View Full Version : "Snake years".

04-11-11, 01:30 PM
I thought this might be interesting to ressurect.
Years ago, not sure which large breeder it was, brought up an experience "guager" as to many years experience you've had with snakes; "Snake Years".
The gist of it is as follows:
To determine how many Snake Years of experience you have, you simply add up all the years you've had snakes... but with a twist;
If I've had one snake for five years, I have 5 Snake Years of experience.
If I've have 5 snakes for five years, I have 25 Snake Years of experience.
If I've had 10 snakes for 6 months, I have 5 Snake Years of experience.

Have fun!

04-11-11, 01:35 PM
5 snakes for 8 year =40
1 snake for 18 years= 18
30 snakes for 3 months= 7.5


I'm a snake newb.

04-11-11, 02:32 PM
Seven snakes for one year = 7 snake years guess i am an even bigger newb!!

04-11-11, 02:51 PM
Since most of mine are Aug-Sep 2010 hatch and I've only had them a little bit, I'll just use my oldest.

1 snake for 8 years= 8 snake years.

<------still a noob

04-11-11, 03:06 PM
2 snakes for 8 years = 16 snake years
2 snakes for 3 years = 6 snake years
6 snakes for 1 year = 6 snake years
1 snake for 6 months = 1/2 year

Total = 28.5 snake years

LOL, I'm 28-1/2 years old!

Guess this means I'm as old as I am snake-wise :yes:

04-11-11, 03:18 PM
Lol, naise!

04-11-11, 03:58 PM
One snake 10 years =10years
Three snakes 2 years = 6 years
Two snakes 1 years = 2 years
Three snakes 2 months = 6 months

18.5 years Which is actually how many years i be keeping snakes. The above list is base on what i own now. If i add all the snake i have over the years it would easily double.

04-11-11, 04:21 PM
I couldn't even begin to calculate, I lost all count of how many snakes I have ever worked with..

04-11-11, 04:25 PM
I couldn't even begin to calculate, I lost all count of how many snakes I have ever worked with..
Lets face it Wayne you and Mykee would have so many years experiences you both as old as Father Time. lol:eek:

04-11-11, 08:01 PM
I put pen to paper and came up with between 960-980.
I should keep better records.

04-11-11, 08:21 PM
I have no idea...my collection has varied from 10-25 snakes at a time for 20 years.

I'll guess 340 years

04-12-11, 09:19 AM
I believe it was VPI that did this originally. I recall seeing it on some documentary with them.

Question to the rules, does working in a pet store count? I did have multiple snakes who were with us for months at a time.

04-12-11, 09:55 AM
Hmm, good question Grasshopper.
Ok, one third credit because you presumably worked at SuperPet and PCPC for 8 hours (or one third) of a day.
You're gonna post some huge numbers, aren't you?

04-12-11, 10:20 PM
Only one third eh? This may take some time....

Since I came back to the hobby in 2008 I have about 25 years. Previous to that before pet shops are accounted for I'd have to say another 10 personally so that's 35. Now the hard math.

I started trying to work it out and gave up but it's in the hundreds.

04-12-11, 10:37 PM
So many oldies, once you pass 20 your hooked for life, you may cut down but you generally never drop to 0

04-13-11, 07:08 AM
Next we will have a "who is oldest" poll(I might win).Seems rather silly, if I have 100yrs experience with cornsnakes, I still dont know squat about retics.

04-13-11, 08:55 AM
"I have 100yrs experience with cornsnakes, I still dont know squat about retics."

Which is probably why you don't answer questions about retics, which you admittedly know nothing about.
That's quite responsible of you if I do say so myself.
People should take notes...

04-14-11, 05:47 AM
I was just joking.LOL I meant that adding up snake years is silly.Just because you have half a million ball pythons for 20yrs doesnt mean you know about all snakes.
You may be a bad **s with the ball pythons but you cant go blabbing you have x amount of experience with snakes and answer everyones questions about just any snake.

04-14-11, 07:45 AM
True, which is why MOST people who are smart enough to know what they don't know should just leave it alone and let someone who does, answer.
BTW, it's just a game; there are no points accrued for "Snake Years".
No Hero Cookies either.

04-14-11, 07:51 AM
Yep.. it's not even meant to gage real ability.

Some people out there run "puppy mill snake farms" with animals kept in sqalor.. they will breed in nasty cages, how do you think pet stores wind up with so many unhealthy animals??

Those people would get -1 year for every snake, and should get locked up for 5 years per snake.

Then you have someone who reads all the books, gets all the right equipment and sets everything up perfectly first try.. that person should get a 10 year bonus from the start.

04-14-11, 09:40 AM
Yep.. it's not even meant to gage real ability.

Some people out there run "puppy mill snake farms" with animals kept in sqalor.. they will breed in nasty cages, how do you think pet stores wind up with so many unhealthy animals??

Those people would get -1 year for every snake, and should get locked up for 5 years per snake.

Then you have someone who reads all the books, gets all the right equipment and sets everything up perfectly first try.. that person should get a 10 year bonus from the start.

After your bonus Wayne I believe I'm somewhere closer to Mykee's number :P