View Full Version : Carpet Genetics??

05-06-11, 01:19 AM
Can someone explain to me about how carpet python genetics work. Which ones are localities and which ones are morphs? If anyone can make a list that would be awesome!!

red ink
05-06-11, 03:22 AM
Can someone explain to me about how carpet python genetics work. Which ones are localities and which ones are morphs? If anyone can make a list that would be awesome!!

reduce pattern

Anything with a name of a place attached to it (excludes Australian species)

05-06-11, 05:33 AM
That pretty much explains it.

And then there are different breeds:

05-07-11, 06:09 PM
The carpet pythons that you would normally find in the wild are the Coastals, Irian Jayas, Jungles, Bredli, Darwin, and I think 2 other species. The morphs are Coastal Jags, Zebra Jungle, Super Zebra, Albino Darwin, Albino Jag, Caramel Jag, Jungle Jag, Irian Jaya Jag, Bredli jag, Irian Jaya Granite, and some others.

Coffee Black
05-07-11, 06:44 PM
Moreliapythons.com is a good place to learn all this. Good, obsessed folks over there.

05-07-11, 11:12 PM
lol thanks guys i was pondering this for some time now. My female some kind of Coastal but I have no idea what kind...

05-08-11, 01:21 AM
Hey all, just a quick carpet question....
A loooot of people on this forum have carpets, why? Just curious if they are a good possible next purchase ;)

red ink
05-08-11, 01:52 AM
Hey all, just a quick carpet question....
A loooot of people on this forum have carpets, why? Just curious if they are a good possible next purchase ;)

They are stunning snakes and quite easy to care for.... placid as well.
To fully understand the "carpet obssesion" you really need to see them in the flesh, hold and have a play.

Particularly if you find one of these...



05-08-11, 02:04 AM
That is quite stunning! I've had my very first snake for a month now... And I must say, once I learn all my brain can absorb about Royals, I don't think I'll be able to refrain from aquiring another beautiful slithery friend :)

05-08-11, 03:49 AM
Carpets are much easier to care for than royals, in the uk at ambient humidity of 50% we need do nothing i. Terms of changing humidity, the majority eat like champs, they can be nippy when young but then you have the enjoyable challenge of calming them down and the satisafaction when you can take them from the viv and handle for a while without losing any blood. We have one and i will be extremely surprised if more dont appear through the course of our snake keeping career. :)

05-08-11, 06:28 AM
Carpet pythons are amazing snakes IMO. Atm, I only have a Coastal Jag but in the future, I plan on having about 20 carpet pythons or so. They are very easy to care for. They are pretty active snakes and they just don't lay there like Ball pythons do. They come in a lot of morphs and sizes from the 5 feet Irian jayas to the 9 feet or so Coastals. This is my Jag , Chaos. I can't wait to have more.

Coffee Black
05-08-11, 10:29 AM
I seem to have always enjoyed them. Easy to care for. Great feeders. I love the slender build of them the most. You have an impressively long snake without the girth that many other pythons and boas come with. They are spectacular pets and spectacular display animals. I really think carpets are well on their way to dethroning the ball python as best pet snake.

05-08-11, 10:53 AM
carpet pythons are like potatoe chips, you cant just have one :) i really enjoy working with them, they are pretty active, its always cool feeding them as they hang off branches, calm snakes with some proper husbandry. forgiving if you make a few mistakes with your temps and humidity, as is they dont seem to get sick very easy, rather easy to get food for, in a pinch you can feed them prey that you would normally not expect a snake of its size to be able to eat, and they have great feeding responses, just a real all around great snake to keep IMHO.

05-08-11, 02:23 PM
Oh definetly just look at them! once i saw this guy, HAD to get him! Carpets are amazing snakes!



05-08-11, 04:45 PM
Had to join in with the pics :)

Here is my JCP Jim

05-08-11, 10:27 PM
Hey Jim, Meat Mogli
Just got him a Fog Machine I was testing it out she was very curious.

05-08-11, 11:05 PM
Oh wow "Meat" mogli maybe I shouldn't post while I'm trying to fight the Sand Man

05-09-11, 04:30 AM
Oh my goodness, absolutely like potato chips. I was all ball pythons until my best friend and I met and he introduced me to his pair of Coastal X Carpets. I fell in love! Bought one for myself, and we went into business together. The balls have gone by the wayside, though we still have them. We now have 6 Carpets and a Chondro, hunting for another one. They're addicting, just be prepared for housing differences between them and the balls. 6 of my balls take up a 2x3x4 foot area in their rack, but the carpets take up most the rest of the room haha.

Definitely, better feeding response, more interaction, and overall more fun to have and easier to care for then the royals!

05-09-11, 10:10 AM
Jay - do you have particularly low humidity where you are? Just wondering cos in the UK we consider carpets to be a "no humidity" snakes (in reality RH here is 50% anyway)

05-09-11, 10:22 AM
Hey Jim, Meat Mogli
Just got him a Fog Machine I was testing it out she was very curious.
I'd be careful with a screen top like that, easy place to get nose rub.
Nice snake though.

05-09-11, 10:28 AM
Jay - do you have particularly low humidity where you are? Just wondering cos in the UK we consider carpets to be a "no humidity" snakes (in reality RH here is 50% anyway)

Thanks for the concern, Very dry In here i have humidifiers, with that the humidity sits around 20 in the tanks in that room for some reason I found a wicked deal for 19 foggers i paid a little under 20 dollars for each. I run them evey hour for 3 or 4 minutes on low for my carpets

05-09-11, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the concern, Very dry In here i have humidifiers, with that the humidity sits around 20 in the tanks in that room for some reason I found a wicked deal for 19 foggers i paid a little under 20 dollars for each. I run them evey hour for 3 or 4 minutes on low for my carpets

Thats cool - just strange for a UK carpet owner to see someone adding humidity. Thought there was probably a very good reason for it tho!! :)

05-10-11, 07:55 AM
Ugh, humidity is so tough here! I dunno where Jay is at, but I'm up in the Northeast and spend most my days spraying down cages, or refilling humidifiers. It's terrible. I hate humidity though, I don't think I could deal with 50% naturally every day. :)

05-13-11, 12:36 PM
nice interesting thread thanks for the morphs and localitys on the 1st page.nice one.

05-13-11, 08:47 PM
Yah Ill show mine too these snakes are awsome