View Full Version : Pastel Boa?

04-25-11, 10:57 PM
Hello, I am slightly confused as to what makes a pastel.

The definition I have is this, "Pastels are usually light in coloration, washed-out, and nearly fleckless. Some bloodlines of pastels have impressive red and pink coloration."

I was wondering if the smaller boa in this pic would classify as a pastel. She is "light in coloration, washed out, and nearly fleckless" but no pink coloration as of yet.

Thankyou for reading!






04-25-11, 11:03 PM
I don't know boa morphs so ill need to leave that for someone else. But that's still a fantastic looking boa! They both are

04-25-11, 11:06 PM
here's a pastel: http://www.sacredskinreptiles.com/009.JPG?0.8387016058287666

04-25-11, 11:29 PM
both of these are anery as well

04-26-11, 05:10 AM
ya I was gonna say those guys look angry with the lighter of the two being a really nice one! All a pastel is, is a normal boa constrictor that has been selectively breed for color, cleaness and pattern. nowadays there are some really good lines out there..summit..infernos...red group..washington..kubsch..
pastels are becoming the most sot out after boas because they have the sturdiness you would look for in a normal bred animal but have beautiful color like some of the morphs out there!! Im getting my red group pastel this week I will have to post here and show you :D I also have a summit pastel jungle who is pretty freaking awesome!!