View Full Version : hello , snake peeps!

04-30-11, 11:27 PM
Im a fellow snake lover , dont breed or collect just love the ones ive got . I currently have a disabled ball python , kenyan sand boa , rosy boa , 2 dumerils boas, a florida king and a sunbeam :).

05-01-11, 01:18 AM

05-01-11, 01:19 AM
Im a fellow snake lover , dont breed or collect just love the ones ive got . I currently have a disabled ball python , kenyan sand boa , rosy boa , 2 dumerils boas, a florida king and a sunbeam :).

i'd say you do collect, and have a nice collection at that! just curious, how is your ball disabled?

05-01-11, 03:39 AM
Welcome, would love to see some pics!!

05-01-11, 03:54 AM
Welcome to the forum! Please enjoy your stay and anytime you need to ask a question feel free to do so. And yes yes please allow us to see some of your pictures!

05-01-11, 06:08 AM
hello :)

05-01-11, 07:22 AM
Hey Welcome to sNAKESs!!!:)

05-01-11, 07:51 AM
Hello and welcome! Love to see pictures of all your snakes.

05-01-11, 08:06 AM
hi and welcome, hope you enjoy the site :)

05-01-11, 08:20 AM
hello and welcome

i to am curious as to what disability your python has

cheers shaun

05-01-11, 12:02 PM
he was surrendered to a local rescue after being found stuck to a uth, he has lots of scar tissue as alot of flesh came off when they peeled him off. He has three very large deformitities of his spine , big lumps where the bone has fused together in an odd way, possible impact injuries or maybe birth defects, anyway it restricts his use of the last half of his body! I will get some pics this week and post them!

05-01-11, 01:12 PM
Aww bummer - sounds like a fighter tho - usually find you build a tight relationship with an animal that has been nursed back to health or that you have to take a lot of time to bind with. Look forward to the pics!

05-01-11, 01:26 PM
he was surrendered to a local rescue after being found stuck to a uth, he has lots of scar tissue as alot of flesh came off when they peeled him off. He has three very large deformitities of his spine , big lumps where the bone has fused together in an odd way, possible impact injuries or maybe birth defects, anyway it restricts his use of the last half of his body! I will get some pics this week and post them!

Im sure there are lots of people that would prefer not to own a snake with deformities. Much respect in your decision to own and care for this snake. I am interested in seeing pictures to, oh and welcome.

05-01-11, 01:51 PM
Welcome!!! Poor little guy. Sounds like hes a fighter. Lookin forward to photos. I have a Kenyan sand boa :)

05-01-11, 02:16 PM
he was surrendered to a local rescue after being found stuck to a uth, he has lots of scar tissue as alot of flesh came off when they peeled him off. He has three very large deformitities of his spine , big lumps where the bone has fused together in an odd way, possible impact injuries or maybe birth defects, anyway it restricts his use of the last half of his body! I will get some pics this week and post them!

so.... the uth was inside the cage?

05-01-11, 02:51 PM
Would love to see some pictures of your python to better understand his defects, (I just keep pictureing the 'odd ball' from ballpython.ca. ) -as well as the rest of you collection.
And I'm also interested in what sick venom asked...was the uth inside the viv? :S If not, do you know how this happened :S

05-01-11, 04:20 PM
do not know where the uth was or really any details , i adopted him from his first care giver , he didnt eat for a whole year and she expected him to pass on , but he has been eating for over a year now!

05-01-11, 04:42 PM
do not know where the uth was or really any details , i adopted him from his first care giver , he didnt eat for a whole year and she expected him to pass on , but he has been eating for over a year now!

Thats awesome!!! Glad to hear he is doing well!

05-01-11, 11:09 PM
ur awesome! welcome!

05-02-11, 12:53 AM
Welcome, I think you will love it here!