View Full Version : Which lizard - gecko would be best for me?

03-31-11, 08:21 AM
I hope someone can help me.

I am new here and looking to get a reptile.

Any lizards or geckos you know who are ....

-active in day

-eats vegetables and fruits with crickets on the side (or just crickets)

-as adult will be small to medium in size or as adult wont need over 30g or so habitat

-can be held and handled

Thanks for your help!

03-31-11, 08:54 AM
Leopard Geckos are worth looking into...


03-31-11, 08:57 AM
I would really recommend crested geckos. Although they are nocturnal, some cresties will still be out and about during the day. They can eat a diet of only Crested Gecko Diet (a specialized powder that you mix with water) and you can throw in some dusted insects every once in a while. As long as your room temps aren't unusually high or low, they thrive at room temperature. They also come in a HUGE range of colors and patterns and an adult can easily be housed in a 20 gallon tank. Hope this helps :)

03-31-11, 09:16 AM
Hello and welcome!

03-31-11, 09:18 AM
Thank you!!

Those are great suggestions and what cute reptiles they are!

I think I am really set up on having a diurnal lizard or gecko tho ...

Any other suggestions are welcomed! thanks!! :)

03-31-11, 09:24 AM
Anoles, or long tailed grass lizards
But no so fun to look at but tjey are great to watch

03-31-11, 09:32 AM
Anoles, or long tailed grass lizards
But no so fun to look at but tjey are great to watch

Yeah, I saw those at local petshop. Looks like we cant really handle those, so I crossed it out of 'yes' list.

Is important for me to be able to handle them and get a reptile who is active in day.

03-31-11, 11:12 AM
Can someone translate a 30g into feet and inches for this old fashioned english geezer?

03-31-11, 11:20 AM
Can someone translate a 30g into feet and inches for this old fashioned english geezer?
I think she means 30 gallon aquarium.

03-31-11, 11:27 AM
Aye but what size is that in english?

03-31-11, 11:32 AM
Aye but what size is that in english?

I guess if a height needed tank, i would say max 2 1\2 feet and same for those other tanks that are longer from side to side.

Not sure if that's help.

03-31-11, 11:34 AM
Aye but what size is that in english?
30 Gallon 36 1/4 x12 5/8 x16 3/4
30 Breeder 36 3/16 x18 1/4 x12 15/16
these are all in inches

This site is great
Chart of Tank Sizes (http://www.thekrib.com/TankHardware/size-chart.html)

03-31-11, 12:05 PM
Cheers Jay

03-31-11, 12:24 PM
Hi welcome! crested... ;)

03-31-11, 01:10 PM
Thank, I am really looking for a lizard active in the day ....

03-31-11, 01:49 PM
Another option you could look into would be some of the smaller species of skinks, such as fire skinks, Schneider's skinks, etc...

03-31-11, 02:22 PM
Why not a Bearded Dragon? Active during the day, sleeps at night, eats any feeder bugs available at any pet shop, fruits, veggies, greens, and are exceptionally tame!

03-31-11, 02:27 PM
Bearded Dragons require a large enclosure!

03-31-11, 02:32 PM
Bearded Dragons require a large enclosure!

True, I dont have enough room for those, it was part of my first choices tho ... until I started reading about their habitat!

03-31-11, 02:34 PM
Blue Tongue Skink!

They have great personalities! But they do get big!

Someone mentioned fire skink,

04-01-11, 06:32 AM
I guess there are not lizards for me.

04-01-11, 08:13 AM
I guess there are not lizards for me.
what about a frog? ....a lot of the fun reptiles are more nocturnal

04-01-11, 08:22 AM
I am really set up for the diurnal type in the lizard - gecko - chameleon family who can be handled. So what it eats doesn't really matter was just a plus

04-01-11, 08:24 AM
I am really set up for the diurnal type in the lizard - gecko - chameleon family who can be handled. So what it eats doesn't really matter was just a plus
Yes but you are shooting down all our suggestions, I guess a leopard gecko would be best

04-01-11, 08:31 AM
Like I said, Leopard Geckos tolerate handling decently, simple care requirements, stay small... pretty & fun to watch.

04-01-11, 08:46 AM
Yes but you are shooting down all our suggestions, I guess a leopard gecko would be best

You might think that but so far I've had suggestions that doesnt fall in what I'm looking for ... that's why I listed my criterias .

I'm not saying your suggested lizards or geckos aren't cute or aren't good, is just for my lifestyle and my family they are just not right.

There must be something out there that doesn't get big in size, are active in the day and that can be handled. For the rest its doesn't matter ... as long as its in the lizard - gecko or chameleon family ....

04-01-11, 08:47 AM
Like I said, Leopard Geckos tolerate handling decently, simple care requirements, stay small... pretty & fun to watch.

I LOVE geckos, I see there are a few of them who are active at day ... I might go more for that direction I think! :) Thanks

04-01-11, 09:01 AM
What you guys think about a Mali Uromastyx ?

Mali Uromastyx - Reptile - Live Pet - PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3893820)

So far thats the one that fits best ... just the sizing I am not sure. How big those can get?

04-01-11, 10:07 AM
Recommended 35 gallon or larger enclosure.. other than that everything else sounds right.

Leopard Gecko - Reptile - Live Pet - PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3893717&keepsr=0&clickid=body_rv_img)

Even though they are nocturnal, ours is awake quite a bit during the day.

04-01-11, 10:11 AM
Am trying to picture a 35g enclosure, I guess that would be over 2 1\2 feet?

I saw the little Leopard Gecko, they are just so adorable!

04-01-11, 10:13 AM
Go for a bigger enclosure and you are looking at lots of possibilities for lizards that are diurnal, easily handleable, active, great ot watch etc etc

Unfortunately your enclosure size is quite restrictive.

04-01-11, 10:26 AM
Go for a bigger enclosure and you are looking at lots of possibilities for lizards that are diurnal, easily handleable, active, great ot watch etc etc

Unfortunately your enclosure size is quite restrictive.

We are limited in space :(

04-01-11, 10:27 AM


04-01-11, 10:31 AM
Awwww!! What a cutie!!!

04-01-11, 04:19 PM
Yeah, and he's pretty calm when handled.

04-01-11, 05:20 PM
I'd deffinetly have to suggest leopard gecko! So far reptile wise all I had were snakes, but I've wanted a beardie for a very long time. But, same with you, space is an issue, my walls are beginning to line up wih tanks. lol. I as also concerned about not being able to handle him, but was assured by other gecko owners that leopards were normally fine with handling. I started looking into it and ended up finding a lady who orginally was trying to sell me a beardie who also had a leopard gecko. She offered me an amazing deal on him and everything she had set up with him at her place. When I went to get him I noticed she was VERY jumpy when trying to lift up his hide to show him to me. I guess she NEVER handled him because she was scared of him for some reason. He's been home since tuesday. The first time I picked him up, he was a little skiddish, and sort of tried to run off my hands. But after picking him up and just letting him walk on my hands for a few minutes each time he has quickly become very affectionate! I've also noticed he is usually out and about from the time I wake up to about 7-8 pm , and I don't see him again between then and falling asleep. (Normally somewhere in the wee hours of the morning as I am an insomniac) His tank has 2foot by 1foor floor space and he seems to have enough room for now, and it fits nicely on a small stand I have. Hope you find the right pet for you - whatever it may be!

04-01-11, 05:22 PM
Oh- another plus - if you only get females you can house more than one together if you'd like. Just no males, because they would fight to the death, and a male and female...well...makes babies :P

04-01-11, 05:31 PM
Oh- another plus - if you only get females you can house more than one together if you'd like. Just no males, because they would fight to the death, and a male and female...well...makes babies :P


Pet shop will be able to find out if its a male or female even if they are very young?

04-01-11, 05:59 PM
What you guys think about a Mali Uromastyx ?

Mali Uromastyx - Reptile - Live Pet - PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3893820)

So far thats the one that fits best ... just the sizing I am not sure. How big those can get?

Looked these up quickly as I know almost nothing about them - except I was pretty sure that they grow larger than what it sounds like your looking for - and according the the sites I looked at I was right. The picture petsmart has up is a baby, they get much bigger. At full grown they require atleast a 50gallon by the sounds of it... Also have seen it mentioned a few times that the level of care is a bit more complex than something like a beardie...
Mali Uromastyx Care (http://www.petadvice.com.au/mali-uromastyx-care/)
Just thought I'd share~

04-01-11, 06:05 PM

Pet shop will be able to find out if its a male or female even if they are very young?

Errr- I'm not too sure. To be honest, I dobt it. I'm not a fan of places like petsmart, I wouldn't trust them even if they did say. -.- They tend to try and sound like they actually know something about what they are selling all too often - when they don't. I'd suggest you take a look at some of the other threads that go over this. The gecko I got wasn't very young, and it's pretty easy to see if it's a girl vs a boy. I think you need to wait until they are so mature until you can really see anything, (I've never checked out a gecko that young so i don't know!) and I don't know how old the geckos sold in a pet store would be.

04-01-11, 06:45 PM
these are my fav lizard other than monitors. YouTube - Playing with my giant gecko leachianus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntIc3RWNiUA)

04-01-11, 06:49 PM
these are my fav lizard other than monitors. YouTube - Playing with my giant gecko leachianus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntIc3RWNiUA)

awwww, this is too adorable! How bit they get?

04-01-11, 06:51 PM
Errr- I'm not too sure. To be honest, I dobt it. I'm not a fan of places like petsmart, I wouldn't trust them even if they did say. -.- They tend to try and sound like they actually know something about what they are selling all too often - when they don't.

We dont have much resources here in my area ... to be honest I dont even know where to buy beside Petsmart.

04-01-11, 06:51 PM
they get max 12" usually around 8-9, they grow fast, mine were Tiny when i got them and now they are at least 10x bigger just under a year, ill post some updated pics of my 2 this week. I feed them rapashi 2 part crested gecko food and they love it. rather easy to care for

04-01-11, 07:05 PM
Guy at Petsmart told me they dont eat that jarred dried food that I should give powdered crickets.

04-01-11, 07:59 PM
he does know what hes talking about :P Genevieve's Geckos - A New Standard - Care Sheets (http://www.genevievesgeckos.com/site/care_sheet_R_leachianus.html) allen rapshi is the Guru of rhacs. his 2 part mix is the best thing you can feed a Rhacodactylus gecko. i would feed mine the odd insect but they are yet to show any interest in them. you most likely wont find one in a pet shop, if you can your one lucky girl :)

04-02-11, 12:43 AM
ooh! Thanks for the link!!

04-02-11, 05:39 AM
Anyone got a Chameleon? They seem to always have their tail curled. How big of a enclosure they need?

04-02-11, 05:49 AM
They need a lot of climbing space and air circulation plus strict temperatures and humidity. They are generally kept in all mesh cages over here.

04-02-11, 06:21 AM
my older brother used to have all kinds of crazy animals. a blue and gold macaw, tropical and saltwater fish with awesome tanks, an awesome siberian husky that was super well trained and some chameleons as well as others. i always remember him saying chameleons are extremely finicky and hard to keep alive unless in IDEAL climates. i've heard other people say they are hard to keep also. i'm sure other people know much better then i do.

04-02-11, 06:48 AM
Your brother has cool pets! I had a macaw too, a Military Macaw! I had to give him away just a couple weeks having him. He hated men and attacked my boyfriend and when my dad was over, he would do the same thing.

No Chameleons for me! lol .... I love the Geckos, the leopard one is such a cutie! But I am really concern is them being nocturnal .... We've had a pet like that before, even if he did come out once in a while in the day, we still couldn't enjoy him like we wanted to.

04-02-11, 06:54 AM
i still have tons of cute pics of the leopard gecko i had before i rehomed her eating crickets and sleeping during the day and night. although my cage was kind of bare aside from the necesities so it was easy to see her almost all the time.

she was never handled by the previous owner who gave her to me and already around 2 years old, so she went Ballistic when being handled. so i just left her alone and fed her and enjoyed her cuteness and ended up rehoming her.

even just as a pet to look at and not handle i had a hard time getting rid of her, she was Super cute and awesome.

04-02-11, 09:39 AM
I'm in ontario to Sandra, and sometimes it is a little hard to find certain species from repuatable places... You could always try kijiji or craigslist - always lot's on there and if you do a bit of digging it isn't hard to find good deals from decent owners. (Kijiji is how I met the girl that sold me my gecko)
I'm from outside collingwood area, and I drive all the way Barrie to pick up most of my supplies because I trust the store there (Reptile Wranglers) way more than the pet stores around me. I actually had a store in owensound try to tell me stupid things like 'oh a ball python will never eat anything bigger than a ratpup - oh beardies can stay in a 20 gallon their entire lives fine" blah blah blah. I don't trust them one bit anymore. ;/
Unfortunitly that's about the only place near here I trust. And I've had to do a lot of diving to pick up some of my reps. My Pine Snake came from Port Erie (right near the falls), my Gecko came from the other side of collingwood, etc.
Another issue with petstores is they often sell unheathly animals, animals or substrate can carry mites (this is how my python blue got infected when I first got her). I'm not telling you you can't go there, that's your choice. Just be careful - and do lot's off research so you don't end up picking something like that one lizard you mentions, thinking it stays small but actually gets rather large. good luck on the search.

and ninja, i very much miss pictures of your gecko sleeping. lol, i think these are what inspired me to take one in. ;p

04-02-11, 04:50 PM
I did some research those 2 falls into my requirements ... They both are active in the day, both can be handled .... Just the size I am not sure, how big of a enclosure they need?

Mt Horned Dragon


Eastern Collared Lizard

04-02-11, 04:55 PM
Pretty sure collareds need a four foot viv as even tho they are quite small they are very active.

The dragon could be ok with a three foot wide enclosure but needs around four foot of height for climbing

04-02-11, 04:57 PM
thanks for the info ....

awww so they are not a option for me

04-02-11, 06:59 PM
Any comments on this gecko? I know they are diurnal and small .... Are they easy to handle tho? Can I get them out of the tank every day?

Crocodile Gecko

04-02-11, 10:52 PM
Any comments on this gecko? I know they are diurnal and small .... Are they easy to handle tho? Can I get them out of the tank every day?

Crocodile Gecko

I would never recommend taking any reptile out every day.

04-03-11, 03:01 AM
No reptile really likes being handled, some just tolerate it more than others. Being picked up by something massively bigger than yourself is pretty stressful and they need time in between ha dlings to chill out. Our snakes are probably handled once or twice every 14 days.

04-03-11, 05:37 AM
I am starting to have doubt! :(

I like the Bearded Dragon, only down side is tank size, they need a long enclosure, I might have to go with it.

How are they for caring? Can they be for a responsible beginner?

04-03-11, 06:14 AM
I would say beardies are pretty good for beginners - just follow a good care sheet and you should be fine - if you have space for a beardie that opens up a lot of other possibilities too..........

04-03-11, 06:22 AM
I think I have to re-think the tank size for sure. We have a long table that I can use a tank up to 3 feet long ....

Any comments on those 3 types, as far a care goes? They would do well on a about +\- 3 feet cage?

Mt. Horned Dragon

Eastern Collared Lizard

Mali Uromastyx

Bearded Dragon

I think those are pretty much my favorites. As much as I love Geckos, I really want a active in the day lizard type.

04-03-11, 06:25 AM
I think I have to re-think the tank size for sure. We have a long table that I can use a tank up to 3 feet long ....

Any comments on those 3 types, as far a care goes? They would do well on a about +\- 3 feet cage?

Mt. Horned Dragon - three foot long but needs to be at least 4 foot high

Eastern Collared Lizard - needs four foot long as very active

Mali Uromastyx - think need four foot but others will no more than me about them

I think those are pretty much my 3 favorites. As much as I love Geckos, I really want a active in the day lizard type.

Answers in the quote - quicker that way :)

04-03-11, 06:30 AM
Thanks Lankyrob, very useful information! :)

I forgot to add up the Bearded Dragon ... Would that be my best option?

04-03-11, 10:03 AM
If you have room for a four foot enclosure then yes but three foot wouldnt be big enough for a beardie.

04-03-11, 10:14 AM
All would need at least 4 feet long cage?

I guess I am back at square 1 lol

Any other suggestions for diurnal lizard - gecko that would be ok in a 3 feet cage?

04-03-11, 01:14 PM
you can handle anoles, specialy ones from the store, when i go down to louisiana on vacation i catch them all the time, there actualy very easy to handle

04-03-11, 05:40 PM
you can handle anoles, specialy ones from the store, when i go down to louisiana on vacation i catch them all the time, there actualy very easy to handle

I would never recommend handling a pet anole, I have kept several. My female was here for 3 years..

Anoles are very quick, and very small & arboreal, once it jumps out of your hand, getting it back can be very challenging.

Most all Anoles sold in stores are wild caught, scooped up off the ground in the southern states and then sold as pets.

04-03-11, 05:49 PM
Anoles, as cheap as they are they don't like being handled and require a lot of care.

A fire skink would be able to be kept in a 3 foot long!

Here is a great care sheet!
Fire Skink (Riopa fernandi) Caresheet (http://www.herpcenter.com/fire-skink-caresheet.html)

04-03-11, 05:49 PM
Yeah, thats exactly what I read plus I ready they have sensitive skin. Hopefully soon, I will find the right lizard pet!

I've been told on here that Chameleons are not for beginners that its quite challenging to care for their needs. Is someone able to tell me what it implies? What makes them hard to keep?

04-03-11, 05:52 PM
Anoles, as cheap as they are they don't like being handled and require a lot of care.

A fire skink would be able to be kept in a 3 foot long!

Here is a great care sheet!
Fire Skink (Riopa fernandi) Caresheet (http://www.herpcenter.com/fire-skink-caresheet.html)

Thanks!! Are those diurnal reptiles?

Also, I saw on the link they reach up to 10-14 inches in length. Some of my 4 choices are also in that lenght ... but why they require bigger cages tho?

04-03-11, 05:57 PM
Yeah, thats exactly what I read plus I ready they have sensitive skin. Hopefully soon, I will find the right lizard pet!

I've been told on here that Chameleons are not for beginners that its quite challenging to care for their needs. Is someone able to tell me what it implies? What makes them hard to keep?

Replicating the jungle / rain forest environment is work intensive. They are very fragile/delicate creatures, and they are best not handled.

04-03-11, 05:58 PM
Chameleons they require a fresh air terrarium (good ventilation), drip system for water enclosure 3'x3'x3'. They can grow pretty big!

04-03-11, 06:04 PM
Thanks, yeah, that is a little more than what I am ready to work on.

I am curious about tank sizes. What I dont get is, why Anoles can be housed in a 3f tank when some of my 4 choices are about same lenght as the Anole but require a 4f tank

04-03-11, 06:09 PM
Thanks!! Are those diurnal reptiles?
They require UVB, They like to dig.

Also, I saw on the link they reach up to 10-14 inches in length. Some of my 4 choices are also in that lenght ... but why they require bigger cages tho?

Well, what is the largest enclosure length 2' or 3' ?

A lot of the bigger lizard require heat gradients, so that is one reason that they need such large enclosures. This way they can have a high heat on one side and lower temps on the other.

04-03-11, 06:23 PM
Well, what is the largest enclosure length 2' or 3' ?

Originally, I was looking at no more than 2 feet long ... but after seeing which types would suit in my family best, I realized, I should stretch up to 3 feet .... but for sure I dont have room for more than that.

04-04-11, 05:55 AM
Most of the 'non-selling' information sites that made some research on the Collared Lizard, they all say a minimum enclosure of 3 feet for a couple of them ... So maybe I should be ok with a Collared Lizard?1

Its just impossible for me to have a 4 foot enclosure, no room at all. I'm already giving away some of my big Orchids to make room for the new pet! :)

04-04-11, 06:27 AM
Honestly I really don't know why you don't go with the Leopard. If you are really worried about them not being active during the day more than one person has said in this thread that they are active day and night. Besides the beardie (I have one) they are generally easy to take care of environment wise and will readily eat crickets. Then you can have a 30 gallon tank like you are wanting.

Either that or you need to downplay some of your "finickiness" if you just really really want a lizard. And sorry if I am coming off a bit snippy, but you just seem to keep going around in circles about the issue.

04-04-11, 06:44 AM
It isnt necessarily the size of the reptile that defines the size of the tank but also the heat gradient required and how active the animal is.

04-04-11, 06:46 AM
Honestly I really don't know why you don't go with the Leopard. If you are really worried about them not being active during the day more than one person has said in this thread that they are active day and night. Besides the beardie (I have one) they are generally easy to take care of environment wise and will readily eat crickets. Then you can have a 30 gallon tank like you are wanting.

Either that or you need to downplay some of your "finickiness" if you just really really want a lizard. And sorry if I am coming off a bit snippy, but you just seem to keep going around in circles about the issue.

I WONT downplay some of my ''FINICKINESS'' I WILL find what I am looking for! I know what I want and I know what I have to offer. Why I have being picky about what I can have. I am responsible enough to at least get info I need and not just buy one and say it will be ok in the tiny tank, like most new reptile owners do!

And maybe I can suggest you to just ignore my thread if you are 'snippy' and annoyed. Because that wont solve anything but to cause friction. I came here for help, to have information on different species ... not to have my mind changed about what I want. So I am sorry about that! NO NOCTURNAL and that is my main criteria.

Now my only issue is to get more information on my FINAL 4 choices so I can see if either one will be ok in a enclosure of about 3 feet cage. So the Gecko been scratched off my list a long time ago.

04-04-11, 06:50 AM
gonna have to agree with nenna in the fact that you are just dancing in circles all day not accomplishing anything. you can easily look up all this information online. if you apparently KNOW WHAT YOU WANT and everything you say, go research it and you won't have to hear anything your closed mind doesn't want to

everyone has pretty much told you everything about the lizards we suggest and our opinions on them. the rest is on you.

04-04-11, 06:51 AM
the four choices you mentioned will NOT be right for a 3 foot enclosure for the reasons previously stated.

I do have to kinda agree with Nenna tho, you have asked for advice and everytime something is mentioned you have given reasons not to follow it. When you have asked questions and they have been answered it doesnt seem to have sunk in and it does seem that the same questions are coming up again and again.

Snapping back at someone who is a much longer term member of the forum also isnt going to help with getting advice from people that are volunteering their advice, knowledge and experience for free. We are all going out of our way to help you get what you want but it does seem that what you are specifically looking for doesnt exist, so compromise is needed - it is up to you what compromises you are prepared to make but the health and well being of any animal that ends up in your home is the most important thing and this can not be compromised in any way.

04-04-11, 06:59 AM
you can easily look up all this information online. if you apparently KNOW WHAT YOU WANT and everything you say, go research it

So you are basically saying what I will research is right info?

The 3 feet enclosure mentioned for a single adult Collared is right then.

What I read and things said on here doesn't match, WHY THE HELL I GET CONFUSED

04-04-11, 07:03 AM
obviously you have to do a lot of research and find the right information, which takes some real cognitive brain capacity. sorry for my stupid assumtion of you having any.

ps. mikey, i'm starting to understand you more each day.
you must be rubbing off on me ;)

04-04-11, 10:10 PM
Personally, I would say "Beardies" are an awesome choice for beginners. As said previously, they keep pretty much the same schedule as we humans, active during the day and asleep at night. They are also very tame. A popular practice when handling dragons is to place them on your chest like a living lapel pin. They seem really content to just hang out, checking out the scenery. The only drawback I can think of is the fact they eat. LOT!But again, they have a wide variety of foods they eat. Always have some fresh dark greens on-hand (kale, mustard greens, collard greens, etc). Grey healthy and they love them! I had my first two dragons shortly after I adopted my first snake and now I have five. They come in so many colors, and a few sizes (see German Giants)you're guaranteed to find one you'll love to care for. I definitely recommend finding a breeder in your area as opposed to a pet store though. 99% of the time you'll get a healthier animal that way you and your family can enjoy for years. Let us know what you decide!

04-05-11, 04:38 AM
Snapping back at someone who is a much longer term member of the forum also isnt going to help with getting advice from people that are volunteering their advice, knowledge and experience for free. We are all going out of our way to help you get what you want but it does seem that what you are specifically looking for doesnt exist, so compromise is needed - it is up to you what compromises you are prepared to make but the health and well being of any animal that ends up in your home is the most important thing and this can not be compromised in any way.

Very well said once again Sir Rob.....

04-05-11, 04:49 AM
Very well said once again Sir Rob.....

i feel like you should be knighting him while you say that. ^^

04-05-11, 04:59 AM
That was the general idea behind what I said ;)

04-05-11, 07:49 AM
When you read a caresheet and it say a minimum size of #x#x#, it's not always the best size.
Nothing wrong with doing research and joining a reptile forum to get the answers you need, it's much better than getting a reptile and buy things that aren't the best and then joining a forum and find out what is wrong with your setup.

Make sure if you do get a collard lizard that it is captive breed, if wild caught it will more than likely be full of parasites, mites and will be stressed out which often leads to death.

Here is my set up for my bearded dragon. The enclosure it self is 4.5' x 2' x 2'

04-05-11, 08:30 PM
When you read a caresheet and it say a minimum size of #x#x#, it's not always the best size.
Nothing wrong with doing research and joining a reptile forum to get the answers you need, it's much better than getting a reptile and buy things that aren't the best and then joining a forum and find out what is wrong with your setup.

Make sure if you do get a collard lizard that it is captive breed, if wild caught it will more than likely be full of parasites, mites and will be stressed out which often leads to death.

Here is my set up for my bearded dragon. The enclosure it self is 4.5' x 2' x 2'

Super nice I love it!!

I finally decided on a Mali Uromastyx !! Am so excited. Was able to buy a used 4f tank. Pet store used Calci-Sand .... but I read its too dusty .... For now its what I have until I can figure out what is best to use.

04-05-11, 09:02 PM
Super nice I love it!!

I finally decided on a Mali Uromastyx !! Am so excited. Was able to buy a used 4f tank. Pet store used Calci-Sand .... but I read its too dusty .... For now its what I have until I can figure out what is best to use.

I would change the substrate ASAP. You can always temporarily use paper towels until you figure out what exactly you want to use.

04-05-11, 09:06 PM
What do you use?

Looks like most have their good and down side making it hard to decide on what to use.

04-05-11, 09:15 PM
Have you thought of Cuban curly tails? I had a few for a while, they have this crazy looking tail that curls over their backs. And if you train them like savs, they can be quite handle-able after a few weeks of working with them.

They grow to about 8-10 inches on average, but can get a little longer

04-05-11, 09:16 PM
Shoot, didn't notice that you had chosen, my bad.

04-05-11, 10:14 PM
What do you use?

Looks like most have their good and down side making it hard to decide on what to use.

Well, I've never had a Uromastyx, so I probably can't help you much there. I just know that I really don't like calci-sand, for any reptile. Ceramic tile might be an option. I use it for my leos because there's no risk of impaction, it still looks nice, and its easy to clean.

04-06-11, 03:48 AM
You can use calcisand or Reptisand in PART of the enclosure - we gound our lizards llike lying in is and slightly digging their body into it especially when it is under the heat lamp. we then ring the sand with rocks and fill the rest of the enclosure with reptibark - we also dont keep uromastyx tho so not sure what is best for them.

04-06-11, 05:10 AM
Uro are desert lizard and they LOVE the heat. Read they love to dig too.

My tanks isnt as wide as I would of like (was looking for 18" but found this one at 12") But I hope the 4f long makes it up for it.

04-06-11, 06:28 AM
Uromastyx are awesome! Great choice, I like to call them little puppies of the lizard world, they can be a little shy, but if you buy from a breeder hopefully they were handled often as babies.

This place is well known for good quality Uro's, here is the link they should have a great caresheet. You can also call them or e-mail them for any information that you would like to know. Good luck
Deer Fern Farms Uromastyx Care Page (http://www.deerfernfarms.com/Uromastyx_Care.htm)

04-06-11, 10:10 AM
My Uro wacks tail when I try to pick him up. Doesnt hurt ... but is that a normal behavior and once they get used us, he wont do that?

Girl at pet shop said they dont handle lizards, so they are not used to it.

04-06-11, 10:47 AM
A lot of lizards use tailwhipping as a defence, our frilled dragon used to do it alot but is much better now.

04-08-11, 04:29 PM
Chomper laid welts on me before with his tail...

04-08-11, 04:58 PM
KyJinn, my beardie, if he is having a bad day and I try to mess with him will swing at me with his tail along with hissing. It is certainly the most "normal" way lizards defend themselves or let us know when they don't want to be messed with.

Best thing you can do is gently hold the lizard even though he is trying to whip at you. Then once it settles for a bit put it down. Putting it down or retracting your hand when it does start whipping around will reinforce the behavior letting your lizard think this is the way to get left alone.

At the same time it is not a good idea to over handle your lizard either. Have to find a nice balance :)

04-08-11, 06:56 PM
Yeah, that makes sense. I am not trying to handle him much now because he is still adjusting to his new environment. But earlier I was able to hand feed him while he was in his tank tho ... I think that is a good start!

04-10-11, 09:58 AM
Good luc kwith your choice~ Keep us updated and share pics~