View Full Version : awesome shed

05-01-11, 04:21 PM
i've been spraying the crap out of my bp's viv the last few days because he was in blue. my aunt came over and asked how he was so i had a look and he had a BEAUTIFUL shed. he has a few scales on the top of his head but that's no big deal. it was balled up in one piece, i ripped the tail up trying to unravel it.


and just for good measure....

05-01-11, 04:40 PM
WOW!!! That is amazing. I see the eye caps too. Since Ive been on this site, seeing the ball pythons, I am so in love. That is my next snake for sure <3

05-01-11, 04:41 PM
Nice, my bp always sheds in a little rolled up ball too, real pain in the butt to try to unravel for checking and measuring.

05-02-11, 04:09 AM
yea, i wonder how they get their shed into a tight little ball like that.

05-02-11, 08:25 AM
yea, i wonder how they get their shed into a tight little ball like that.

uh, they roll it off of them. same fashion as if you rolled a long sock off your leg.

05-02-11, 08:27 AM
True but all my other snakes leave a nice long shed skin stretched around the viv whilst my BP always leaves a wadded up little ball.

05-02-11, 08:33 AM
True but all my other snakes leave a nice long shed skin stretched around the viv whilst my BP always leaves a wadded up little ball.

yeah some leave rolled up and some don't. i think it's just all about the particular snake and how easy or difficult the shed is.

05-02-11, 09:09 AM
uh, they roll it off of them. same fashion as if you rolled a long sock off your leg.

I call those ones condom sheds :)

When I unroll them to check for eyecaps, it's like unrolling a condom :eek:

05-02-11, 09:19 AM
I call those ones condom sheds :)

When I unroll them to check for eyecaps, it's like unrolling a condom :eek:

and just how many have you unrolled?

....snake sheds, that is....

05-02-11, 10:13 AM
and just how many have you unrolled?

....snake sheds, that is....

Not a huge amount.... ;)

05-02-11, 10:18 AM
ok, what about the other thing? :eek:

jk, i don't want to know.

05-02-11, 10:19 AM
Congratulations on a one-piece shed. Keep in mind however, that a one-piece shed is not something rare that should be exhaulted and praised. ALL sheds should be one-piece sheds.

05-02-11, 12:58 PM
Mykee - do your balls roll their sheds up? Having multiple amounts of them you can give a more balanced response as to whether it is a common thing or not?

05-02-11, 01:50 PM
i'm aware all snakes should shed in one piece if healthy and with enough humudity.
when did i ever exhault or praise ;)

i was just more happy because he's only had a few sheds with me and the last one wasn't as whole.

05-02-11, 02:00 PM
Rob: 99% of the sheds here are rolled up. Usually with a "chocolatey" center... No fuss, no muss.
Tea: I didn't mean it as an affront to you, sorry.

05-02-11, 02:04 PM
Rob: 99% of the sheds here are rolled up. Usually with a "chocolatey" center... No fuss, no muss.
Tea: I didn't mean it as an affront to you, sorry.

Thanks for the info! It is only our ball that does this so quite possibly it is a quirk of the species! And yes quite often ours has that lovely chocolatey centre! Thankfully the first time it happened it was the wife that poked at it and said "whats that?" :rolleyes::yes::)

05-02-11, 02:06 PM
no problem mykee, what you said makes sense lol. i just feel like venom doesn't think before he posts sometimes. i asked why it was smushed into a little ball. SOME of it Was rolled up like that, but for the most part it was just mashed into a little ball on the ground inside his hide next to him lol.

and of course i know how snakes shed and why it wuold be inside out or rolled up, i just didn't get why it's crushed into a tiny ball.

05-02-11, 03:21 PM
You're welcome.

05-02-11, 03:23 PM
Every single one of my snakes sheds in full.

Some are rolled up, some are left stretched. :)

05-02-11, 03:41 PM
mk, just for you though bud.

oh wait, look at that. i said nothing about it being rolled up, funny.

imagine a snake skin smushed into a ball.

No, we are referring to your post that I originally replied to, and quoted. You only asked how its shed was rolled into a ball. I answered THAT question, hence why I quoted only THAT question.

05-02-11, 03:44 PM
yea, i wonder how they get their shed into a tight little ball like that.

This is the question I answered. I don't see any mention of anything being crushed in the above statement.

05-02-11, 03:54 PM
actually he just shed a few weeks ago, i took some pics of the shed and i was thinking about taking him out for a few minutes, so i'll snap some pics.

05-02-11, 03:59 PM
Sweet Im just trying how to figure out my new cam lol looking forward to the pics

05-02-11, 04:01 PM
i got my digital camera from my dad, and it used to have an issue with the connector to the memory stick. he got it fixed but now it's back worse then ever. the thing is constantly saying there is no memory stick and i have to shake it or whack it to get the connection back in place. i have no doubt it will die altogether at some point lol.

i asked my dad how much the fix was and he said i might as well buy a new camera xD.

05-02-11, 04:06 PM
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read the rules guy, i don't see me getting banned for telling the truth about your aggresive, abrasive attitude.
true i could have worded it better, but i feel you are just a know it all who just wants to fight with people.
NOT TO MENTION snitch on people at the first sign of conflict. grow up.

oh wait....i mentioned it.

not to mention, yet again, another thread is derailed because of the bickering.
good thing the o/p doesn't care.