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01-04-03, 04:09 PM
whats the differences between a wild catched ball and a farm rasied in africa one?...:confused:

01-04-03, 04:25 PM
A wild caught ball python is what the name implies. A farm raised or captive hatched is a ball python that is born in Africa. Snake hunters collect the gravid females keep them till they lay their eggs and then export them. When the eggs hatch then the new snakes are exported too. The mother is wild caught and the babies are captive hatched. Apparently now what is done is that in Africa ball pythons are collected and basically farmed. They hold back the adults and ship off the newborn babies. This is farm raised. In 1991 6500 balls were exported to the US alone. At that rate there wont be any balls left for very long. I’m glad farm programs have started but personally if a snake comes from Africa, or anywhere else for that matter, then to me it’s an import, and I feel that an import is an import. If it’s a ball python and it’s in a pet store then you can bet that 90% of the time it’s an import. Ball pythons are readably available in Canada and the US from private breeders there is almost no reason to by a ball from a pet store.

01-04-03, 04:29 PM
yeh but i think that if you get a captive bread you would be better off cuz

01-04-03, 05:03 PM
CB's are way better then wild caught!! Wild caught as I have learned the hard way, need to get used to there enclosures don't really like to be handled at first and mine anyway didn't want to eat and was fairly thin, and had ticks. Some even have other parasites like worms. I agree most pet stores carry wild caught balls, I know I run a pet store, and we have had some cb from people selling there personal pets to us, but most from our suppliers are wild caught, I can sure tell a difference now.

Corey Woods
01-04-03, 05:26 PM
The export quota from Togo and Ghana last year was 250,000 Balls. Most of the larger importers in the USA bring in anywhere from 15,000-50,000 each. In years past they used to just mainly ship out the CH Babies and release most of the WC adults back into the wild. Now what I've been told is that when the eggs are laid they are hatched and instead of letting the mother go back into the wild she is shipped over to Asia to be eaten as a delicacy (as they are running out of their own snakes to eat).

CB is always better than WC.


01-04-03, 08:21 PM
how many of the quota are live and how many are skins?

01-04-03, 08:40 PM
think that someone could make a large sum of money if they lived in Asia or other countries where snake is considered food, by breeding and selling for food. I mean the facts are that even though its "weird" to us, its part of other peoples cultures and I would wonder why no on is doing that?

I guess I am a nut ball but damn if they are eating that many snakes (of course that entire number is not all for food! haha) that means they are paying money for each one!


01-04-03, 08:48 PM
aymking ....yes ur very right because i got a ball python wild caught and it has a upper restpatorie infection and had shed caps on its eyes so it was pretty much blind...so we took it back and got a red tail boa and my dad cleaned the cage with CRL and then he didnt rinse it out good enough so the snake ended up DEAD....it was a very good snake with a very nice cage i wish i still had her...