View Full Version : ghetto rat cage

05-12-11, 01:23 AM
i had no ladders for the rat cage and i was bored and feeling innovative today lol. i made little step ladder parts out of wheat thin boxes and i have cardboard box hides lol. they seem to like it. i need some nice toys and stuff and it'll be bomb. i'll probably end up upgrading eventually lol. i was going to put them all in the big cage but the little black one in the cage on the left can still slip through the big bars. so i'm keeping the albino with her for company. if they inbreed oh well. i need more snake food anyway. the moms preggers again right now.


05-12-11, 06:12 AM
Looking good!

05-12-11, 06:37 AM
Nice:P If you have an old bit of rope you can hang that, mine used to play with that for ages.

05-12-11, 06:39 AM
When we had rats we used Parrot decorations - the ropes that tget put in parrot cages are great for ratties.

05-12-11, 11:21 AM
My ghetto rat cage = plastic bin with water/food/shredded paper.



05-12-11, 12:18 PM
wheat thin ladders are more ghetto ;)

05-12-11, 01:25 PM
Its only a matter of time before the silly buggers eat through their ladders LOL But as you have found out the biggest problem with "rat" cages like that are the bars being to big. What you can do to resolve this is buying chicken wire and putting it up over the entire cage attaching it with metal wiring the rats are not likely to chew through.

As for toys I usually give mine left over food boxes, old socks, tissues, wicker bird toys, stuffed animals, mini tennis balls, wooden toys, paper bags, rope, and plastic toys. Now on the plastic note you have to be careful. Some rats are avid plastic eaters which isn't good. Neither of my girls chew on their toys that are plastic but they do enjoy carting them around or "fighting" over them.

You gotta give them plenty of things to chew on since their little teeth are always growing. If they don't have things to chew eventually the teeth get to long to eat.

05-12-11, 01:37 PM
nice, very ghetto, but wheat thins arnt ghetto....

05-12-11, 01:41 PM
a wheat thin ladder is not ghetto!? lol

05-12-11, 01:50 PM
What I think she means is you needed to make the ladders out of "Chicken Crackers"

05-12-11, 02:21 PM
oh i get it, she's saying i could have made the ladders out of safeway brand "i swear you won't get cancer" chips lol.