View Full Version : Jag or Not ???

red ink
04-28-11, 12:12 AM
Hi guys,

Opinions...... (not mine or my pic)


04-28-11, 12:16 AM
awesome whatever it is.

04-28-11, 02:51 AM

He is a jungle jaguar...Very nice carpet..:)

red ink
04-28-11, 08:05 AM
Anyone else have an opinion on this one??

04-28-11, 08:16 AM
jag. nice color.

04-28-11, 09:36 AM
If it is a jag, it has a heavy pattern. Most jags usually have a pretty reduced pattern. I heard if you look down the stomach and the middle is solid white than it is a jag.

04-28-11, 09:46 AM
It looks fantastic either way

04-28-11, 04:57 PM
It's a Jungle x Jag. A very nice one at that.

red ink
04-28-11, 05:08 PM
Very interesting guys in the opinions that its a JAG...

Firstly I would like to apologise as I was being very cheeky with this one.
That particular specimen doesn't have a drop of JAG gene in it...
It's a generational captive bred locality specific "pure" JCP....

One of many that the reptile breeders here are churning out these days. JAG genetics have miraculously started turning up here in OZ and most people are burying their heads in the sand about it... I have nothing against JAGs for the record I think they are stunning snakes.

04-28-11, 07:32 PM
I freaking knew it wasn't a jag. I thought the pattern was too heavy for it too be a jag lol. That is a very beautiful JCP. It is stunning.

As for jags, my jag is starting to show very slight neuro issues and I think I might not get any more and work with other types of carpets and womas.

Coffee Black
05-01-11, 04:36 PM
Gorgeous and looks quite satisfied with that big fat mid-section ha

05-06-11, 05:38 AM
Yea, I agree, it doesn't have the correct pattern to be a Jag. It's a very nice trophy jungle though either way, too bad you didn't have exact genetics on him. Breathtaking contrast.

red ink
05-06-11, 07:08 AM
Yea, I agree, it doesn't have the correct pattern to be a Jag. It's a very nice trophy jungle though either way, too bad you didn't have exact genetics on him. Breathtaking contrast.

What do you mean by exact genetics?

05-06-11, 07:12 AM
Assume he means that breeders give genetic history on snakes they sell so if you had this you would have a definitive answer

red ink
05-06-11, 07:15 AM
Assume he means that breeders give genetic history on snakes they sell so if you had this you would have a definitive answer

I do have a definitive answer on the species of that particular snake.....

05-09-11, 04:33 AM
Sorry, in all my wonderful blondeness I didn't realize that this was a test and you were the first poster until I went back through this haha! Congrats though, he is gorgeous, thanks for educating the general public. Lots of people look at them and go 'high contrast, that must be a jag' haha.