View Full Version : Poo on skin...

Rolf Oldenburg
03-24-11, 09:55 AM

Today i checked my corn snakes and my big male is in shedding period, but he has poo on his skin.
Can this be harmful?
Or just leave it, and wait till he sheds?
Kinda wondering how he did it tho :Wow::confused:

03-24-11, 10:23 AM
Some of my snakes crawl through their own poo too sometimes.

Leave it, the stains come off with the shed.

03-24-11, 10:41 AM
agreed ^

my gtp did this to his head, and i soaked him just bc i thought it could harm him but everything i couldn't get off (i didn't want to hurt him trying to get it off) he had worked off by the next morning anyway.

03-24-11, 11:04 AM
I just hate it when my otherwise pearly white snows have little brown streaks on them... it distracts from the natural beauty.

Rolf Oldenburg
03-24-11, 11:59 AM
Allright, thank you both :)