need was in the kit.

06-11-11, 11:17 AM
If you want ill ask the guy setting mine up when I get there

06-11-11, 11:57 AM
i'm totally gonna buy one of these kits when i get some money lol.

Coffee Black
06-11-11, 01:35 PM
You're going to have to play with that rheo for a few days to get temps right but It looks like a perfectly fine set. If you are going to end up doing a lot of these I'd suggest getting that tool for the clips. Pliers/ chennel locks work but it is a pain.

06-11-11, 01:49 PM
Get yourself a digital thermometer and put the probe directly on top of the heat tape inside the cage. Monitor the temp, because the rheostat will not adjust with the ambient temp in the house. Mark the rheostat with the appropriate temps relating to the ambient temps in your house. However long your cage is, get at least 2/3 that length in the flexwatt.

06-11-11, 11:47 PM
Personally I would skip the Rheo and just grab a Thermostat will save you a lot of hassle... But other than that that look fine... also the setup is incredibly easy... its literally attach wire to clip crimp, attach clip to flexwatt crimp, clip on insulators, electrical tape opposite end where golden strip is, and plug in