View Full Version : I Have A Question

01-04-03, 10:39 PM
I have been thinking about getting a chameleon for a while now and i think i am going to get one soon, but what i need to know for u is what do u guys us as cages.I want something i can see them in i know it has to be screen so could u help me out by telling me what u us as a tank and how big of a tank do i need for a jackson chameleon.
P.S. Pics would be helpful

01-04-03, 11:18 PM
I can try to help u although i am FAR from a cham expert ..

Id sugest a cge with 2 if not 3 sides of meshing .. If I remeber well from ll of Tracy's talking about chameleons, the arechemeleons that require lower temperatures than the others and have a very high humidity demand ..

They are not the best beginner chams .. if its your first one .. I'd strongly recomend u start witha panther or veild as these require lots and lots of tlc in order for the to be very healthy!

Just my thoghs .. I am sure many others will be able to give you much better info than me

best of luck


01-04-03, 11:59 PM
Jackson's Chams are one of the koolest chams! Glad to hear you are getting one. It sounds like you've done a bit of research on them.

I housed my Dwarf Jackson's (Chamaeleo (Trioceros) jacksonii merumontanus) in a 18x18x36 all mesh enclosure. If you are getting a regular sized one (Chamaeleo (Trioceros) jacksonii xantholophus) I would consider using a cage that is 24x24x48. For the Jackson's... do try and get/make a cage that has 4 sides being screened. They do like it a bit colder than most chameleons.

If you haven't checked it out yet, here is a good link for basic Jackson's info: http://www.adcham.com/html/taxonomy/species/chjacksonixanth.html

Unfortunately I do not have any pics of my cages yet. Beware listers.... I'm getting a digicam next week and I'll be posting pics of my chams like MAD!

Please post some pics when you get the little guy!

Actually Dom.... Jackson's are considered a good beginner chameleon.



01-05-03, 06:47 PM
Hey this is great information about Jackson's enclosures, but I was wondering if you guys could help me out with veiled or panther cages? just wondering how different they are (ex: sizes, the misting, etc) Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

01-05-03, 07:20 PM
Hey Kenny... the same size cage for the Jackson's will be fine for either a Veiled or a Panther. I have some of my Veiled's in cages that are 18x18x36 and some in a cage that is 30x30x48.

The main difference between the Jackson's and the Veiled's/Panthers is the basking spot temperature. Panthers and Veiled's like a spot of about 32 degrees, while Jackson's prefer a cooler basking spot of about 25 degrees.

All of these chams have about the same humidity requirements though. Anywhere from 50% to 75%. You can achieve these levels by humidifiers, foggers and good old hand spraying.

Hope this helps!

