View Full Version : is this a normal??

04-05-11, 08:53 AM
Is this a normal??I can't tell. I may be getting him/after work today, and I'm curious to what it is.... I'm sure its a normal, I just never seen a normal...

If it is a normal, could someone post picks of an adult??



I'll upload another pic of the actual one I'll be getting, this is his cage friend....

04-05-11, 08:55 AM
not a normal.

normals have loads of red and orange.

stolen photo from internet..



04-05-11, 09:04 AM
Got a feeling it might be a "Brown Anery" - dont quote me tho - pattern looks like this one but with brown instead of grey/black


04-05-11, 09:35 AM
I'm really drawn to the color... I like it.

04-05-11, 09:43 AM
Im gunna go with type A anethristic hard to tell when they are so young as a lot of color patterns don't fully develop until they mature

04-05-11, 09:46 AM

I'm glad to get this figured out.

04-05-11, 09:50 AM
Anerythristic | Cornsnake Morph Gallery (http://www.cornsnakemorphgallery.com/anerythristic/)

04-05-11, 09:54 AM
Whatever he turns out to be, he looks great XD

04-05-11, 10:18 AM
It's a normal my buddy has one at his shop right now about that size. Sorry but it's a normal. Unless it's het for something.

04-05-11, 10:19 AM
I'm pretty sure its not a normal.

04-05-11, 10:23 AM
Dont want to make an argument out of it, but its a normal. if it means that much to you ill be going there today and ill take a pic of it and post it tonight. Its a normal.

04-05-11, 11:08 AM
Absolutley definitely without a doubt not a normal, as wayne said normals are orange/red.

04-05-11, 11:11 AM
I was going to just suck it up and move to the next thread, but I looked at that photo again, and we cannot quite blame the camera for not picking up the reds, since the colours of everything else seem balanced just fine....

04-05-11, 11:14 AM
This link shows the various colours of Anery Corns


04-05-11, 11:27 AM
by defenition....

Anery = Recessive mutation resulting in the removal of erythrin (red) pigment.

feel free to google it. ;)

04-05-11, 12:18 PM
Could be a Miami phase


04-05-11, 02:16 PM
thanks so much everyone..

i hate to be the person to cause an argument, but after some looking i deff. think its an anery. not a normal, normals are more red and orange, as infernalis stated earlier...

after looking at the miami phase, it looks like the baby. If it is a miami, i will buy it no matter what the fiancee says!!!! lol

heres another pic, of the cage mate ( looks the same..)


and i took the pics with my phone, so it is a good camera, (8megapixels) i mean there is NO red on either of these snakes...

clikc the pic for a full size view, you can see the colors a tiny bit better

again, thanks everyone!

04-05-11, 02:49 PM
Sorry swan def without a doubt not a normal corn no matter what your friend has one labled as lol that is not what a corn snake aka red rat snake looks like in the wild.Normal | Cornsnake Morph Gallery (http://www.cornsnakemorphgallery.com/normal/) ok I could be wrong and if so my bad

04-05-11, 03:30 PM
Some normals and aneries are more brownish than what's considered standard. Miami's are also quite red, so I'm not convinced of that id. My initial guess based on the first photo was caramel (http://iansvivarium.com/morphguide/caramel/) as they usually start off more brownish (which is what I'm seeing) and develop into various yellows, but the second pic has me a little confuddled. Trying to id most morphs online is quite difficult, never mind trying to id most hatchlings without a clue to lineage. Where are you getting the snake from? Are they unsure of it's morph?

04-05-11, 03:35 PM
Fantastic wording there Marica!

04-05-11, 03:56 PM
Some normals and aneries are more brownish than what's considered standard. Miami's are also quite red, so I'm not convinced of that id. My initial guess based on the first photo was caramel (http://iansvivarium.com/morphguide/caramel/) as they usually start off more brownish (which is what I'm seeing) and develop into various yellows, but the second pic has me a little confuddled. Trying to id most morphs online is quite difficult, never mind trying to id most hatchlings without a clue to lineage. Where are you getting the snake from? Are they unsure of it's morph?

I am getting it from Pet Co ( i know terrible store blah blah blah, but thats not the issure, i got all my snakes/beardie from pet stores but 1 and all doing great)

i have not asked. they do a guy there that is a reptile guy, so illl ask them and see what they say.

i dont really care the morph, i just want to know lol...

04-05-11, 05:41 PM
OK I confess, mine came from petco... but here's the deal, they buy them in bulk all labeled "corn snakes" then it's up to us the buyer to chose what colour we like.

a random Miami phase from petco is very rare, and the Anery / Albinos are all mixed in together.

Heck, I seldom see a normal for sale at petco anyhow, because the mass breeding suppliers use assorted morphs as breeding stock, so virtually all corns sold at petco have one form of genetic mutation or another.

04-05-11, 05:42 PM
Is it a root beer??

04-05-11, 06:36 PM
OK I confess, mine came from petco... but here's the deal, they buy them in bulk all labeled "corn snakes" then it's up to us the buyer to chose what colour we like.

a random Miami phase from petco is very rare, and the Anery / Albinos are all mixed in together.

Heck, I seldom see a normal for sale at petco anyhow, because the mass breeding suppliers use assorted morphs as breeding stock, so virtually all corns sold at petco have one form of genetic mutation or another.

Huh, good to know... i doubt it is a miami phase as well, im going to go look at them tomorrow, and hold one, if i dont get it i will get more pics to post so everyone can see.

when i get the go ahead from the fiancee, i will be getting him/her. I ultimatly want 3 corns, 3 balls, and my BRB, so this will finish one of the lists...

04-05-11, 07:47 PM
Good suggestion Shmoges. If you pick this one up LiL Boa get a good pic of the head, I believe the overall head shape and the size and shape of the scales on the head are some ways to help determine if it's a hybrid.

04-05-11, 07:56 PM
Good suggestion Shmoges. If you pick this one up LiL Boa get a good pic of the head, I believe the overall head shape and the size and shape of the scales on the head are some ways to help determine if it's a hybrid.

will do! :) thanks!

04-06-11, 09:28 AM
Two more pics I got today....the one I'm getting is the lighter one... on the 2nd pic the one that is bu an angel, you can't see the head though. Please respond quick, I'm bu the store and need to leave soon. Thanks.



04-06-11, 09:28 AM

04-06-11, 09:31 AM
Anery corn.. get it, it looks good.

04-06-11, 09:34 AM
Thanks!! Will do!!

04-06-11, 10:53 AM
Anery corn.. get it, it looks good.

Cant agree more!!:yes::):Wow: