View Full Version : Anyone had a Carpet go in and out of Blue without actually shedding!?!?

04-27-11, 10:38 PM
Scarlett went into what I thought was shed las thursday (4/21/11), by Friday she was pretty far into blue:
And Monday:
She was exhibiting normal shed behavior, she has been extremely inactive since the 14th (she was feed on the 14th), she hasn't poo'd, or eaten since. Her color is a lot darker than normal on her back... seemingly every "pre-shed" characteristic. But look at these head shots from ~15 minutes ago:

No more blue, and no shed!

What's the deal?
She's very alert, and act's completely normal when I handle her, although when she was in blue she was a bit clumsier/disoriented (as expected).
Anyone experienced this before? Or have any ideas as to what's going on?

Not to say I'm worried... yet. But I'm really curious as to what input you guys would have on the subject.
Also, another main question, I was planning to feed her tomorrow. I'm leaving early Friday morning on a camping trip and won't be back until Sunday night. Opinions on that as well?

Thanks a lot guys!

red ink
04-27-11, 10:44 PM
Angle of the light mate... I've been wondering about that myself on my spotted then i picked her up to examine a while back and figured it was the angle of the light.

04-27-11, 10:50 PM
Not a carpet but my burm went into blue came back out and didn't shed for weeks

04-27-11, 10:55 PM
Angle of the light mate... I've been wondering about that myself on my spotted then i picked her up to examine a while back and figured it was the angle of the light.
I understand what you are getting at, and the angle of the light in the second pics definitely wasn't helping... but I actually pulled her out of the enclosure and examined her in different light. Her eyes are a little "clouded", but there is no visible bluing, and I can easily see her pupils again.

I'm very curious as to what happens with her in the near future.

Not a carpet but my burm went into blue came back out and didn't shed for weeks

04-28-11, 12:04 AM
i'm not sure if it's true of all snakes, but i noticed when i first got my dum that his eyes clear up a day or two before he actually sheds.

when i saw his eyes back to normal with no shed i was shocked, so i looked online and read that and sure enough he shed a few days later.

as for feeding, if she's hungry she'll eat i'd say.

very interesting, i just read this on a post online about someone's ball python. they were asking why its eyes unclouded and this was someone's response.

"When a snake is due for shedding they excreate a fluid between the old skin and the new one underneath, to detach it, this is the "blue stage". The fluid is then absorbed by the skin that is due to come off, to soften it. This is the "clear stage" just before shed starts. Humidity plays an important part in the process, preventing the old skin drying out prior to shed. Once the eyes have cleared is a good indication that shed is due very soon.
This is why it's so important not to handle the snake, during the process as any pressure applied can cause the old skin to stick back to the new and you will have a bad shed."

it makes sense to why my snakes sheds always feel somewhat soft.
my bp is in blue right now.

04-28-11, 12:30 AM
That is some awesome info Ninja!
Probably the most helpful post I've had in a long time.

Haven't handled her since yesterday, but I will stop completely for the time being. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens in the next few days. Since Monday I've been bumping up her humidity levels to around 70%, hoping to help with the process.
Thinking I'll offer food tomorrow, unless anyone has any info as to why that wouldn't be a good idea?

04-28-11, 02:17 AM
Snakes eyes clear up and look back to normal for a few days before they shed. The snake will also look normal again all over but dull.

Mine usually shed around 2 days after looking normal again.

Most of my snakes will still eat as normal when in blue.

04-28-11, 03:27 AM
this is also true for my brum. she went into blue for 2 days, then went back to normal look for 5 days then she finally shed...

04-28-11, 04:21 AM
I have a pic progression of my anery corn while in blue but photobucket is down right now so I can't post them!!

If it's up and running later I will post the pics :)

04-28-11, 04:31 AM
My JCP went 12 days after "blue" before shedding the last time - all my snakes go back to "normal" before shedding and some last longer than others.

04-28-11, 10:05 AM
Ok don't know if these pics will help anyone but they came in useful on another forum I am on.

Here my anery corn shows 4 different shedding stages.

First her belly turns milky:

A few days later her eyes cloud over and skin goes dull:

A few days later her eyes are clear but her skin is still dull:

A few days later she has shed and looks nice and shiny again!


04-28-11, 10:38 AM
Great pic progression!

Thanks for all the info everyone, you have eased my mind! Good knowing what to expect.

04-28-11, 05:15 PM
Thanks everyone, you were exactly right!