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red ink
03-23-11, 02:14 AM
First one finished of an identical pair of stack enclosures....




03-23-11, 02:42 AM
those are beautiful, so hope mine turn out that great

03-23-11, 04:12 AM
Very nice mate! Any luck with finding a partner yet?

03-23-11, 01:56 PM
Wow man that sweet. You did one hell of a job.

red ink
03-23-11, 03:55 PM
Thanks guys... I need to put together the other one but no rush on that one as I don't have any new acquisitions anyway... The wife got sick of the white melamine enclosures so i was then "instructed" to make these. The bottom enclosures will accomodate weatbelt or wimdora stimsons when i find ones i like next season. I also have another 3 stack planned to replace the rest of the melamine enclosures around the house plus another single (90cm x 45cm x 60cm) free standing one to double up as a "hallway" table... nothing to put in that one but i figured best to have lots of empty enclosures rather than lots of animals with no enclosures. I will be using the free standing ones for some Odatrias.

Percy, yeah mate just waiting on the breeder to sex them and send me pics of the females to choose from. i have been after this bloodline since Nov last year so I'm in no rush lol.

03-23-11, 06:21 PM
Good to hear mate, best to stick to what you want than just buying whats there. I cant wait to see the little one when you get it home mate!