View Full Version : want rack but room is too cold........

05-25-11, 01:53 AM
What should i do??

im going to be building a melamine rack, and i dont have a snake room so i wanted to see how i can keep the temps good in my tubs in the rack, i am going to be making a rack W/ 5 tubs. and im going to be using 11x11 ultratherms or 11" flex watt. the rack is going to be in my room that is usually at 75 degrees farenheight. will the heat tape beable to heat up the bins, i cant use a heater (parents dont want me too) right now my 2 balls are in glass tanks with, che's (i am misting morning and night on cypress mulch to maintain proper humidity 65% is more when in shed. can someone help me can i insulate it somehow I need help!!!

thanks in advance for any and all help offered.


05-25-11, 02:16 AM
i would assume the flexwatt would be fine for the racks, but i've never had personal experience. i'm sure someone who has will be more informative.

05-25-11, 06:20 AM
Flexwat should be fine temperature wise, you could always put the whole rack in an insulated box? that seams overkill to me, and you will also need to invest in a good thermostat or risk cooking your herps.

05-25-11, 08:08 AM
Not sure what species you'll be keeping in the rack and what size the bins will be, but Flexwatt is designed to heat something up 20 degrees higher than ambient air temperature, so depending on the species...
11" heat tape might also be overkill. Remember, you get about 2.5 to 3 inches of "heat bleed" to both side of the tape.

05-25-11, 09:25 AM
this will be for ball-pythons, im concerned about the ambient in the tubs

06-02-11, 07:09 PM
in my rack i have, from top to bottom; BP, corn/BP, corn, corn, BRB... all temps are right around 93 degreed, down to 89... i have 11 inch flexwatt provideing back heat though, not belly heat. like Mykee said, if i re did mine i would go with probably 4 inch flexwatt due to the heat bleed he talked about. as for the ambient tems, the cool side of my tubs stay around 77-80.

All snakes are eating and pooping just fne

i just wanted to add, on the second she;f i have 2 tubs sitting on it, 1 corn, and 1 bp

06-03-11, 07:42 PM

You really don't need to worry about the ambient in the tubs if your bedroom stays around 75, and you're going to have flex watt belly heating them. I'm not much for building stuff, so I just buy boaphile racks. This is what I put my ball pythons in:

Plastic Reptile Cages, Tanks and Racks. Snake, arboreal, lizard and turtle light weight custom flexwatt heated enclosures. (http://www.boaphileplastics.com/rhinoraxx_ball_room.html)

They come with 2 rows of 4" flex watt in the back to provide a hot spot, and they work great. Look around that site and use what you find as a guide for your rack. =)