View Full Version : Vents ..Need suggestions

01-04-03, 06:49 PM
I am well on my way in building my first cage, however, I have run into a stumbling block..what to use as side vents..after searching Home Dep. high and low, I saw some shower drain covers that looked good, but I had to get the whole kit $8.00. I ended up buying 4" dryer vents...I now hate them.
On my way home I thought that I would get those kitchen sink drain strainers ...about 1.5 " round and use them.

So, can I have your suggestions, as I want to finish it up sooner thant later.

Also, can I just use 1 heat type vent on the back or is the cross vetalenton the best...Its for a ball python


01-04-03, 06:59 PM
you could use screen sandwiched between a frame and the wall where the hole is cut into

01-04-03, 07:05 PM
Good Idea, how would to make it "Finished" on both sides other than making 2 sets?

01-04-03, 07:20 PM
i'd put the frame on the outside. It shouldn't need it on the inside.

McCarthy Boas
01-04-03, 08:17 PM
I use this 4" round PVC drain for vents in my cages.
You can get them at Home Depot for about $1.50 each.

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/Vent.JPG">

Take care,

01-04-03, 10:08 PM
That is what I was looking for...I do not think they are available in Canada

01-05-03, 04:16 AM
They are available in Canada and so are at least 10,000 other products just like them. Home Depot, Home Hardware, Crappy Tire, et etc all has vents like that. Tons of them in fact.

01-05-03, 04:25 AM
I've tried looking all over for those type of vents, now I know where to find them. Thanks Jeff:)

01-05-03, 09:15 AM
seems like that will work good idea

Them and Us
01-06-03, 07:44 AM
i boughthose same vents actually. now i just have to install them. glad to know others use em.