View Full Version : what kinda boa do i want??!
:confused: should i get a red tail i had one before and they are so good ..when i goto trade show people are carriing them around on there neck and im just not sure any one have any ideas i want to just grab one before its too late:grab:
Not really sure what you are asking. You are asking what boa you want, and that question is pretty much self-explanatory, nobody else can tell you what you want, only you can. What are you unsure of? If you've had a redtail you know what they are all about. What do you mean by grabbing one before its too late? Maybe if you list some more specific questions we can help you better :confused:
what i mean is like would a another redtail be a good choice out of all the boa's what one would probley be a some what begeners type of boa?opps sry bout saying grabing it before its too late ment to put that on a post but not this one....
01-03-03, 07:04 PM
when you say red-tail do you mean true red-tail or common? what happened to your last redtaqil? was it common or true?
01-03-03, 08:19 PM
Beats me. That's like me asking you what I want for dinner.
So, what do I want for dinner?
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Beats me. That's like me asking you what I want for dinner.
So, what do I want for dinner?
Them and Us
01-03-03, 09:31 PM
well that is really weird because i had perogies for dinner tonight. potato and cheese to be exact. i made it myself.
Well i had a ture red tail but my smart dad went to clean the cage with crl<--- that stuff is poisness and he didnt rinse it all out and she died at 1 year old i want one like her again....but i dont no whats the differeces:confused: :confused:
01-03-03, 09:49 PM
yeh we buried it in our garden lol
01-03-03, 10:19 PM
Ha ha, I was talking about the perogies! LOL!
01-04-03, 01:24 PM
hmmmm now i'm in the mood for perogies :( Sorry jUstin i don't know much about boas.. i'm a python guy. But i do know that i want perogies now :( ... *grrr at Lisa*
Them and Us
01-07-03, 09:28 PM
never ever eww at perogies!!
01-11-03, 07:57 PM
Justin... I'm thinkin 1) you should read a book written solely on boa constrictors; there's very minimal differences between the subspecies, and for any of these people to go into huge detail here would be to take valuable time from their lives 2) perhaps you as the caretaker of the animal may want to assertain that only you work with the animal and use appropriate products that aren't going to compromise the long term health and "happiness" of your animal. Really... Please... Buy a book and research the different types of boas that are out there.
01-28-03, 08:11 AM
and eat a perogie...
01-28-03, 01:41 PM
Justin.... all I can say is read and do your research before getting a snake.
Look at the care sheets and information here, at,, and several other places on the internet. Then when you can say that you are ready to make a commitment to properly care for an animal that could live 20 or more years and get to 8' or longer.... then jump on in and buy a boa! As far as the BCC vs BCI... My opinion would be to go with the BCI. They are a bit more forgiving with small errors in their husbandry than some of the BCC's can be.
02-08-03, 10:28 AM
I am a member on a couple forums in the us, I know the owner of one that has free care sheets you can download and save on your PC.
Some of my reptiles are also from Mr C english breeding projects
This is an awsome care sheet for begginers and can save your snakes life.
You will need that Adobe acrobat software to open he provides ashortcut to the free download if you dont' have it already. Check it out it will fit on a floppy I pass them out to friends who keep boa's.. Saved a couple this way. and its free.
02-08-03, 04:37 PM
If you have expierience with one, yes you could, just do all your research first. Also I would go with a BCI(boa constrictor imperator) instead of a BCC(boa constrictor constrictor) BCI's are usually easier and don't have the chance to get as big as BCC's, even though there is a small difference.
02-10-03, 12:14 AM
Ahh, I feel that Bcc and Bci are generally the same (care wise).
Although Bci grow faster than bcc (alot), so maybe if you want a smaller enclouser longer stick, to a Bcc. (they are also better looking;) )!
Hope this helps!
Actually, BCCs (Surinames, Guyanans, and Peruvians) are harder to care for than BCIs (Colombians, Hog Islands, and Central Americans). BCCs are more sensitive to husbandry changes also. I don't know about growth rates, but BCCs do generally get larger than BCIs. As for feeding, BCCs are more prone to regurges. BCIs are less temperamental, hardier, more handleable, and generally easier to work with. If you want a good "beginner" I would say go with a Hog Island Boa or male Colombian. Hogs are more expensive, but they're smaller than Colombians, and I love working with them. As far as looks, well, it's a matter of personal preference.
02-10-03, 12:25 PM
From experience, It's not a matter of which is harder! I have never seen a difference! Of course Wc Bcc (Guyanas) are a HELL of a lot meaner than any bci. but cb are generally the same! Hog Islands are VERY nice too! but there is NOTHING wrong with starting off with a Bcc! (come on people your making this sound hard!!) its not like they're ETB!
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