View Full Version : Incubation, what do you use?

01-04-03, 04:41 PM
I’m trying to get an idea about what to do about an incubator for this year. I may just go buy a hovabator because I’m too nervous to try and build one. I am mechanically inclined, I build RC Planes and cars, but they don’t have to help create life. I just don’t know if I trust a homemade job. Can some one please post pics of what they use and how they built them.

01-04-03, 04:45 PM
I'm going to try the 250 watt submersible heater in a 10 gal tank idea. It looks easy enough:)

01-04-03, 05:25 PM
Depends on what you're incubating man. All reptile eggs were not created equal. Not even close.

So I cannot answer your question. :(

01-04-03, 05:39 PM
Good point Jeff:)

I'm using this for Cal Kings... if they produce;)

01-04-03, 06:10 PM
Cut down the wattage of that submersible Cranwill. Although an aquarium isn't the best choice for an incubator (glass loses heat too fast) you won't need that much juice man. 75W max for a 10gallon tank. I use a 250W heater for an incubator that holds 8 11.4L Rubbermaids and its almost too much. Remember, the better the insulation, the less heat that's lost, and the less the heater's thermostat kicks on and off (wear and tear).


01-04-03, 06:24 PM
Cool. I haven't bought it yet, so I'll just get the 75W. Any other tips????

01-04-03, 06:40 PM
True but cant an incubator be maid to be adjustable? Can a hovabtor be used this year for corns and next year for BPs? This year it will be corns.

01-04-03, 06:41 PM
Yeah, don't let the cage (Rubbermaid) that's IN the aquarium touch the water, as the temps will skyrocket. I have it at least 2 inches abover the water line. Use lots of bricks as they work as a great heat sink. Ummmm......that's about it I guess.

01-04-03, 06:43 PM
Right on.

Thanks Jeff.

01-04-03, 07:34 PM
Jeff: do you have any pics of this sort of setup?

01-04-03, 07:59 PM
Incubators can be adjustable, but I have many different things laying at the same time. I can't use a Milk incubator for Carpets or Balls, and I can't use a monitor incubator for anything but monitors (and maybe not even that!).

If its for corns, use a styrofoam box, line it with plastic, fill it with water, put a 100W heater in it, then place a small Rubbermaid with vermiculite in it on bricks above the water and set the temps for 86F. Corn eggs are bullet-proof. You basically have to put them in the freezer to kill them.

01-04-03, 08:24 PM
I use a shoebox with spaghnum moss and place that over a human heating pad [set on low] on inch high "feet" [pieces of scrap 1x2]

had 100% hatch rate with my corns.. the heating pad kept them at 83.. and I had the lid on with about 20 3mm holes in it so the humidity was good..

01-04-03, 08:28 PM
Can you post some pics Jeff? The instructions are simple and straight forward but I always make things harder then they need to be. How do I line it, what type plastic do I use, how much water do I use. Will my reytek be enough of should I put in a thermostat with a max/min memory? What about a lid, do I just put the fish box lid on, do I need air holes? Do I wet the vermiculite or just leave it. Should it be straight vermiculite or do I mix perilite in there too? Do I just run the cord for the heater out though the top or through the side and then seal it. Man these are just some of the question that come to mind. This whole incubation thing has got me freaking, like you cant tell.
Any pics?

01-04-03, 09:27 PM
See? This is why I think we need a "breeding" forum. I want all these answers too and it is a very specific topic.

Any supporters out there??:)

01-04-03, 09:34 PM
Yes cranwill i verry much agrea with you on this :) :)

01-05-03, 04:19 AM
Ha ha Cranwill, but hatching and incubating eggs is not "breeding" snakes! That happens before the eggs. So now you'll need TWO forums.


01-05-03, 10:23 AM
Well what about a general breeding/incubation/neonate husbandry forum. Or something like that, we need to start somewhere and then adjust as needed.
So can some please post pics of their incubators? I'm a visual learner; I need to see with my eyes.
Thanks again,

01-05-03, 07:45 PM
general breeding/incubation/neonate husbandry forum ??

?? Isn't that what these forums we have now are?

01-05-03, 09:50 PM
Well, yeah, I guess so. Now listen smart @##! Stop pointing out the common sense in my post and help get something set up before I have an ulcer over this stupid thing!
Can you tell I'm getting stressed?

01-06-03, 02:41 AM
Email me at:


01-06-03, 05:30 AM
LOL Boid ya just have 2 love jeff,s cense of humor right 2 the point lmao :) :)

herp krayzee
01-08-03, 05:55 PM
Try to find Scotty Allens webpage or try and get in contact with him the last I cchecked he had a step by step guide to building an incubator out of those cheap styrofaom coolers and an aquarium heater hope this helps

01-08-03, 07:50 PM
Thanks everyone and a BIG thank you to our forums most sarcastic member Mr. Favelle. Thanks to him I know have an incubator up and running in my herp room for the low price of about $30. All I had to buy was the egg box and the heater.
Thanks again,