View Full Version : Design?

03-31-11, 09:13 PM
Hey everybody,

WOW these projects look amazing! I am hoping to get another snake (most likely a ball python) some time during the summer. I am thinking of building my own habitat. Is there a website where I could find some nice designs or are you all designing your own? (if so could you pass along some guidelines and tips?)
thank you!
Kendra :)

03-31-11, 09:17 PM
a bunch of people on here have posts with pictures of them building enclosures :)
i'm sure you can get some tips from those.

04-01-11, 03:51 PM
i designed my cage by myself was pritty simple i can make some drawings and post them if you'd like.

also some things i would change on mine are i would make the front of the cage open instead of the lid, and i would move the light to one side.

04-01-11, 04:01 PM
Reptile Cages Custom Showcases Habitat Aquariums Iguana Cage Reptile Enclosure Snake Cages Reptile (http://www.jworlds.net/)
has some of the coolest vivs out there, might give you some ideas. I believe they describe how some of their vivs work, and are cleaned.

04-01-11, 04:44 PM
Thanks you guys! Pictures would be great, thanks :)

04-01-11, 09:18 PM
I based my cage design/build (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-enclosure-discussion/84968-diy-wood-cage-build-guide.html) off of this one by Zoe Stevens (http://candoia.ca/cage.html), who is also a contributor on Bamboozoo (http://bamboozoo.weebly.com/d-i-yscage-art.html) which has a ton of cage designs and decoration ideas.

04-02-11, 12:20 PM
Thanks Marica :)