View Full Version : Sand Vs Carefresh

03-28-11, 08:59 AM
I just recently got a Kenyan Sand Boa. The previous owner had the bottom filled with carefresh (if you dont know it is clean tissue type stuff with no perfume or added things, safe for pets...). I wanted to switch to a black desert sand but have heard that if you feed them in there they will digest the sand and could possibly be fatal.... Anyone of you snake lovers think it would be ok to switch or should I just stick to what he knows.... he is 2 years old and has been in the carefresh all his life.:confused:

03-28-11, 09:03 AM
I have never kept a sand boa, someone here who has will reply.


03-28-11, 09:20 AM
You can keep him in the black desert sand and feed him in a separate enclosure if you really want but just know that its not just eating the sand that can give him trouble.
If he strikes at something and gets a mouth full of sand its possible for him to swallow some of it, unlikely but possible.
That being said I have a friend with one and he keeps the boa in sand. He also feeds the snake in the same enclosure but right before feeding time he places a frisbee in the enclosure and places the prey item on that and makes sure that the snake consumes the meal on the frisbee and doesn't drag it onto the sand.

03-28-11, 10:40 AM
I have a couple snakes I just set a dinner plate in the enclosure, just like the Frisbee idea. it works.

03-28-11, 11:13 AM
Same here - i put plastic plate into the snakes enclosures and get them to eat off the plate (they arent too good with a knife and fork tho :rolleyes: ;) )

03-28-11, 11:37 AM
Hello and welcome! I my snakes food on plastic lids.

03-28-11, 03:52 PM
Welcome and congratulations on your new member of the family. I own a ksb as well and have had her since early last December. I've chosen not to house her with a sand bedding, but that is just a personal choice of "better to be safe than sorry." I feed her in a separate enclosure so that I can watch and enjoy her process of eating without distraction (she is not shy about eating in front of anyone). If you go with sand, find a sand that keeps its shape when your snake burrows if you can. Also, take the advice of others who've already said it: feed your little one in a separate container or put a plate in its present enclosure with a bit of an edge so that the food will stay sand-free. Sand can cause impaction if too much is ingested. Good luck and I'd love to see pictures if you've taken any!

03-28-11, 08:59 PM
our KSB's and rough scale are fed out of there enclosure so no problms as of yet with crushed walnut or fine sand.

PS make sure you get a themometer with a probe and keep him warm 95+ on the hot side. I am dealing with 2 respirator infections now...

03-28-11, 11:35 PM
Thanks you guys. I was gonna go with the better be safe then sorry but could resist. Got a lot of info and Im gonna go with the plate or separate enclosure idea.

Here is a picture of my little man :)
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/189416_10150461440705147_683060146_17943559_668785 6_n.jpg

I always said I would never get a snake. Now I have one, I sugest everyone should!!! :nerd:

03-28-11, 11:47 PM
Lol you will have another soon once you pop you just can't stop lol very nice lookin fella I can't wait until my lil lady grows up

03-29-11, 12:26 AM
Snakes are addictive little creatures, you get one and next thing you know you have another and another. If the sand is dry enough it shouldn't stick to the snake and be dragged into the plate, and as CanadianEryx said, make sure that the plate has a edge on it.

03-29-11, 12:06 PM
He looks great!! Does he have a name yet?

03-29-11, 07:22 PM
Gorgeous, I love these guys:)

03-30-11, 06:26 AM
It took a little while, I wanted to get to know him a bit. His name finally came to be Khan :) I love him so much and when I goto lay him back in his aquarium he tries to slitter up my arm to stay out with me. <3 Has alot of personality.