View Full Version : Greg's Enclosure thread

05-19-11, 03:14 PM
So, instead of having a different thread for each, I'll just throw them all in here. Here's the new pair I am working on for my scrubs. They are a little over 3' x 3' x 2 1/2' deep. They are being made to be set side by side atop an 8' cage I ill be building for my burm this summer. They will be heated with flexwatt and a supplemental basking light. More details to follow......https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_6KBMHj3iEsg/TdWGsif_FaI/AAAAAAAAAUU/cBygOqvi5Io/s640/DSC00371.JPGhttps://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_6KBMHj3iEsg/TdWG1js2mvI/AAAAAAAAAUg/pMLI2-jkZ0M/s640/DSC00372.JPG

05-19-11, 03:22 PM
Links to my others.....

http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-enclosure-discussion/86333-recycled-furniture-cage-project-4-a.html This one is not quite finished yet. Still need glass for doors.



05-19-11, 04:15 PM
Looks like a fun project :)