View Full Version : Help!! I've adopted 2 ball pythons in need of TLC!

01-04-03, 04:54 PM
HI!! I run a pet store down here in FL and the owner took in 2 sub adult ball pythons. I've never seen such damage in snakes!! Who ever owned them before didn't love them at all! One is so skinny you can see what I'm assuming is it's spine it's flesh (or what's left of any muscle tone) just hangs there's no strength or firmness at all, but he did eat 2 mice last nite. The second one is much fatter but has a tear about 5-6" down it's belly along the scutes. Horrible, any advise how to make these babies all better! I want to help them all I can, I can see beauties underneath all the mess. Any help and info I and the snakes would be appreciated!! Thanks =o)
P.S. should I let them eat as much as they want?? I have plenty I breed my own rodents. :D

01-04-03, 05:05 PM
Get out the credit card and go to the vet. Assuming that they are in two different cages and have at least two hide boxes and have a hot spot of 90-95 and lots of fresh water. Also keep them on paper towel for the first few days so the mites will be easy to spot. Also check for ticks and retained skin from a previous shed, check the tip of the tail. They are probably dehydrated and will need to be checked for internal parasites. Some people just treat any new snake that comes into their collection whether it needs it or not. Anyway all that being said if one is that bad and the other one had a laceration then my advice is to take them to a vet. If they were dogs and in that shape I know I would.
Good luck,
No do not over feed them you'll tax their systems and make it worse. Feed them smaller then usual meals would be what I would do.

01-04-03, 05:05 PM
That's horrible...I have no advise to offer only good wishes...best of luck...

01-04-03, 05:12 PM
Thanks soooo much, I've checked for mites and ticks all clear there!! I thought that about the food, my instincts were right on! I'll do just that! I knew I count on you guys here!! Any more advice just keep it coming the more I learn the better!! When I get these guys in good condition I'll post pics! I'll do better before and after pics! I have a positive thoughts they'll be ok. Thanks again!! AYMKING :D

01-04-03, 05:13 PM
Thanks Turbo for the good wishes, that means alot :)

01-04-03, 05:15 PM
did u mean the tear was 5-6" inches Down. or the tear's length is 5-6" .. if it's a small tear a little ways down it could be it's bellybutton :-D


Corey Woods
01-04-03, 05:19 PM
Don't feed the skinny snake a lot of food in the beginning. If the snake is thin you'll kill it if you feed it a big meal. Hatchlings are most succeptable to this but adults can as well. If they are really skinny and you feed them a big meal they will live for about 1-2 days and then they will die on you.

All I can say is keep them dry, clean and get them eating on a regular basis. You can put some polysporin on the rips in the skin. Use the polysporin gel as it will stay on better than the cream. You can also use Neosporin as well (samething just a different manufacturer).

Personally speaking a vet isn't going to be able to do much more than what is described above. Balls are quite hardy so if you take good care of them they should make it threw alright.

Good Luck,

01-04-03, 05:19 PM
No that's the length of it :(

01-04-03, 05:22 PM
Thanks Corey, the skinny one ate a small mouse and one a little bigger about a half an hour later, I hope it doesn't hurt him. When should he eat again??

01-04-03, 06:21 PM
wow actually u should be lucky that a ball abused as bad as those are, are actually feeding!


01-04-03, 08:16 PM
Good luck with their recovery.

01-06-03, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Pythonian
wow actually u should be lucky that a ball abused as bad as those are, are actually feeding!


my thought exactly. they may look a little rough around the edges now but if they are eating i have a feeling they are gunna both be back in action in no time. good luck!

01-06-03, 01:58 PM
Good luck on the new ball pythons.. it's sad that people will let them get that bad off.
If your description of the snakes skin just hanging off is correct they may also be dehydrated. Soaking in a 50/50 water pedialyte mix for a half hour or so will probably help that some.
You should get them on a normal feeding schedule.... feeding every seven days if they will take.

Good luck!!!