View Full Version : My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!
04-08-11, 07:25 PM
So I decided to go look at a male Ball today, his story was unclear....I was lied to, he was neglected bad....I about died when I seen him and his tank!!! We met at a park n ride at 5 tonight... I offered the wench $20 for the tank and snake because I felt sorry for him. He's NOT sick, healthy looking believe it or not, tank a filthy mess, sheds all over, and he's very, very thin.....She said he won't eat, well dah if you don't have proper heat and lights he won't eat.... I loaded him up and away we went, got him home stopped at two pet stores bought supplies, he was an angel and let me clean his tank, it stunk and was filthy, now he's in his rock hide going what the hell happened? LOL I have water and a clean house!!! I'm thinking he's hungry but want to get his temps and his days and nights right before I buy a small rat, don't wanna over do it, what are your guys thoughts on this, do I have it figured out? Or is there something else I need to do different? I did touch him, he didn't strike but hissed once, like I said he was an angel and let me clean that nasty mess, he's beautiful, I really hope I gain his trust and by the way I named him "Lucky", cause he's lucky I brought him home!!! LOL
04-08-11, 07:27 PM
sounds like he's found a nice new home! good luck & keep us updated!
04-08-11, 07:47 PM
Are you sure he hissed? I'm only asking because sometimes when a snake gets a RI it can get mistaken for hissing. Their breathing sounds raspy sometimes, and there is sometimes discharge around their mouth.
04-08-11, 08:02 PM
I would find a vet to get him checked out ASAP. There could be something majorly wrong...though from what you said it might not be anything other than poor care. Still I know when I adopt any animal from another home I get them checked out at a vet ASAP just so I can make sure everything is okay.
keep him in a tub w/paper towels go to drug store by nix and a 4l bottle of water mix and spray the entire tank and him most cl snakes are in rough shape but kudos for the rescue
04-08-11, 10:04 PM
No he hissed when I put my hand towards him, but he stopped when I touched him, he's flicking his tougne, he's acting normal, he has no mites, no wheeze, no discharge, just underfed.....I think if I get his temps right since they didn't he will eat for me.... I'll try to post pics tomorrow, he's a beautiful boy!!!! Can't wait to get to spend more time w/ Lucky!!! Glad I brought him home, couldn't sent him back w/ those people, OMG.....
04-08-11, 10:16 PM
either way let him settle in his home for a few days to a week to let him relax then try to feed him. also if he's skinny and hasn't eatin for a while it's good to start with a slightly smaller then normal prey, like a small rat or something so they can work their way back up to large prey without shocking their system.
hopefully he has nothing wrong and fattens up soon.
04-08-11, 10:26 PM
Good on you man, its always sad when people abuse these animals till theres something very wrong then try to get rid of them. Glad you made the effort to save it.
04-08-11, 11:14 PM
I honestly admire you for actually paying for this Lucky fellow! I'd have offered to take him off her hands for free just so she was rid of it. Honestly, you've done a great thing! I offer you the best of luck. I go with letting him settle for a week and trying to feed him then. The hissing may simply be due to stress. If you notice any wheezing or discharge, take him to a vet ASAP. Otherwise, feed him in a week and handle him gently after that. Good luck and post pics when you can.
04-08-11, 11:20 PM
Congrats on the save, thumbs up!
04-09-11, 06:18 AM
He's doing good so far, the humidity is only at 40, I read it should be at 50? I used newspaper for the bottom of his tank, any suggestions? I know with my old BF's snake we used reptibark to try to get the humidity up and the snake wouldn't come out of her hide, she HATED it, when we removed it she come out and was all over her tank, lol. So it won't hurt him to wait almost a week to feed him then? I was thinking a small rat to, nothing big it's hard to say how long he's been without food. Now don't laugh at me guys but what if he don't eat? What do I do w/ the rat? I don't have any other tanks, lol. I'm new to this so bear w/ me, lol
04-09-11, 06:21 AM
Try a frozen thawed rat, you never know he may take it out of hunger and then you dont have the worry of trying to switch him at a later date, you want the humidity up to at least 55 if not 65.
04-09-11, 06:49 AM
How do I get the humidity up?
04-09-11, 06:50 AM
Mist the tank, we use repti bark and that holds the moisture well.
Not sure if you're doing anyhting right becasue you haven't described your new set-up and you haven't mentioned temps, type of heat source, type and size of hide, etc.
I know it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to "save" a neglected ball python, but remember that a snake that was kept poorly usually has some issues that a new keeper will find quite intimidating.
As a keeper, hobbyist and breeder of many, many ball pythons for many years, I still refuse to take in "unwanted" ball pythons.
Good luck.
A full description of your setup would definitely help us with suggestions if any are needed. Personally I like white paper towel for new arrivals as it's easy spot mites, monitor poop/regurges, and to clean, though newspaper is used by many as well and another good option. I prefer aspen and use it in all my enclosures, though it's not the best for maintaining humidity - you may just have to try a few substrates before you find what works best for your enclosure. If you're using a glass terrarium with a screen lid I find laying a damp towel over most of the top helps with humidity. If for some reason he doesn't take the first meal you offer you can try leaving it in the cage overnight. If it's not gone in the morning then just throw it in the garbage - once thawed, mice/rats start to decompose so it's not recommended to refreeze. Hopefully after having some time to settle into his new home he'll be happy to enjoy a meal. Good luck and keep us posted, and don't hesitate if you have any other questions.
04-09-11, 05:04 PM
12462Mykee, really am upset at reading your post, I am taking great care of him, I went out and bought gauges, lights, and cleaned his nasty tank up, he's doing great by the way, I've got his day temp at 85 and night at 70-75, I have read alot and my old BF had a BP that didn't know how to take care of her, I was the one that READ and showed/told him how to properly care for her. Lucky is doing great, gonna feed him Monday, actually here is a pic that I just took, he's feeling at home finally and I'm happy that I could grab this pic, your so negative, I've been reading other post by you...take care Mykee...omg.....
04-09-11, 05:40 PM
12462Mykee, really am upset at reading your post, I am taking great care of him, I went out and bought gauges, lights, and cleaned his nasty tank up, he's doing great by the way, I've got his day temp at 85 and night at 70-75, I have read alot and my old BF had a BP that didn't know how to take care of her, I was the one that READ and showed/told him how to properly care for her. Lucky is doing great, gonna feed him Monday, actually here is a pic that I just took, he's feeling at home finally and I'm happy that I could grab this pic, your so negative, I've been reading other post by you...take care Mykee...omg.....
Just wanna say something please dont take it the wrong way.
Mykee is one of the most knowledgeable people I know of that breeds Balls, hes actually a pretty good guy too but when he answers the same questions over and over well... I suppose he gets tired of sugar coating it.
That and I truly believe most people in this forum really just want to see these herps lead great lives and sometimes stern phrases are used but they are here to help not insult. Others have said pretty much the same thing you said about Mykee but when it comes down to it I would take his advice and leave it be.
Again I don't want this to offend you at all but it is the truth...
"I've got his day temp at 85 and night at 70-75,"
You're offended?!
Good god almighty!!!
I'm offended that you lied about having read anything!
With that info, you've clearly not touched a single book. Had you actually picked up a book, or done ANY research at all,you would know that BOTH of those temps are inadequate and your ball python is no better off in your care than it was previously.
Quit being offended and start listening to the advice people are giving you.
You need to listen more and talk less:
90-95 hot side.
80-82 cool side.
Ambient tank temp of 80-ish.
60% relative humidity.
Unless you are breeding this animal, why are you cooling him?!
As I previously mentioned, it seems that newbies have this notion that simply "rescueng" a "neglected" ball python is a great idea with no previous experience whatsoever.
Out of the frying pan and straight into the oven.
Read a book.
04-09-11, 07:07 PM
Please do us (me) a favor, set aside your pride, think of it as a stern speach from an uncle, or your father...
Mykee means well, he gives great info.
here is some basic info to get started with ;)
Ball Python (Python regius) Basic Husbandry and Feeding: Housing, Diet, Handling, and Care (
04-09-11, 09:44 PM
Well first off excuse me for not knowing who the all mighty is on this forum!!!! I got my info off the god almighty internet before i found this page!!! I care about my animals, i am a cop and a owner of a pit bull, wow imagine that!!! I have a horse, had then my whole life, i know how to take care of them, but if i'm gonna be trashed on here because i belived and read which by the way i did pick up a ****ing book but apparantly have the wrong information then let the great god forgive me!!!! Tell the two pet stores that you know more than them also, i asked questions but get no answers until i post stuff then u wanna slam me, maybe u should of given me the info right out of the shoot!!!!
Chain pet stores know squat. What does your horse and dog have to do with your knowledge of a snake. First of you should not trust half of the info on the internet.
Take a look at Mykee's site, does he look like a common pet store he, specializes in Balls if I ever wanted info on a ball he would be the first to ask i would seek the info before i went out and purchased one
04-09-11, 09:52 PM
I never LIED about reading!!! I read and read and read about snakes when my ex BF brought his snake here......she did great after I got the info off the all mighty net!!!! Ok, so I go back to the pet store tomorrow and tell them that I need NEW bulbs again cause Mykee said SO!!!! And that they don't know a damn, thought I would like this forum, NOT.....Just as worse as the horse boards where people constantly CUT GOOD people down....WOW
04-09-11, 09:54 PM
If he means WELL, then WHY does he have to be so rude? OMG
04-09-11, 09:55 PM
It's NOT a chain pet store, it's a family owned store that have snakes of thier OWN
He is just being honest why beat around the bush? You're acting a bit irrational
(no offense) He was just pointing out the facts. I still urge you to get that Python to a vet check ups are not expensive but you do assume full financial responsibility by taking that snake in to your care
It's NOT a chain pet store, it's a family owned store that have snakes of thier OWN
Sorry for assuming, they recommended bulbs for a significant heat source ?
04-09-11, 10:03 PM
whoa... slow down everyone.. time out ;)
04-09-11, 10:04 PM
put on temporary hold until I get done..... will re-open in a few minutes, I want to prevent any more arguing if I can.
04-09-11, 10:19 PM
No one expected you to know who Mykee (or anyone else here for that matter) is, was or could one day be.
One reason why people who have tons of experience get so short on forums is many times a new person will ask advice, then ignore it, modify it to suit themselves or possibly misinterpret, in time that person who is giving away their experience for free become calloused for the above reasons.
A perfect example, most social workers enter the career because they want nothing more than to help people in need, they enter the career with a big heart and the best intentions, then after several years on the job, getting told off, lied to and treated like dirt for wanting to help, they grow into the the calloused short tempered people we tend to perceive social workers as. (Guess how many people tear into their case workers because their food stamps came a day late)
so back on topic.. what was the name of the book, and who wrote it?
My big obsession is garter snakes, so I collect as many books as I can, and I can say right up front, many of them are so full of inaccurate data, some were written 25-30 years ago and everything that was once believed as good information, has subsequently been proven to be the wrong conclusions.
Good case in point, many say goldfish make good snake food, however after years of study, it has been determined that goldfish contain an enzyme that leads to premature liver failure.. However the books are still on the shelves at libraries and book stores.
so can we please take a deep breath and proceed forward in a constructive fashion, and get your new snake in it's optimal environment.
Thank you.
04-09-11, 10:27 PM
Moderator, the link you sent me is the link that I got my info off of for heat temps, way off from your beloved Mykee has to say.... Thats what I'm trying to point out here is that I read and did the best I could....
04-09-11, 10:30 PM
My name is Wayne, you may call me that, it's a lot more personal. ;)
I am digging for you right now to see if I didn't grab the wrong darn link.
04-09-11, 10:32 PM
Here is one I know is trustworthy, The other one I pulled off Google at random, and for that I apologize, I was in a hurry to put a band aid on a wound that needed a hundred stitches..
Ball Python ( - Care by LLL reptiles.
By doing the amount of research you say you did, you should have found multiple answers to your questions, most books are out dated but you are trying,
A vet who specializes in herps will give you a definite answer and it will be different from most books.
I have 4 or 5 books on Green Iguanas each states a different diet what one do i believe?
I use them for a guideline seek a professional and ask in person, email or phone i believe Mykee would be a professional ball breeder ?
04-09-11, 10:34 PM
Who's gonna be perfect when they are new to the game? I'm trying, just don't like to be talked to like I have been talked to, no nice and helpful.... get more fly's w/ sugar than vinegar..... just saying.....
04-09-11, 10:38 PM
Who's gonna be perfect when they are new to the game? I'm trying, just don't like to be talked to like I have been talked to, no nice and helpful.... get more fly's w/ sugar than vinegar..... just saying.....
Took the words right out of my mouth ;)
The flies analogy was coming next:yes:
see post #33, that care sheet is spot on.
Ok we were all in your position at one point in time even the greatest. Instead of taking a rescue as your first snake maybee you should have spoken to that pet store get ALL the info and buy a snake of him. This will all work out, get him/her to a vet
04-09-11, 10:39 PM
When I kill the BP, he's doing good here, I don't need this forum if people r gonna be like this to a first time owner....
04-09-11, 10:42 PM
Am I just spinning my wheels in the mud?? If so, I can go back to watching TV...
04-09-11, 10:44 PM
Well, sorry Jay but I couldn't turn my back on this snake LIKE MAYBE U WOULD of, I felt sorry for him and yes I have been around one other snake in my life, I'm giving this a go, he's better off with ME than with THEM!!!! Don't preach to me about BREEDERS, one of the Breeders u all gave me a link to NEVER RETURNED MY EMAILS, lets see 5 total???? Is that how u do business???? OMG
sorry if i have been coming of rude or arrogant. I am sure with the right infor your new Royal will strive. When did you get the snake
04-09-11, 10:45 PM
Go watch TV, lol I'm fine, just trying to open some eyes up, people r so nieve....
Well, sorry Jay but I couldn't turn my back on this snake LIKE MAYBE U WOULD of, I felt sorry for him and yes I have been around one other snake in my life, I'm giving this a go, he's better off with ME than with THEM!!!! Don't preach to me about BREEDERS, one of the Breeders u all gave me a link to NEVER RETURNED MY EMAILS, lets see 5 total???? Is that how u do business???? OMG
trying to be civil here begging to think your after reactions now this is ridicules
Yes would you like me send you a link of all the free snake adds in my area that are willing to deliver no charge! I am a student, work, and hobbies i would be in over my head if i took them all it doesn't seem like this snake is receiving better care at all. although you did give him water but your temps and humidity is off Best of luck to you
04-09-11, 10:51 PM
Sorry, wanted a BP, tried your links u all gave me, come up w/ no returned emails, nice, nice, I find this BP on craigslist, they had limited info....I said what the hell, went and seen him and was appalled by what I seen....I brought him home, hence the name "Lucky", he's doing good, no sickness, no mites, like I've said over and over again, maybe I didn't read the RIGHT stuff online but that don't make me a TARGET either....Just trying to do the best for Lucky, now I'm sure I've got a bad rep on this board and that's fine, I can leave it anytime....
04-09-11, 10:53 PM
Some breeders are nothing more than armatures seeing dollar signs..
I have seen busts on TV before where "breeders" kept animals in squalor.. there are "puppy mill" breeders in the reptile world too.
Only with time can we learn who is reputable and worth listening to.
yes yes you can , best of luck.
04-09-11, 10:55 PM
Yes Jay, u want me to leave? OK got that.....
Why would I want you to leave?
04-09-11, 10:57 PM
no one wants anyone to leave...
04-09-11, 11:02 PM
Jay, your are worst than Mykee, you just basically told me I'm WRONG when I told u where I got my info from, not to say that I won't change it!!! OMG I didn't take in a FREE snake, I paid for it and had to go and BUY a ton of **** for IT.....I have a good job thank you, don't need no FREE snakes....My temps are good enough for now, I live 20 miles from town and have a big truck for the horses, so sorry but no pet store is OPEN at 1 am, lol....... OMG
when did i question your financial situation, I was just making a point that there are 100s of snakes needing rescue if i remember correctly you paid 20 for him i do admit deals are sweet i picked up a nice boa for 1100 yesterday of cl
04-09-11, 11:10 PM
I'm ready for a xanax, anyone have some I can get..(JK)
Sorry I guess this is a bit ridicules, I'm off to bed now
04-09-11, 11:15 PM
Well, JAY, they had him listed for $100..... Granted I could of went to a pet store and BOUGHT one for $79.00, bought a tank, heating ****, hides, etc.... but REMEMBER U ALL SAID THAT CHAIN PET STORES DON'T KNOW ****, so I went and seen this poor fellow (that you said if NO better off w/ me, LOL) so what do you want me to do here? Oh sorry you paid $1100 for a snake, cause YOUR ON DRUGS, my horse cost me $1200 and I get way more enjoyment out of her than a snake, lol......He will LIVE, omg get off my ***!!!!
04-09-11, 11:16 PM
all done here.. slander the forum, call people names.. major rule violations.
Have a nice time with your snake..
What ? To you a horse my be more enjoyable, to me a horse is a barn animal ( not to down you) if you add up all my snakes and a few people on here totals will be in high 1000s
04-09-11, 11:19 PM
if you don't find snakes enjoyable why did you want one? kind of defeats the purpose, no? This is a snake forum, everybody on here is passionate about snakes and reptiles and they just want the best for them.
04-09-11, 11:19 PM
Relax Jay.. It's over.
No one calls people names, accuses anyone of being on drugs or slanders for trying to help..
Banhammer time.
I am on edge im expecting a clutch very soon she has not came out of her nest box in a while
04-09-11, 11:25 PM
no one wants anyone to leave...
subject to change..(with provocation of course)
Wayne, the amount of respect I have for you has grown exponentially after watching (reading would be more accurate) how you handled this individual. You do a great job!
Our lovely forum will be all that better off better once this stereotypically acting female cop (possibly in the heat of her menstrual cycle) either accepts that, or leaves.
I have seen nothing but receptive, and passionate reptile enthusiasts do nothing but try and help the new owner, with the animals best interest in mind. A older member or two may have been short with the new owner, so what, I'm positive they only had intentions of helping the new owner... No matter how irrational and thick headed she may be.
Finally, to the OP.
The only thing you are opening peoples eyes to, is your own short comings.
People did nothing but try and help.
And I'm glad you're no where near me, you're one police officer I would never want to be unlucky enough to encounter.
Enjoy your TV cowgirl.
Just saw that she was banned, thank you again Wayne.
04-09-11, 11:35 PM
I'm ready for a xanax, anyone have some I can get..(JK)
Wayne... I agree... dear god...
04-09-11, 11:36 PM
also I seriously love how a lot of people dont actually realize how expensive some snakes are lol
04-09-11, 11:37 PM
Thanks, but even my patience reaches its limits. I have a moody 15 year old daughter that's easier to handle than this was.
04-09-11, 11:39 PM
Thanks, but even my patience reaches its limits. I have a moody 15 year old daughter that's easier to handle than this was.
LOL amen to that hahaha
04-09-11, 11:40 PM
also I seriously love how a lot of people dont actually realize how expensive some snakes are lol
I hear it all the time.. especially when they see a $700 price tag on a garter snake.
when a completely new morph hits the market, and there is only 4 specimens in existence in the entire world, the breeder who produced that morph can demand whatever they want, and someone will pay it.
04-09-11, 11:48 PM
can we see that banhammer pic you have
yea i go through those stages this is my slow time now (hockey's just about over)
04-10-11, 12:05 AM
can we see that banhammer pic you have
I would, but I forgot when I used it last.. it's parked on my server somewhere along with a thousand other files..
wow..I missed a lot lol!! and Ive spent a small fortune on my snakes, have horses as well...would sell all my horses if it ment I could Buy more snakes LOL!1 oh well different strokes for different folks!!
and what the hell why was she talking about how rude everyone else was being rude to her..she was the only one being rude LMAO oh well her loss!!
04-10-11, 02:06 AM
Sadly, without an attitude adjustment, it's that poor snakes loss. ;)
04-10-11, 03:16 AM
Wow this thread turned into something scary pretty fast. Silly unbelievers in the gospel of Mykee.
That was nice nice ban hammering there Wayne, brings a single tear to my eye <3
04-10-11, 08:01 AM
Well, JAY, they had him listed for $100..... Granted I could of went to a pet store and BOUGHT one for $79.00, bought a tank, heating ****, hides, etc.... but REMEMBER U ALL SAID THAT CHAIN PET STORES DON'T KNOW ****, so I went and seen this poor fellow (that you said if NO better off w/ me, LOL) so what do you want me to do here? Oh sorry you paid $1100 for a snake, cause YOUR ON DRUGS, my horse cost me $1200 and I get way more enjoyment out of her than a snake, lol......He will LIVE, omg get off my ***!!!!
if this really is a cop it beggars belief to think your government lets folk like this run about with guns :shocked::shocked::shocked:
crazy crazy stuff wayne...!!
cheers shaun
Yay!, she used to carry a gun. Good news for me!
04-11-11, 01:12 AM
Wow this girl is nuts....seeking reactions I think good job Wayne:)
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