View Full Version : First State Colubrids site launch...

05-30-11, 06:57 AM
First State Colubrids - Home (http://firststatecolubrids.weebly.com/)

Been slowly working on it over the winter and spring...
Would like some feedback...Thanks

05-30-11, 09:51 AM
Looks great, but if you offered free CITES allot more Canadians would buy from you :)

05-30-11, 11:12 AM
i live in new castle too! i am only thirteen, but i am look for a job. Are u hiring? i would work for relative low wages i would just love to work with reptiles.

05-30-11, 12:10 PM
Hey that's great to hear someone breedfing so close to home. We're right outside Elsmere. May look ay you in the future for hogs.