View Full Version : some new pics

03-27-11, 08:06 AM
heres some new pics of my boa taken with a proper camera, so better quality but the batteries went flat after the second picture unfortunatley, but will keep adding up to date pictures as i take them:

hope that u all enjoyed them

03-27-11, 08:11 AM
Nice big enclosure..

03-27-11, 08:13 AM
thanks, the white tape around the rim is masking tape covering a piece of string to help with the humidity when it is time to raise it

plus believe it or not, hes bigger than the enclosure, is long and wide, hes just really gd at curling up into a really tight and small ball lol

03-27-11, 08:54 AM
How old is he now? Nice enclosure btw.

03-27-11, 08:57 AM
hes approximately a yr old, and hes 42.5 inches long and thanx

03-27-11, 11:25 AM
here we r, some more of him lol:
(peek-a-poo) lol

03-27-11, 12:41 PM
thanks, the white tape around the rim is masking tape covering a piece of string to help with the humidity when it is time to raise it

Can you explain what you mean about the string and the humidity. Never heard of that before? Cheers.

03-27-11, 01:05 PM
it creates a seal to help with the way that i add humidity, i put hot water into a coke bottle that has small holes in the top and let the steam escape the bottle slowly and raise the humidity that way, obviously the snakes not in there at the same time

03-27-11, 01:12 PM
You say your boa is very grumpy during shed so your going to remove him from his tank to steam it up when he's at his grumpiest?

Also, when you lift the lid to remove the coke bottle and put the boa back in, you will lose most of the steam that you are trying to seal in?

What's wrong with the normal way of raising humidity?

Just curious as to your reasoning behind this as like I say, never heard of it before.

03-27-11, 01:30 PM
the steam will attach itself to the sides of the tub and i dont have a spray bottle yet, and he is always bathed before sheds anyway so he will be fine.

03-28-11, 08:53 AM
How long does the humidity stay within range when you use this method?
If you use a second water bowl close to the lamp or in the same area as your under-tank heater you can easily maintain a stable humidity at whatever range you want.
Either way, if your method works, grats on creatively finding a new method that works in your situation.