View Full Version : pippies

Glasgow Corns
05-17-11, 06:19 AM
If it wasnt bad enough waiting for them to hatch its a nightmare waiting for them to exit the egg, well at least they have made an appearance now :yes:



5 pipped so far, 3 with nice pink noses.

05-17-11, 07:14 AM
looking good hammer

05-17-11, 07:44 AM
Grats!! Its all downhill from here.

05-17-11, 08:17 AM

What were you expecting out of this clutch??

Glasgow Corns
05-17-11, 08:25 AM
the pairing was amel het lavender hypo stripe ph anery x hypo mot/stripe hets unknown, so we were expecting wild type and hypos + stripe, but seems one of the hets of the hypo is amel :D

05-17-11, 08:33 AM

Glad to see everything's working out for you...you could end up with a Hypo Amel, then, yeah? Hypo Amel Stripe!??!! :yes:

05-17-11, 08:34 AM
Good luck! gona need to do more research on colubrids lol, didn't know those morphs were available:P

Glasgow Corns
05-17-11, 08:39 AM

Glad to see everything's working out for you...you could end up with a Hypo Amel, then, yeah? Hypo Amel Stripe!??!! :yes:

could do yes, and so far we have 3 different colour noses so looking good for a mixed bag

Good luck! gona need to do more research on colubrids lol, didn't know those morphs were available:P


05-17-11, 10:45 AM
Looking good Hammer.

Can't wait to see pics once they decide to leave the eggs!!

Glasgow Corns
05-17-11, 11:16 AM
Looking good Hammer.

Can't wait to see pics once they decide to leave the eggs!!

Here you are then lol


First one from the egg :yes:

05-17-11, 12:35 PM


05-17-11, 04:11 PM
Here you are then lol


First one from the egg :yes:
WOW he looks fantastic!:Wow:

05-17-11, 04:13 PM
Would that be an Amel Stripe?? :D

05-17-11, 04:53 PM
Congrats ! Can't wait to see pics of the rest.

Glasgow Corns
05-17-11, 05:36 PM
Would that be an Amel Stripe?? :D

amel het motley het stripe

heres the next one out amel or hypo amel motley ( I think no belly checkers, but cant remember if they show just now or after shed )



05-17-11, 05:37 PM
*goes to get some shades* Damn thats bright.

05-17-11, 09:32 PM
sweet little worms!!!

05-18-11, 08:26 AM
Good God they're all gorgeous!! Wish we weren't half the world away from each other lol

05-18-11, 08:48 AM
awesome! congrats!

Glasgow Corns
05-18-11, 01:38 PM
sweet little worms!!!

Good God they're all gorgeous!! Wish we weren't half the world away from each other lol

awesome! congrats!

Thanks all

a few more have come into the big bad corn world,



05-18-11, 01:42 PM
Stripes! Now I'm jealous!

Lovely babies :)

05-18-11, 01:54 PM
Wow, those are fantastic!

05-18-11, 05:41 PM
Whaddya figure for that last one?? LOVE the color!

05-18-11, 05:43 PM
I'm gona guess snow? (i hope I'm right but only looked up the morphs for 20 mins lol)

Edit: Wait, no snow parents, im a baddie:(

05-18-11, 07:38 PM
the pairing was amel het lavender hypo stripe ph anery x hypo mot/stripe hets unknown, so we were expecting wild type and hypos + stripe, but seems one of the hets of the hypo is amel :D


The hypo is het amel at the very least, but it could easily be het anery as well; the Amel is a possible het for anery, which means that baby could potentially be a Striped Snow. This should work out to a 1-in-64 shot, according to the corn calculator, once we assume the parental genetics. Throw in the chances of the parents having the genetics for it, and that baby is 1 of a thousand :D

05-18-11, 07:39 PM
Holy Crap, Hammer, you better hold back that potentially snow stripe...he's also 50% Het Lavender and Het Hypo...if he proves out snow, that'd be a genetic powerhouse right there :)

05-18-11, 07:53 PM

05-18-11, 08:30 PM
Yeah, no kidding!! I'm super jealous right now lol! :D

Glasgow Corns
05-19-11, 07:23 AM

so far from this clutch we have got hypos, hypo stripe, amel poss hypo amel, amel stripe poss hypo amel stripe the snow stripe and a ghost stripe, is a good clutch so far still have 3 eggs to pip so will be nice to see what comes out of those also.

so far we have determined that the amel is het hypo anery stripe (lavender) the hypo stripe is het amel and anery, has been a good clutch from these 2 so far.

and yes the snow stripe is most definately a keeper.


05-19-11, 11:07 AM
I don't know if you need to worry about this with corns, but some designer morphs of other snakes are born without their egg tooth, might want to cut the egg, don't remove the snake just make a cut along the egg about the width of your finger nail with a razor blade (pinch the egg and cut the pinched area to avoid the snake)

Glasgow Corns
05-19-11, 11:17 AM
I don't know if you need to worry about this with corns, but some designer morphs of other snakes are born without their egg tooth, might want to cut the egg, don't remove the snake just make a cut along the egg about the width of your finger nail with a razor blade (pinch the egg and cut the pinched area to avoid the snake)

cheers, All the eggs have pipped now and looks like ghost few hypos and amel or hypo amel, no idea on patterns yet only showing the noses :yes:

05-19-11, 11:21 AM
Glad everything is fine!

Glasgow Corns
05-19-11, 03:49 PM
next one out

Ghost het motley het stripe


05-19-11, 04:16 PM
Woot! can you see anymore snows?

Glasgow Corns
05-19-11, 04:19 PM
unfortunately not, only a couple or 3 hypos an amel or hypo amel and another ghost from what have seen of them, only noses :D

05-19-11, 06:22 PM
Still, the fact that you got a snow at all is pretty awesome :D

Glasgow Corns
05-19-11, 06:30 PM
Still, the fact that you got a snow at all is pretty awesome :D

You are not wrong :yes:

05-19-11, 06:57 PM
My B-day is in January, that snow would look great in my collection!

Glasgow Corns
05-19-11, 06:59 PM
My B-day is in January, that snow would look great in my collection!

LOL, that did make me giggle :D

05-19-11, 07:01 PM
No worries, grats on the snow though, the odds are mind boggling!

05-19-11, 11:04 PM
my birthday is the 27th of this month.....i win stephen lol

05-19-11, 11:19 PM
I live closer.

05-19-11, 11:23 PM
Same ocean in the way though hahaha

05-20-11, 01:57 AM
I live closer.

i'm prettier though, so naturally the snake would go to me ;)

05-20-11, 02:48 AM
I live closer than both of you AND it was my birthday last week ......... :robo: ;) :robo: ;) :robo: ;)

05-20-11, 03:25 AM
crap.........i admit defeat.....rob, you win. lol

05-20-11, 04:42 AM
next one out

Ghost het motley het stripe


Another gorgeous corn there!


05-20-11, 05:10 AM
Last week is in the past, you missed your chance!