View Full Version : Super Rat

01-04-03, 01:49 PM
I didn't take the photo.

Katey showed me this, I'd hate to run into it in a dark alley some where.


01-04-03, 03:51 PM
Man, that's a biggie!:D

01-04-03, 03:52 PM
Is that one of those Gambian rats?

01-04-03, 04:44 PM
Yes, it is a Gambian rat. You can find more info on this species here (http://www.altpet.net/rodents/cricetomys/)

01-05-03, 01:43 PM
i know a few people with those rats..however, no word of a lie, my pet rat "charlie" is almost that big...some people come over and literally say "krissy, why do you have a beaver in that cage?"

01-06-03, 04:25 PM
Holy moncho rat. I know of a many burms and retics that would be crazy for that rat

01-06-03, 06:18 PM
big one, though sewer rats from New York and wharf rats in Seattle can give it a run for it's size lol

01-08-03, 04:33 PM
we have a huge rat at college...and he sits on my shoulder. its like having a guinnea pig sitting on you shoulder! i would love a huge pet rat! time to get looking for one of there :) ::rubs hands together hehe...

looked on a site they sell for $199 ea. ..............i dont think ill be getting one of those!!! maybe a mistake...pAH!

01-08-03, 05:16 PM
Those are the excact sized rats i feed to my rock pythons .. shes ate 3 of those once! lol

Does anyone know if they are as aesy to breed as the regular rats? If so i need to get me some of those!

01-09-03, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Dom
Those are the excact sized rats i feed to my rock pythons .. shes ate 3 of those once! lol

Does anyone know if they are as aesy to breed as the regular rats? If so i need to get me some of those!

i don't have any first hand knowledge but the info from different web sites state they take about 5 months to hit sexual maturity, 8 to adult, and gestation is 1 month with litters of up to 5 babies.

01-09-03, 09:10 AM
tx Lisa for the info - lol too much work for snake food then!

01-09-03, 05:18 PM
They also sell for about 200$ usd....

01-20-03, 02:45 PM
I live in st pete florida. We have a store called cage it, that has african rats. They are atleast twice the size of that one if not more. But they are vicious!!!! If you walk by the cage they come out of hiding and try to get you. Sells for 200 dollars a peice and only 3 to a litter. No thanx rabbits are easier.