View Full Version : Timor monitor questions

05-05-11, 04:00 AM
Where i get my feeders from is a reptile specific shope and they have a couple of smal timor monitors ive not seen much about them so im curious if anyone can tell me anything about them

05-05-11, 06:38 AM
I think i have a old reptile magazine with a article on them. I just have to find it. Ton to go threw.

05-05-11, 08:37 AM
Where i get my feeders from is a reptile specific shope and they have a couple of smal timor monitors ive not seen much about them so im curious if anyone can tell me anything about them

they stay pretty small for a monitor. not too easy to handle. almost all monitors (or herps for that matte) that are imported will have parasites. monitors are notorious for this. if you are in the market for a monitor, i would only recommend buying a cbb specimen. unless the seller is willing to pay for a vet check up.

05-05-11, 09:48 AM
Most of what this place has is cbb but im not buying just learning right now

05-05-11, 10:25 AM
From memory Timors are definitely one of the least social monitors in terms of human/reptile interaction.

05-05-11, 12:08 PM
If you are after a larger monitor that is known to be really tame, the asian water monitors are fantastic animals to own.

All I know about the ones your referring to is they don't like to be touched, kinda like GTPs.