View Full Version : Possible shed?... I THINK SO!

03-19-11, 09:48 AM
Sooo I think my BP is going into shed again for the second time since ive got him... I got him like a month ago and yesterday he refused food even over night, his underbelly is pinkish, and hes been soaking and spending a lot of time in his humidity hide :) since I've gotten him he has grown quite a bit, I wanna say at least 1-2 inches... is this normal for a one month period? he was hatched in Dec 2010 from my understanding so is roughly 3-4 months old :) my little man is growing :D

03-19-11, 10:08 AM
December 10th seems like a reeeeeeealy late date for a ball python to be hatching. I'm guessing the breeder you got him from hatched him way earlier in the season but he was a poor eater. Hence the made-up date so late into the year.
Regardless, intervals between shedding for a baby depends entirely on how much it's fed. You feed him a lot, he needs bigger skin; he sheds. You don't feed him often, he grows far more slowly and sheds less often as well.

03-19-11, 10:08 AM
Sounds about right to me, The first year is the most rapid growth period for any snake.

03-19-11, 11:07 AM
December 10th seems like a reeeeeeealy late date for a ball python to be hatching. I'm guessing the breeder you got him from hatched him way earlier in the season but he was a poor eater. Hence the made-up date so late into the year.
Regardless, intervals between shedding for a baby depends entirely on how much it's fed. You feed him a lot, he needs bigger skin; he sheds. You don't feed him often, he grows far more slowly and sheds less often as well.

That is very interesting... when is a normal time for snaked to be breed? and hes eating a rat pup every week

03-19-11, 11:08 AM
BTW wayne... I'm liking the new display pic... Frylock!

03-19-11, 07:33 PM
99% of all ball pythons born in captivity in Canada are hatched May-October.
It's possible, just very unlikley that your baby is a December baby.
Who did you get it from?

03-20-11, 07:06 AM
O.C.D. Reptiles one of my friends moms (who is also a breeder) is good friends with them