View Full Version : Custom Screen Top.

04-26-11, 08:13 AM
I have a fairly large glass aquarium that was made for my pine snake, and I'm starting to get really anxious to move him into it is as the enclosure he is in now is way too small for him. Only problem is I have yet to make a lid. How to Make an Aquarium Lid | eHow.com (http://www.ehow.com/how_4897270_make-aquarium-lid.html)
That was the plan I was thinking of following because it seems pretty simple but I was worried about how secure it would actually be... He's pretty big and strong, and the aquarium isn't too tall so it will be easy for him to push against the top. The webpage says to puchuse clips, but I don't really understand that. My corn snake has clips on her lid, and they slide under the black edgeing of the tank to keep it down. The larger aquarium I want to move Richard into doesn't have anything like that on it, it's just glass... I'll try to find my camera and take a picture because I'm bad at explaining things...
I just wanted to know what everyone else thought about this, or if they had any better plans I could use.

04-26-11, 08:23 AM
I have a brilliant concept that I promise to share when I get back home, I will go into details on how to make a fashionable and functional way to securely lock down a cover of this nature.

and no it does not involve stacking bricks on it.

04-26-11, 11:00 AM
Thanks Wayne! :)
Here's a picture of the tank in question just so you have a visual.
Please don't mind all the junk in it! lol, Cleaning my room right now and I've been tossing some stuff in there just to get out of the way for a moment. There's also two peices of extra glass there, that I'm not sure what to do with.

04-26-11, 03:38 PM
what you will need...

go to a home warehouse/construction supplier and pick up 2 pieces of plywood that are about one inch wider front to back and side to side.

for instance if the tank occupies 24 inches wide by 18 inches deep, then get 26x20 to allow 1 inch overhang on all 4 sides, then you will need 4 pieces of 1x2 cut to the same length as your tank is tall.

secure the 1x2 boards at all 4 corners of the bottom piece and set the tank on it,
the 1x2 boards will be snug with the surface, now line up the top piece and screw it down to the 1x2 boards.

Cut out a big window on top but only over 1/2 of the cage.

Cut out a "trap door" on the other side and secure hinges & a latch.

Now you have a half screen top with an access door, it should look good and function well.

Illustrations to follow...

04-26-11, 03:45 PM
Trying to picture this, but having a hard time. How do you attach the lid to the glass?

04-26-11, 03:58 PM
Cant picture it
if you can buy a trim from an aquarium store about $10 cdn
you can do this i have no troubles keeping a 50 - 60 % humidity with a daily mist

04-26-11, 04:00 PM


just put the tank in the middle where the writing is.

04-26-11, 04:01 PM
ever seen a pavilion at a park??

I like this one.. it's cool and right in line with what I was thinking..

Kudos Jay..


04-26-11, 07:38 PM
Thanks a ton. :D
Solves the issue I was thinking of; so much screen would make it harder to keep heat & humidity in.
Knew you guys would be a huge help. :) I plan to start working on it asap so Richard can have more space. I'll make sure to share pictures of the final project.