View Full Version : Finally some eggs and ovs....

05-11-11, 04:16 PM
Just some stuff that's been happening over the last few weeks here.
Lots of breeders have noticed that their seasons are later than normal (myself included) so not that much has been happening over here as of yet, still lots of building.


MojoGirlOne (bred to MysticBoy), second Mystic to Mojave clutch to ovulate so far...


EveGirlTwo (pastel) to PastaveBoy:



So far, only my clown male has fathered clutches on the ground:

Super Pastel to Clown (6 eggs):


Jayne (pastel) to Clown (8 giant eggs):



05-11-11, 04:39 PM
Wooo! Go Jayne. I can't wait to see Mystic potions.

05-11-11, 07:05 PM
Congrats Mike..

05-11-11, 07:06 PM
yea, they look awesome. grats.

05-11-11, 07:06 PM
Congrats! That momma was HUGE before having her eggs.

05-11-11, 08:11 PM
Grats man, keep us informed :)

05-11-11, 11:45 PM
Congrats and thanks for the update! Make sure you save one of those pastel het clowns for me ;)

Good luck with the odds!

05-12-11, 02:25 PM
Thanks guys.
Unfortunately, I am getting out of clowns completely so all the offspring (as well as the clown sire) will be for sale when they're ready to go.

05-12-11, 10:30 PM
^^ May I ask why? Is it a "been there, done that" kind of thing or an "on to bigger and better" kind of thing?

I am potentially going to pick up my first clown next year after *hopefully* hatching out some black pastel pieds next season.

What does the sire look like?

05-13-11, 08:27 AM
good luck with those clutches Mike and heres to lots of potions.

05-13-11, 08:28 AM
As for me getting out of clowns, I never really got into them with love in my heart. I've always been on the fence with clowns.
I breed for me; I keep what I want not what my customers want and clowns don't really fit into my likes at this point.
I'm also looking to downsize my collection at the end of this year to focus on more specific morphs and crosses and clowns are first on the chopping block.

05-13-11, 08:43 AM
I here ya Mike I have a pair of het clows only becouse the GF likes them let me know what all you part with .you have some killer BPs over there

05-13-11, 09:35 AM
As for me getting out of clowns, I never really got into them with love in my heart. I've always been on the fence with clowns.
I breed for me; I keep what I want not what my customers want and clowns don't really fit into my likes at this point.
I'm also looking to downsize my collection at the end of this year to focus on more specific morphs and crosses and clowns are first on the chopping block.

That's the best way to go; my BPs have the potential to produce what I want to see in my collection.

Pieds are my main focus, but I'd love to produce a clown pied (for my collection)!

Sorry for the divergence and good luck with the eggs! Keep us updated!

I wish I was closer (region-wise) to you :(

05-13-11, 10:12 AM
As for me getting out of clowns, I never really got into them with love in my heart. I've always been on the fence with clowns.
I breed for me; I keep what I want not what my customers want and clowns don't really fit into my likes at this point.
I'm also looking to downsize my collection at the end of this year to focus on more specific morphs and crosses and clowns are first on the chopping block.

THink this is a great way to work - people are more likely to put the extra timne and effort into a product that THEY love rather than just producing things that they feel they have to. Looking forward to baby pics!!