View Full Version : Question for ya....

04-22-02, 03:40 AM
A local pet shop(even though Im usually against them) has a colored cooks tree boa for sale. First of all, is there such thing as a colored cooks or is it just a colored amazon? I can get pics if ya like on tuesday. I was wonderin if I should snag it or not. Ive just never heard of a colored cooks before. Any help is appreciated.


04-22-02, 07:21 AM
I have never heard of a coloured Cook's either. But I do know that Cook's in general are somewhat rare in private collections, and most of them are usually Amazon's passed of as Cook's. I would be willing to bet that that is an Amazon in the pet store, not a Cook's.

04-22-02, 07:45 AM
i agree, I think its probably an amazon....if its nice and the price isnt outragous, go for it

04-22-02, 11:21 AM
I'm having a hard time telling apart those cook from some garden phase amazone. Could you look at these add and tell me what you think? The price is really low for a cook and there's one colored. But they look like cook to me... Could somebody explain what real cook are?


Darren Hamill
04-22-02, 06:46 PM
<center>The only real differances between Cooks Tree Boas <i> (Corallus cooki) </i> and Amazon Tree Boas <i> (Corallus hortulanus) </i> are scalation and gereral differances in appearance.

Amazon Tree Boas can come in all colors and patterns. Amazons are slightly larger and thicker then cooks as well. The scalation is as follows:

Superalabials (11-15)
Infra labials (17-20)
Dorsal scale rows at mid body(38-59)
Ventrals (270-299)
Subcaduals (103-130)

Cooks Tree Boas are some what placid in appearance. I personally have never seen a brightly colored cooks nor do I ever expect to unless it's an intergrade. Cooks scalation is as follows:

Dorsal scale rows at midbody (35-47)
Subcaudals in males (103-119)
Subcaudals in females (105-119)
Anal entire loreolabials (2-5)
Scales between supraorlabials (5-10)

I have seen few true cooks available in the past in U.S. collections but there are a few in Europen collections as well.

Here are two links with some description regarding the two:


I hope this helps :)

Darren Hamill


04-23-02, 02:39 AM
Ill let the pet shop know they are $@%@%$#

I went in and took a good look at it today, and held it and it definately is a colored amazon.

Thanks again everyone.