View Full Version : Enclosure Temps?

05-10-11, 02:19 PM
70% humidity, 105 deg basking area (24 hrs), 85 deg ambient temp (24 hrs). 12/12 day night schedule. Using a 100 watt nocturnal infrared heat lamp for the basking area and a flourescent light strip for day light. Not using an under tank heater. Should I be turning off the heat lamp at night also to allow it to cool down during the night.

05-12-11, 01:46 AM
what snake are you housing???

for my boa i have a 75w or a 100w red bulb. (depending how hot it is) i tried turning it off one night and i checked the temps with my digital thermometer and they dropped wayyy too much. it was dropping to the low 60's and it hadn't even been off for very long. i leave the 75w or the 100w on all the time.

i find that my houses ambient temp drops at night and that lowers the snakes viv's temps a little bit.

05-12-11, 03:53 AM
Seriously temps and humidity that high for a boa? I dont think any boa have the need for those temps

05-12-11, 04:15 AM
Seriously temps and humidity that high for a boa? I dont think any boa have the need for those temps

he never said boa, that's why i asked. i was just saying my experience with his question and my boa. also i don't know if the weather is the same as where i am.

05-12-11, 04:31 AM
In his welcome post he says he has a RTB :)

05-12-11, 04:42 AM
And its posted in the boa section

05-12-11, 06:40 AM
Maby the boa likes to swim in his substrate, you never know.

05-12-11, 07:11 AM
Wow way too much for a boa lol 80 ambient 90-91 basking area 50-60% humidity

05-12-11, 05:33 PM
Yeah it's a boa. I had the thermometer up closer to the bulb. That's why it was so high. Moved it down a couple inches from bottom and now its 90 in the basking area. Same with the ambient temp. Ambient temp is 80ish

05-12-11, 09:03 PM
What is the temp of the substrate on basking side and have you fixed your humidity level?

05-14-11, 03:06 PM
Don't have a way to measure the substrate temp. Humidity is 50%.

05-14-11, 04:41 PM
I'm surprised none of the big guns have jumped on this yet?

You should deffinetly try to find a way to messaure substrate temps.
Are you useing one of those stick against the wall, point with a needle, things - those are basically useless. :O
If you can't afford a fancy temp gun, try getting something with a probe, and digital. Not perfect but atleast you can move if around and measure different temp. levels.

05-15-11, 02:27 AM
I have a cheap temp gun made by zilla that i use for that at most on baskin side it should be 95 degrees on substrate any more can harm ur snake humidity sounds good at 50% cool end should be around 85 degrees

05-15-11, 11:44 AM
Get a thermometer with a probe. Zoomed makes a real cheap one thats like $10 or less online that works great. Then if you have a rheostat on your heat light you can dial it up or down to change the temp.

05-15-11, 01:07 PM
look around at your local home hardware stores many of them sell temp guns for dirt cheap and theyre an awesome way to go!

05-15-11, 02:29 PM
They are all stick ons with needles. Got this snake and setup from a reptile show. They didn't explain anything except how and what to feed her. Came with a flex watt strip but no thermostat. Direct plug in the wall. It melted and almost caught my house on fire. No temp or humidity was even talked about. That figures right? So I'm learning as I go now. I'm building the bigger cage and trying to do it right and give her all the requirements to make her a happy snake. I joined this forum for information and help. I do appreciate all the help that some of you are giving me.

05-15-11, 03:06 PM
Thermostats are worth the investment for sure. If you have any more questions, please ask.

05-15-11, 08:30 PM
Im not trying to be mean or rude or any of that but why if you knew nothing of the requirements did you get her?

05-15-11, 08:37 PM
Im not trying to be mean or rude or any of that but why if you knew nothing of the requirements did you get her?

doesn't really matter now that it's already done, does it? ;)

all that matters now is that they have all the proper husbandry info.

05-18-11, 07:24 AM
Im not trying to be mean or rude or any of that but why if you knew nothing of the requirements did you get her?

In his defense, my first snake was an impulse buy that I knew almost nothing about. It was a baby albino burm, and I was 10. :no: I didn't know. I didn't KNOW!

Anyway, long story short, she was big, even by burm standards. By the time I was 15, she was roughly 17 feet long and rather aggressive...and I was still living with my parents.:sorry:

I had to get rid of her (parent's orders), but I loved that snake and she's what turned me on to herpetoculture for life!

05-18-11, 11:30 AM
^^^Thanks. My at the time girlfriend bought me this snake for Christmas. I'm a pet guy. My house was like a petting zoo. I had snakes, spiders, dogs, cats, blue gold macaws, an african gray and a chameleon all at the same time. My boa is healthy, has a very good appetite and loves to cuddle. So I have to be doing something right. Right?

05-18-11, 12:20 PM
I was just curious when i asked that didnt mean to offend just wanted to know. Have you got the temps and humidity right?