View Full Version : bp eye dent

05-22-11, 03:54 PM
i just took out my BP and he had kind of a weird dent in his eye. i tried to take some pictures but you can't see it with the camera. hopefully it comes out with his next shed. his last f/t rat was in his viv, maybe he tried to strike and whacked his face on something like an idiot. or maybe he fell off the branch lol.

he's always had that spot on the side of his yellow stripe on his face; must be a scar from live feeding or something before i got him.

either way i got some decent pictures.


05-22-11, 04:39 PM
How's the humidity?

Could be a humidity problem or a "he ran into something" problem. If it's the humidity, take care of it and his eye will return to normal within a shed or two. If he bumped into something, a shed or two will also take care of it.

Good luck!

05-22-11, 04:52 PM
I'd guess humidity if it was a sudden change but I don't feel confident diagnosing it seeing as its the first time I've heard of this.

05-22-11, 05:48 PM
An "eye dent" is a retained eye cap (bad humidity during shed).
If you get the husbandry up to par for the next shed, should come off.
If not, you've (by 'you', I mean your snake) has got a problem.

05-23-11, 01:34 AM
i looked again today and i don't see any evidence whatsoever of the "dent" i saw before. he either shed his possibly retained eye cap off in the last day or he just had something on his eye looking like a dent for some reason.

05-23-11, 01:42 AM
Woot, thanks for telling us.

05-23-11, 09:44 AM
glad evertyhing is okay...

nice pics btw!

05-23-11, 11:04 AM
ALWAYS inspect your animals post-shed for retained eye caps and skin at the tip of the tail!!!

Glad to hear the dent is gone!

05-23-11, 01:41 PM
also, i blatently ignored the fact that the last shed had both eye caps on it, so it was probably just something on his eye.

05-23-11, 04:31 PM
Good to know all is well. :)

05-23-11, 07:29 PM
this has happened to me before with my boas right after they shed i also though of a retaines eye cap but the shedded skin had the caps on it. im thinking maybe the new eye caps are softer when they are fresh? this is only a guess out of the blue... ill reasearch it. but like you the eyes always seem to 'undent' after a day or 2...

05-23-11, 07:33 PM
so seems that its simply a lack of humidity. :)

05-23-11, 09:32 PM
yea, i wasn't positive that it was the problem, but i have definetly been spraying the tank more often.