View Full Version : much to do about no poo

03-29-11, 05:48 PM
hey, just looking for a little advice. I recently acquired a 3 yr old ij carpet python (2 weeks ago). Hey has yet to poop and I'm getting a little worried. He is active and eating well, (he had a medium rat last night and one last week). I've read that sometimes they won't poop for awhile when they are relocated, but I'm concerned that he's ok. Any thoughts???

03-29-11, 05:50 PM
My jcp seems to go ages without "going"the will poop, shed and then poop again. I wouldnt worry too much unless you have other concerns to go along with the no poop.

It can also depend what they are eating as some prey items can be digested so fully that there is barely any waste product.

03-29-11, 06:00 PM
nope, no other concerns. He's active, pleasant to handle, and readily eats. It's just that the woman I got him from said he would "go" about 3 or 4 days after eating. He's had 3 medium rats since so i was just a little concerned, that's all. Thanks for the advice, I guess I'll just give him some time.

03-29-11, 07:04 PM
maybe he would like some reading material and a little quiet time. :-)

03-30-11, 09:37 AM
i would'nt worry too much about it

i keep carpets into double figures and imo theres no pattern to them doing a poo

sometimes they will do it once a week for 2 or 3 weeks other times they will go 4 to 8 weeks then do it

if you start to notice a bulge near their end of buisness then a warm bath usually makes them do it in the bath

you can also inject a food item with mineral oil or milk of magnesia at the rate of 1ml per kilo of body wieght of the snake

i have never had to do anything with my carpets though as they all go eventually

cheers shaun

03-30-11, 11:17 AM
It's nothing to worry about like they said. Bloods and Borneo only go about once every 3 to 4 months. Mine Borneo hasn't poop in over six month.

03-30-11, 01:21 PM
It's nothing to worry about like they said. Bloods and Borneo only go about once every 3 to 4 months. Mine Borneo hasn't poop in over six month.
Watch out when that one hits Chuck!

Blindchicken....I love the name, and the thread title cracked me up. In case I missed your intro post, Hello and Welcome Aboard!

As stated above a couple of weeks without a poop is not much to worry about in snakes. However if you experience the same situation, see your Dr.:freakedout:

03-30-11, 01:32 PM
Watch out when that one hits Chuck!

She went 5 month once then drop a couple load in a month time. They both stunk so bad i thought she die on me. My eye were watering as i clean her cage out.

03-30-11, 06:00 PM
Thanks guys. I thought he was ok, but I was getting a little concerned. I've had iguanas and currently have a red eared slider turtle that's been with me for 20 years and neither has held it in that long. This snake ownership is new to me, but I'll definitely be getting more in the future:yes:

03-31-11, 01:15 PM
It's nothing to worry about like they said. Bloods and Borneo only go about once every 3 to 4 months. Mine Borneo hasn't poop in over six month.

i learned that lesson the hard way when i took a mates blood python to the vets for him.it unloaded the mother of all poo's right down my front and legs.boy it did'nt half stink chuck :yes:

cheers shaun

03-31-11, 03:48 PM
i learned that lesson the hard way when i took a mates blood python to the vets for him.it unloaded the mother of all poo's right down my front and legs.boy it did'nt half stink chuck :yes:

cheers shaun
LMAO I have been lucky in the 18 years i had reptiles i only been poop on twice and both time it was some else snakes. One was a baby Burm and the other a baby Blood. Both did it right in my hand.

04-02-11, 05:22 PM
All is good, he finally "went" after almost 3 weeks. Unfortunately I wasn't around so my girlfriend had to clean it up.:laugh:

04-02-11, 05:28 PM
lol. on a side note, your profile pic is terrifying.

04-02-11, 05:31 PM
Thank you. You honour me with your words!

04-04-11, 08:17 PM
I brought a girl I was interested in over to a friends to introduce her to large snakes, had a retic drop almost a gallon all over her dress... that went well lol:P

04-04-11, 08:22 PM
lol, that sucks. One of mine released on me when I had him and my larger one out at the same time. Hasn't happened since. But at least it wasn't on my kids. They would have freaked.