View Full Version : Profile: Vermicelli
04-25-11, 10:07 PM
Okay, I suppose it's time to jump on the bandwagon!
This is Vermicelli, I got him almost exactly three months ago.
He is an (insert morphs here) Corn Snake; I know for sure he has some form of Anery in him, don't know what else.
He completed his third shed with me today. I've measured him the past two months.
March 24: 16.9", 20 g
April 25: 19.5", 30 g
This is on 1 fuzzy a week, and he even skipped a week in there.
So there you have it, he's growing quickly and still looks just as awesome as when I brought him home :)
04-25-11, 10:58 PM
very nice lil guy/girl... looks just like my new anery i got a few weeks ago!
04-25-11, 11:01 PM
Nice lookin corn :)
04-25-11, 11:42 PM
Thanks guys :)
Unsexed as of now, hoping for a male so I can try to figure out more quickly if he's just Anery or if he's got other stuff in there too.
05-20-11, 04:41 PM
Update: He's been chugging down the fuzzies and growing and growing...we're approaching measuring day :D
Also, I'm thinking he's a Ghost (Anery+Hypo), and he's gonna be a hot one! He's got yellow coming in strong all along his neck; a shed should be starting pretty soon so I'll get pictures after! :yes:
05-20-11, 06:28 PM
Lookin forward to it.
06-01-11, 02:27 PM
I believe Vermicelli is a Ghost. Ians Vivarium has a GREAT corn snake morph section, virtually all of the morphs. Have a look there if unsure. But I'm almost sure he's a ghost.
I love his name by the way. It's absolutely ADORABLE!
And wow, he's grown 3 inches in 3 months! That's quite fast! I've had my little Citrus for almost 8 months and she's only grown about 4 inches!
EDIT: just noticed you were thinking he's a ghost. I think you are thinking right. He's going to have lovely yellow cheeks. I tend to prefer yellow cheeks on ghosts rather than on anerythristics.
06-02-11, 09:31 PM
Alrighty!! Post-Shed AND outdoor pics in one shot!! :yes:
Looking contemplative lol:
Kinda fuzzy, but his colors look nuts!
06-02-11, 09:32 PM
Fantastic colours!
06-02-11, 09:38 PM
His growth in length has slowed down a little bit; he's only grown an inch and a quarter or so, he's 20.75 inches now roughly. No weight measurement, as my phobic mother discovered I was using (and subsequently disinfecting, but that's apparently not good enough :freakedout:) her little food scale hahahahaha
:eek:<<<< (My mom)
06-02-11, 09:43 PM
Conceal the fact that you are still using the scale
Buy her one
Buy yourself one:P
06-02-11, 10:45 PM
Fantastic colours!
And on the scale thing, I need to get me a little digital one, but I've got about a billion other things to spend money on right now too :no:
06-02-11, 10:57 PM
There is one other option, but it might be frowned on... Every time you want it weighed, smuggle it into the grocery stoor butcher section and toss it on the scales they use to weigh cold-cuts.
06-02-11, 10:58 PM
Hahaha I DO happen to work at a grocery store :D
06-02-11, 11:15 PM
Then if you do it you're prolly fired
06-02-11, 11:57 PM
Nah I'll just bring him in super late at night when no one's around, and I'll use the produce scales. They're right out in the open.
06-03-11, 01:13 AM
i have big scales at my work for weighing random food stuff. i've had the thought "man i wish i had one of those to weigh my snakes" lol
07-10-11, 12:59 AM
Update! Ought to be about time for another shed; he's gone through another bit of a growth spurt...pushing 2 feet now, at roughly 23.4 inches! More yellow on his neck every time I pull him out of the viv...I really can't wait for him to get full grown, because I have a feeling he's gonna be STUNNING. :D
07-10-11, 10:11 AM
Cant wait! How old is he again?
07-10-11, 10:49 AM
oh wow i really like the colors!
07-10-11, 01:11 PM
Not sure on age, he's a PetSmart guess would be roughly yearling? Or so? He's still growing really quickly.
And I feel even more lucky on his colors, knowing that I got him from a pet store...they had him listed as Anery, but he's a Ghost, and he's got such great yellows and Peachy tones coming in on his throat and neck! And a BRIGHT yellow nose lol :D
07-10-11, 02:52 PM
The lady who sold him to me wanted to see him, so I took him in with me today and we weighed him on a digital scale. 40 grams on the dot! In a couple weeks, I think I'll throw him on double fuzzies to try to bulk him up for hoppers! :)
07-15-11, 12:19 AM
Deep in shed! I'm going on a vacation, I'll have nice fresh skin pic's up once I'm back!! :D
09-15-11, 02:17 PM
Okay, I have an update, and an apology! :o
I just realized that in the hustle and bustle of preparing to move away to school, I neglected to post any post-shed pictures of Vermicelli! I'm sorry everyone!
Now, for the update: He's growing growing growing, I've got him on double fuzzies right now and as soon as I can find a supply of hopper mice he'll be on those. He's 2 feet and a few inches, and is safely moved into my apartment in a nice rubbermaid tub. He's about to enter shed again, so he's on a roughly 2 month shed schedule still. Still growing like a WEED :yes:
Post-shed pictures will come this time, I promise you :)
09-15-11, 02:23 PM
Can't wait!!! He's a beautiful little guy!!
09-29-11, 12:12 PM
Here ya go!! Sorry for the poor quality, I didn't have access to anything nicer than my cell phone camera. I realized that petsmart's "Small Mice" are actually roughly the size of hoppers, so I picked some up, and he'll be starting on those next feeding. His growth picked up noticeably at the changeover to fuzzies; I can't wait for him to take off on these! :) _o.jpg o.jpg _o.jpg
09-29-11, 12:25 PM
My little corn is growing pretty fast, but I can't wait to see his colors after the next shed. When I got him he was jet black, two sheds later he was browning out like most anerys. next shed I think he'll be totally brown.
09-29-11, 12:37 PM
as always, he's GORGEOUS!
10-02-11, 06:52 PM
Just had his first "Small Mouse" today; I've a feeling that he won't be on those long either! I don't know how I've managed it, but he has a great feeding response, complete with strike and coil. I think that really helps him get it down a lot. Maybe next week I'll have feeding pictures up for everyone! :)
10-02-11, 07:37 PM
that would be good! Ananta has great eating responses too, she will spend forever "killing" her prey, she strikes so fast, you would think that I HAD actually put something live in there!
10-02-11, 08:02 PM
Same here!! The last couple of times I gave him fuzzies, they were so small that when he coiled he'd actually roll himself up completely into a ball and then roll around the feeding box for a few minutes!! It was a sight to behold!! :yes: :D
11-10-11, 05:15 PM
Growing like a WEED!!! Just had another perfect shed, and the amount of yellow coming in around his neck is quite extraordinary. In addition, he's become even more docile. Absolute dream of a first snake :)
11-10-11, 05:44 PM
Aww That's great!
10-18-12, 12:34 PM
10-18-12, 02:04 PM
come on Sean....... recent pics please!!
10-18-12, 03:18 PM
To tide you all over till I get out of class :P
10-18-12, 03:27 PM
Wow I like his yellow.
10-18-12, 03:50 PM
Oh Sean, he's grown SO MUCH!!!!!! he is awesome!! Love him :D
10-18-12, 05:18 PM
Yeah, I'd been waiting for him to finish his shed cycle to get fresh skin pics, but the pooper hid his shed under his substrate. So here's a comprehensive shoot in day-or-two-old skin:
And he HAS grown tons!! He's pushing 3' right now, but he's still a little rope compared to the full-grown corns I've seen (even the small ones), so I'm betting he's gonna get bigger still! Can't wait!! :yes:
10-18-12, 05:25 PM
of course he'll grow more (I had a 4 1/2' male)!! but he's gotten so big since his last pics! do you know what he weighs??
10-18-12, 05:34 PM
Unfortunately I'm away at school so I don't have access to my mom's food scale anymore, so I haven't gotten his weight in some time. When I have some spare money I'm gonna get him sexed by a reputable local vet; so I'll get an official weight (and gender!) then.
10-18-12, 06:06 PM
good idea!!
I love his yellow nose! <3
10-19-12, 01:08 PM
I KNOW!! It's so adorable!! :3
10-20-12, 04:09 PM
Vermicelli has made his first official photo contest appearance!! Cruise on over to the contest thread and check it out!! :)
02-05-13, 11:10 AM
Vermicelli is still eating and growing, and is currently in shed! I took a measuring photo about a week ago, and so within a few days (just when I get time lol), I'll be giving his updated length--looking like 3' and some change :)
As per usual, post-shed pics will be forthcoming!
nice pastel ghost u have there...
pastel ghost are a selectif color of ghost... I use to have one exactly like that one
02-05-13, 05:52 PM
Very attractive indeed.
02-05-13, 08:38 PM
Thank you both, I'm extremely happy with him, and even more so given that he came as an "Anerythristic" Petsmart pickup! :)
03-18-13, 05:47 PM
Here are some post-shed pictures, as promised!
This last one would have been perfect, but then the twerp moved to pull his head back into his coils at the last second :rolleyes:
But yeah, there he is! Still doing well; I finally found a supplier of frozen mice so he's off of the awkward-sized PetCo pancakes and on to properly sized mice! :)
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