View Full Version : UTH fail?

05-24-11, 03:47 PM
So I'm really frustrated with my UTH. Its a zoo med, and while it gets the very center of the pad to the 80 degrees I want it to /right/ on top of the substrate. It only raises the ambient temps, and temps away from the center to maybe 71-72 degrees. even with the top covered, and the back and sides insulated with foam board I've ended up having to put another heat lamp on that side to help it out a little bit. I got real tired of him being so cold on that side, even when his hide is sitting right on top of the center of the pad. But that heat lamp turns off at about 9pm so he can have the whole night/day cycle thing. (He usually spends the night on the hot side anyways)

Other than that the tank is fine, hot side stays a consistant 90-91 degrees, I mist daily to keep his humidity up. That darn UTH is the really the only thing thats giving me issues here. Does anyone else have an issue with these things? Or did I just get one that was too small despite it saying it was for a 20g tank?

05-24-11, 04:02 PM
My uth's have been working fine for me.

05-24-11, 04:06 PM
So maybe mines just a dud then. How annoying lol.

05-24-11, 04:08 PM
When I used to use UTH's they all worked foyne for me. I have since graduated to Flexwatt.

05-24-11, 04:12 PM
Flexwat is what we use for all of our larger terrariums, sucks that most people don't know how to handle electrical. It isn't hard to use if you read the instructions though.

05-24-11, 05:43 PM
I've considered using Flexwat before, really it doesn't seem all that difficult to set up and use. Hmm its probably cheaper too isn't it?

05-24-11, 05:45 PM
Generally its cheaper, but the fact that it will fit your needs perfectly make it worthwhile

05-24-11, 07:12 PM
A UTH IS Flexwatt, just with a plastic coating over it and a price tag X6.

05-24-11, 11:46 PM
Wow you're right that is quite a bit cheaper. Will it get the ambient temps up in the tank as well? or will it just warm up the substrate? Looking around online, I've seemed to of gotten mixed opinions on this.

05-25-11, 07:49 AM
Well scratch that idea. Apparently my on/off thermostat will let the tape get too hot. And the cheapest proportional thermostat I can find is $110. :/ Kinda kills the whole money saving thing. Oh well maybe as I get more snakes I can invest in one and switch over. Thanks guys.