View Full Version : Found this cat outside.

Coffee Black
05-05-11, 10:11 PM
Just found this cat outside.


Male. He seems well fed and has a beautiful coat. Like someone's pet but he ran right up to us crying/meowing. Brought him in and he killed half a can of vet expensive cat food and is currently licking the bowl. We live on a street with a great many houses so he could easily be lost or just an outdoors cat.If he is outdoors then I'm calling it stupid as no house on this street is further than 15 feet from the road. I'm torn between holding on to him and hoping someone comes looking for him or letting him back outside. No collar or tags.

05-05-11, 10:14 PM
it's a tough call.

our cat "just showed up" one day, that was in 2006.

05-05-11, 10:15 PM
If hes healthy I wouldn't worry about it.
Generally when a cat has been roaming for any long period of time it gets mites/flees and burrs/thorns in its fur.

Best let it go back to a home where it was being taken care of and hopefully loved.

05-05-11, 10:17 PM
If hes healthy I wouldn't worry about it.
Generally when a cat has been roaming for any long period of time it gets mites/flees and burrs/thorns in its fur.

Best let it go back to a home where it was being taken care of and hopefully loved.

I agree, i never really liked cats though lol

05-05-11, 10:20 PM
I think that if you are on a busy street and someone let their cat roam they aren't 100% responsible owners. We live on a busy road and I wouldn't dare let my cat roam around. I just love my kitty way to much to see her run over by either an accident or malicious intent. If he is owned they didn't care enough about him to put a collar on him with tags...which is required by law to prove he doesn't have rabies at the very least.

05-05-11, 10:20 PM
I agree, i never really liked cats though lol

I don't personally dislike cats but i don't like them. My family owns one and i can tell you right now that during the summer shes the spawn of Satan, we cant open the windows for a second, or risk having bleeding possibly alive rodents on our PILLOWS and inside our shoes... spent 2 hours trying to catch a freaking bat in my basement last year that she brought us.

05-05-11, 10:23 PM
I think that if you are on a busy street and someone let their cat roam they aren't 100% responsible owners. We live on a busy road and I wouldn't dare let my cat roam around. I just love my kitty way to much to see her run over by either an accident or malicious intent. If he is owned they didn't care enough about him to put a collar on him with tags...which is required by law to prove he doesn't have rabies at the very least.

Most cats, including my own are smart enough to look both ways before crossing.
Regarding the collar, my cat gets hers shredded at least once a year in fights with random wild animals and other cats and dogs (she looks like she was beaten with a bat, broken spine etc) but shes still healthy as hell and could probably take anything that comes her way. Its not abnormal for a cat to either squirm out of its collar if the owner "didn't want to suffocate the cat" (not claiming this makes them smart in any way, there is a difference between tight and TIGHT) and to just lose said collar in a fight.

05-05-11, 10:24 PM
I don't personally dislike cats but i don't like them. My family owns one and i can tell you right now that during the summer shes the spawn of Satan, we cant open the windows for a second, or risk having bleeding possibly alive rodents on our PILLOWS and inside our shoes... spent 2 hours trying to catch a freaking bat in my basement last year that she brought us.

hahaha bloody rats on pillows! I cant think of much worse a "pet" could do.

05-05-11, 10:25 PM
hahaha bloody rats on pillows! I cant think of much worse a "pet" could do.

My ex-girlfriend slept over last year, the cat had put a mouse on the triangular hinge on the open window, when she closed the window it split the mouse in half from left foot to right arm. She never came over after that:P

05-05-11, 10:27 PM
Felix (RIP) disemboweled and ate a mouse on my chest while I was sleeping one night out in the camper.

I never found out until I put my hand in the yuk, and turned on the light to see what it was.

05-05-11, 10:29 PM
Felix (RIP) disemboweled and ate a mouse on my chest while I was sleeping one night out in the camper.

I never found out until I put my hand in the yuk, and turned on the light to see what it was.

Did you let the cat clean off your hand? :P

Coffee Black
05-05-11, 10:31 PM
Our cats routinely lose their collars and replacements are always needed ( inside cats!) so with that knowledge we put him back outside. He has obviously been well loved and cared for so I'll go for another cig in an hour or so and if he is still roaming around he will be coming inside for the night. Its cold out, even for May :D I have off tomorrow and a new ink cartridge.

05-05-11, 10:33 PM
@ Stephanbakir

hahahah i cant imagine what you said after that!

@ Infernalis What a way to wake up... Thats just horrible.

05-05-11, 10:40 PM
hahahah i cant imagine what you said after that!

I cleaned it up, then made a poorly timed joke and that was it:P

05-06-11, 07:41 AM
OUr cats dont need to have collars in the UK but they are Microchipped. We rarely see out two in the summer months as they spend 90% of the time off hunting and exploring.

We do get daily presents left in the kitchen tho so we know they are alive! Birds, slowworms, mice, frogs anything small enough to be picked up and brought home really.

Remembering that summer isnt really here yet we are up to 25 sloworms so far this year already - gonna be a looong summer!!

05-06-11, 10:57 AM
Post some pics of slowworms:P I saw one in a private collection as a child and that was it.

05-06-11, 01:50 PM
Next time some get "dropped off" i will try to remember to get some pics.