View Full Version : switch to f/t
04-20-11, 06:18 PM
lol crap. my bp ate a week ago today, so last night i thawed a rat. about 10 minutes ago i put it under my heat lamp and then held its head under the lamp for a minute then i put my snake in the shoebox and put the rat in and he does Not seem interested at all. i danced it around for him and pestered him a little bit and he seemed alittle scared and wanted nothing to do with it. i guess i'll leave it on a plate in his viv or something overnight and hope he eats it.
he Better switch to f/t >.< i already froze 3 rats lol.
should i put it on the hot side or the cold.
04-20-11, 06:20 PM
HAHAHAHAH. as i was typing that i just heard *THUMP*
that was him striking the f/t! :D lolol. i guess he will eat them after all!
04-20-11, 06:44 PM
that's what we like to hear.
ya!! and to answer your question put it on the cold side, its still smelly and they can still find it but if you leave it on the hot side..can you imagine what it will be like left till morning....eeeeewwww
04-20-11, 07:03 PM
OH MY GOD HAHAHAH. yet another interesting event. i left him in the box to eat his rat and started doing a job application online and finally i realized the snake had been in there a while and i checked and he was GONE. he was up on a dresser so i have No idea how he got down without me hearing him. the only reasonable thing i can think of is he went down the left side onto some clothes and onto the floor because after 1 minute of searching i saw him sticking out from under the bed lolol. then i put him back in his viv.
damn my forgetfullness >.<
i guess its a good thing he just ate and didn't want to go far :D
04-20-11, 07:36 PM
don't let it happen again, you may not be so lucky next time..
04-20-11, 07:44 PM
i've had a couple mini escapes in my room. there's really nowhere they can go.
a few spots that i already know of. but i do agree, having snakes escape is bad lol.
maybe feeding in the cage should be considered lol
Better yet. Why don't you put the shoe box you feed him in, in his tank?
04-20-11, 09:07 PM
the shoe box is huge lol. i would have to take EVERYTIHNG including hides out of the tank just to get the box in. i'll probably end up just putting it on a smaller plate or something inside the viv.
04-20-11, 09:10 PM
Try feeding him in his cage, i haven't had any ill effects regarding aggression.
I think that whole aggression thing is a joke, feednig in vs feed out makes no sense
I'm more worried about swallowing substrate
i feed all mine in there homes and some are nice some are mean. You can't forget they have animal instincts no mater where you feed em
04-20-11, 09:27 PM
yea i take no stock in the more aggressive feeding in the viv theory. i feed my dumerils in his viv (when he's actually eating >.<) the only reasons i fed the bp out of cage is because he's been eating live until now and it's easier to watch and make sure he eats ok, and the other is it's always better to not eat substrate.
04-20-11, 09:38 PM
The only thing i do do is i have a small.... almost like a mailbox drop in one of the enclosures for one of the pissy burms, if you give him a chance hes gona bite your face. When hes in feeding mode you want no chance of a bite.
04-20-11, 09:39 PM
He ate a f/t for his first time without you kicking him in the butt o.o
Wish i had that kinda luck man.LOL
He ate a f/t for his first time without you kicking him in the butt o.o
Wish i had that kinda luck man.LOL
You know whats a good way to switch them. Get the live rat/mouse wet before feeding, with warm water hold the mouse/rat up to the snake by its tail do this for a few feedings. Thaw out the frozen rats in warm water, hold up by its tail..voila same meal different dish ;)
04-20-11, 10:50 PM
I think that whole aggression thing is a joke, feednig in vs feed out makes no sense
100% agree. I had snakes for years that were fed in tank and it never made a difference. I don't believe snakes are capable of associating a location with a specific activity.
04-20-11, 10:53 PM
100% agree. I had snakes for years that were fed in tank and it never made a difference. I don't believe snakes are capable of associating a location with a specific activity.
it's not about location necessarily. it's about how often you open your cage and for what purpose. if you only open it to feed, then the snake will associate your actions as 'feeding time.'
04-20-11, 10:55 PM
You know whats a good way to switch them. Get the live rat/mouse wet before feeding, with warm water hold the mouse/rat up to the snake by its tail do this for a few feedings. Thaw out the frozen rats in warm water, hold up by its tail..voila same meal different dish ;)
if one wants to follow this advice, just make sure are you holding your rodent with tongs. you don't want to drop a wet meal on top of any substrate that could be ingested by your snake.
04-20-11, 11:01 PM
if one wants to follow this advice, just make sure are you holding your rodent with tongs. you don't want to drop a wet meal on top of any substrate that could be ingested by your snake.
Pshh, tongs are for people who are scared of having their fingers ingested
Pshh, tongs are for people who are scared of having their fingers ingested
Or for ETB owners :Wow:
Glad your ball took his first F/T
04-20-11, 11:17 PM
Edited it out, missed an earlier post by Wayne.
Edited it out, missed an earlier post by Wayne.
I could have, but Wayne also asked that we didn't continue that type of "chosen wording" outside of that particular thread :)
And I just realized you've posted 673 times in a month and a half! :Wow: You have a lot to say haha.
04-20-11, 11:29 PM
Must have missed that post ill edit it out.
04-20-11, 11:31 PM
I could have, but Wayne also asked that we didn't continue that type of "chosen wording" outside of that particular thread :)
And I just realized you've posted 673 times in a month and a half! :Wow: You have a lot to say haha.
Just allot of time, I hurt by back 2 months ago in Cuba, got hit by a wave and tossed back first into corals about 20 feet down. Still cant get out of bed.
Must have missed that post ill edit it out.
All fixed.
Just allot of time, I hurt by back 2 months ago in Cuba, got hit by a wave and tossed back first into corals about 20 feet down. Still cant get out of bed.
Thats no fun! I've had PLENTY of injuries, being bed ridden is absolutely no fun at all, I'm sorry brother. Definitely a good excuse to do some posting! At least you got hurt doin something fun! That's my favorite part about all my injuries, every serious injury I've had save for one, has happened while racing motocross. Live is short, live it! (I always say)
04-20-11, 11:44 PM
It's no bother. I got hurt diving for a shell the girl i met wanted, in the end i got the shell, and at least 100 sea urchin spines in my lower back:P
I should be back on my feet in about 3 weeks.
Regarding "Live is short, live it! (I always say) " I totally agree, but try and weigh the risks.
04-21-11, 09:11 AM
it's not about location necessarily. it's about how often you open your cage and for what purpose. if you only open it to feed, then the snake will associate your actions as 'feeding time.'
i keep carpets well into double figures and ALL strike feed i only open the door for a water change every 5 to 7 days and feeding none of my carpets are biters except one psycotic jungle who's always been bitey
it never ceases to amaze me that folk who apply the logic that if you feed in the tank it will associate door opening with feeding time so be bitey never seem to apply the sdame logic to feeding outside the tank
surely if the same logic is applied then the snake will associate getting took out its tank with food so therefore be bitey everytime you take it out (due to food
cheers shaun
Exactly what you said shaunyboy minus the carpets in the double figures only a few for me lol
04-21-11, 09:33 AM
Exactly what you said shaunyboy minus the carpets in the double figures only a few for me lol
thats how it starts then before you no it you have a house full;)
04-21-11, 09:55 AM
it never ceases to amaze me that folk who apply the logic that if you feed in the tank it will associate door opening with feeding time so be bitey never seem to apply the sdame logic to feeding outside the tank
it's called 'learned behavior.' it's been proven that animals (including reptiles) have some of the same psychological responses as humans. it never ceases to amaze me that folk can't seem to grasp the simple notion that our reptiles can actually learn behaviorism patterns.
surely if the same logic is applied then the snake will associate getting took out its tank with food so therefore be bitey everytime you take it out (due to food
cheers shaun
yes, that's very possible as well. it goes back to frequency of occurence.
04-21-11, 09:57 AM
If this theory of learned behaviour is true why does my retic strike the ceramics guard everytime he smells rats? :rolleyes:
04-21-11, 10:04 AM
If this theory of learned behaviour is true why does my retic strike the ceramics guard everytime he smells rats? :rolleyes:
it learned the WRONG behavior. nothing in psychology is an absolute. every living creature - human or animal - learn different patterns. that is why some feel the need to feed in a tub and some are ok with feeding in their snake's environment. feeding procedure will be determined by each individual animal. i just laugh when i hear someone say, 'snakes don't know where they're being fed and they don't know what opening a cage means.'
How can you preach this much about knowing what snakes want you you don't realize your dp is a prime example of animal cruelty.
ALL my snake are fed in their vivs non strike at me when i go in there for maintenance.
04-21-11, 10:19 AM
Pshh, tongs are for people who are scared of having their fingers ingested
...or responsible snake keepers...
04-21-11, 10:23 AM
How can you preach this much about knowing what snakes want
i'm not preaching at all. just explaining that snakes have brains too. i'm not saying one way is better than the other. it's up to the keeper and the subject.
you you don't realize your dp is a prime example of animal cruelty.
i couldn't decipher this message. please explain in more detail?
ALL my snake are fed in their vivs non strike at me when i go in there for maintenance.
and that's great for YOU and YOUR snakes. other people have different experiences.
So you think that is healthy for that burm or retic in your display picture?
04-21-11, 10:50 AM
So you think that is healthy for that burm or retic in your display picture?
Its a burm, and I believe the term you used was 'animal cruelty.' That's a pretty serious allegation to make, especially since you know nothing about the photo. Would I consider holding a snake up to your face animal cruelty? No. Would I consider holding a snake up to your face unhealthy for the snake? No. Anything else?
04-21-11, 10:52 AM
...or responsible snake keepers...
Was joking:P
That said this thread keeps deviating from food presentation to pointing fingers:(
04-21-11, 10:58 AM
Was joking:P
That said this thread keeps deviating from food presentation to pointing fingers:(
Feeding is one of those topics that can make for interesting discussion and debate. Unfortunately, these are also the most heated debates and some people just can't handle it. Oh well.
04-21-11, 10:59 AM
it's not about location necessarily. it's about how often you open your cage and for what purpose. if you only open it to feed, then the snake will associate your actions as 'feeding time.'
Very true,
I have snakes that will gape their mouths open the instant I open the viv.
04-21-11, 11:02 AM
Debates are great, I LOVE them!
Quick question, Do you guys breed your own feeders or buy them online/from friends?
04-21-11, 11:04 AM
So you think that is healthy for that burm or retic in your display picture?
Alice Cooper has been under accusation like that forever, and it is also known that he loves and takes fantastic care of his snakes.
He has been performing on stage with his snakes forever.
Matt is it safe to say that his red tail is still doing fine after many years of being on tour?
************************************************** ***
Debates are great, I LOVE them!
Quick question, Do you guys breed your own feeders or buy them online/from friends?
all of the above ;)
I breed and order frozen, 800+ at a time.
Civil debates are awesome, debates that succumb to finger pointing and name calling are not.
04-21-11, 11:07 AM
Wish those companies like rodent pro shipped to Canada.
04-21-11, 11:08 AM
I love rodent pro, when they have 12 cent pinkie sales, I stock up.
all those laser pictures I posted in the random photo thread is me playing with the dry ice from a rodent pro order.
Dry ice sizzles violently when irradiated by 532nm at 150+mw. (Powerful green laser beam)
04-21-11, 11:10 AM
60-70cents for pinkies here, 10$+ for a 2lb rabbit
04-21-11, 11:33 AM
04-21-11, 11:40 AM
GG canada:P I'm talking to a farmer now who raises meat rabbits, gona try and get a deal!
04-21-11, 01:10 PM
On the subject of feeding in cages i done it for years with know problems. I only have one snake (my Borneo) that for what ever reason will not eat in her cage. I have to put her in a different tote to get her to eat.
As of last Sunday i now only pay a $1.00 a rat. No matter the sizes. Ran into a old buddy we use to know when we first got into snake. He breeds snakes and rats now. So no more 60 mile around trip to pay $2.00 to $6.00 a rat. He lives down the road 7 miles. So me and my buddy Shawn are now saving on Gas and Rats.:)
Plus we got to check out his set up. :) Very clean set up and really health rats. It's nice because now i know my snake are getting top quality rats. :) No more F/T now they all get freshly killed.
04-21-11, 01:10 PM
Matt is it safe to say that his red tail is still doing fine after many years of being on tour?
Alice has used various snakes over the past 40 years, including rtb, burms, and retics. All are professionally cared for while on tour. At no time are the snakes abused either on stage or off. Actually, when a snake is used during a particular tour, its on stage, draped around alice for less than an entire song.
04-21-11, 02:23 PM
I seen Alice in concert back in the 80's in Peoria Il. It was the best dam show i ever seen. Can't remember the song, but he came out with one of the biggest RTB i ever seen. Like sickvenom said it was only out there for part of the song.
04-21-11, 02:26 PM
60-70cents for pinkies here, 10$+ for a 2lb rabbit
I can get up to a 5lb pig for a buck a pound. Over that is $1.50 a pound. of course there is a minimum order.
04-21-11, 02:29 PM
I can get up to a 5lb pig for a buck a pound. Over that is $1.50 a pound. of course there is a minimum order.
Thats nuts, the rabbit breeder here sells 2lb rabbits max so we need to buy a few to feed our snakes.
04-21-11, 02:32 PM
We had a guy on the local Craigslist that was picking up any free animals under 15 pounds to feed his snakes. I do not condone that behavior, nor the fact that he was flaunting it. I hope an angry mob shows up at his house with torches and pitch forks. Just let me get his snakes out first.
04-21-11, 03:03 PM
I seen Alice in concert back in the 80's in Peoria Il. It was the best dam show i ever seen. Can't remember the song, but he came out with one of the biggest RTB i ever seen. Like sickvenom said it was only out there for part of the song.
Sickvenom has been the AC tour photographer for many years, so if anyone would know how those snakes are treated, he certainly does. ;)
I'm sorry i was misinformed on the conditions of the reptiles next time I will think before i post
04-21-11, 03:39 PM
Sickvenom has been the AC tour photographer for many years, so if anyone would know how those snakes are treated, he certainly does. ;)
Man that would be a sweet job. So i bet he got some wild a-s store he could share with us. (hint, hint):)
04-21-11, 04:07 PM
Was joking:P
That said this thread keeps deviating from food presentation to pointing fingers:(
hehe dont they all...
04-21-11, 04:16 PM
it left the topic after the first page ;)
04-21-11, 09:18 PM
it left the topic after the first page ;)
actually, it was DURING the first page!! :eek:
04-21-11, 09:19 PM
Its becoming a habit :)
if one wants to follow this advice, just make sure are you holding your rodent with tongs. you don't want to drop a wet meal on top of any substrate that could be ingested by your snake.
Ive been feeding my snakes wet f/t for 20 yrs and i plop the rat right on the aspen, bam snake strikes, aspens on the rat. Ive watched my snakes eat and as the snake is inching towards the *** all the aspen gets pushed to the end I guess. Ive never had one of my animals ingest apsen. Im sure with different substrates this could be a problem, it hasnt with me though. Guess Ive been makes for easy feeding toss rats in all cages then leave the room lol a good 20 mins is all it takes.
I dont think snakes can associate food with cage being opened. I do think if you feed on a schedule they know when there schedule feeding day is because they are all waiting at the door but my boas wait pateintly in their cages. When I open their cage I can stick my hand in there need be. sure they sniff with excitment but never had they struck until the rat was actually in there tub or cage. Its a pretty great experince and I love my hobbie!!
04-22-11, 11:36 AM
May not be applicable to larger snakes, But a friend of mine lost one of his favourite snakes from one sliver of aspen puncturing her esophagus and the small poke wound got infected.
The vet found the aspen sliver stuck in the festered wound, the snake died from the infection. I sometimes wish I could afford a necropsy every time one of mine died.. but he's the kind of guy who just can't rest until he has the answer as to why it happened.
04-22-11, 11:39 AM
Do it yourself necropsy :wacky: ?
04-22-11, 12:06 PM
May not be applicable to larger snakes, But a friend of mine lost one of his favourite snakes from one sliver of aspen puncturing her esophagus and the small poke wound got infected.
The vet found the aspen sliver stuck in the festered wound, the snake died from the infection. I sometimes wish I could afford a necropsy every time one of mine died.. but he's the kind of guy who just can't rest until he has the answer as to why it happened.
It just takes once and you're either looking at a big vet bill, a dead snake, or both!
I do cheat and use small animal sized aspen and not the snake shreds, because its cheaper..doesnt mold and I figured if they were bigger chunks it wouldnt be such a threat. If it ever did Happen though Id never forgive myself lol If I lost a snake due to my own neglect that would be a rough time
04-22-11, 12:32 PM
I do cheat and use small animal sized aspen and not the snake shreds, because its cheaper..doesnt mold and I figured if they were bigger chunks it wouldnt be such a threat. If it ever did Happen though Id never forgive myself lol If I lost a snake due to my own neglect that would be a rough time
Thats honestly the best reason to use a separate feeding location, you can use whatever pretty substrate you want, and not worry about impaction!
04-22-11, 01:43 PM
Do it yourself necropsy :wacky: ?
I know a few people who dissect their snakes when they die, I admire the ability to do that..
04-22-11, 01:43 PM
Plates are fine for the smaller snakes, but with the larger ones they tend to grab the food and drag it around, I've never had a retic consume the prey item on their plates, some of the bp's do it aswell
04-22-11, 01:44 PM
I know a few people who dissect their snakes when they die, I admire the ability to do that..
It can be fun, and its a good learning experience for any interested friends and family.
04-22-11, 01:47 PM
when your either sad about losing a beloved pet or angry at a failed breeding plan, it's a bit harder to do.
at that point all I want to do is either a proper burial or put my fist through the front of the viv.
04-22-11, 01:52 PM
It generally always sucks when you lose a pet, its your... job? to find a way to turn that negative into a positive, at the very least you can turn the loss into a learning experience.
Not saying that either is the right or wrong answer, that's each individuals choice
04-22-11, 02:08 PM
I know exactly what your saying..
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