View Full Version : Profile : Arthur

03-19-11, 07:28 AM
Arthur is our Spiny Tailed Monitor lizard, he is soooo cute and had a massive personality. He is my wifes really but he has really turned me onto lizards whereas i was really only interested in snakes before.


03-20-11, 06:06 AM
Oo~ Really love his pattern and everything :D Is he an adult? So pretty~ I may have to seriously consider one of these some day c:

03-20-11, 08:07 AM
He may have an inch or two of growth left in him but that is pretty much adult size. He is great, fantastic personality.

03-20-11, 06:33 PM
Hmmm c: ... That seems like the right sized kind of monitor for me~ One day, at least.

03-20-11, 06:35 PM
He looks like a character. I like the shot of him in the trees. Very cool.

03-21-11, 02:03 PM
I hope you have some dirt under that bark. I can't really tell from the pics.
You have the monitor bug now. Everything else will pale in comparison. ;)

03-21-11, 04:38 PM
Man he looks sweet. I didn't realize they stay that small.

03-21-11, 05:32 PM
They are one of the smaller monitors, He has a sandy area and a bark area deep enough to burrow but hasnt ever done so. What he does like is a covered wood area whi ch you can see behind his waterbowl and at the hot end is a rock outcrop he can get under, at night he sleeps in a hollow rock hide. These guys can be found in most areas of australia, some build nests in trees, some build dens in cracks in rocks and some use burrows left by other animals. Our guy aeems to like the rocky aspect more than any other.

03-22-11, 07:53 AM
They are one of the smaller monitors, He has a sandy area and a bark area deep enough to burrow but hasnt ever done so. What he does like is a covered wood area whi ch you can see behind his waterbowl and at the hot end is a rock outcrop he can get under, at night he sleeps in a hollow rock hide. These guys can be found in most areas of australia, some build nests in trees, some build dens in cracks in rocks and some use burrows left by other animals. Our guy aeems to like the rocky aspect more than any other.

They are only in the Northern half of Australia. They will escape up a tree if they have to but only nest on the ground.
You should have a humidity gradient low to moderate. Usually a deep dirt substrate will facilitate this. Lack of humidity will cause health issues and poor sheds.

03-22-11, 09:00 AM
From the breeder

"Spiny-Tailed Monitors requires a basking spot temperature of up to 98-113°f. This cannot be achieved properly using conventionally heat sources and therefore a Ceramic Heat Emitter is preferred in conjunctio with a Microclimate B2 or B2ME (Night temperature) Pulse Thermostat. Two thermometers should be used (one at each end of the vivarium) to monitor the temperature gradient. Placing a rock underneath the basking area is recommended because these Monitor Lizards love to bask in the heat. The Spiny-Tailed Monitor is renowned for not shedding properly, so keep a close eye on your lizard to ensure he sheds his skin, especially on his toes and the tip of his tail. Although these lizards are a desert reptile, they must still be sprayed with water daily when they are shedding their skin. This will encourage a full shed, reducing the risk of problems.

The Spiny-Tailed Monitor inhabits dry, arid areas of Australia and a similar habitat should be established in their enclosure. This is best created by using a desert sand substrate with rocks and branches for climbing, as well as plastic and silk plants to add character to the enclosure. The substrate should be around 2" in depth because these lizards like to dig and burrow. Provide these lizards with at least a 36" x 24" x 24" wooden vivarium. A large water bowl for your monitor to get into if ,he wishes is also required."

03-22-11, 09:19 AM
Basically what I said, deep burrowable substrate. Which is where they will get the humidity they require as dirt needs moisture in order to hold a burrow.

Little Wise Owl
03-25-11, 09:22 PM
V. acanthurus' are so cute!

Thanks for sharing :)

03-31-11, 07:08 AM
How big will he get?

03-31-11, 07:10 AM
He is basically fully grown maybe another inch over the rest of his life. He is about 14 inches or so at a guess.

04-12-11, 02:58 PM
Was feeding the snakes tonight and Arthur could smell teh prey - kept looking at me in the hope he would get something to eat!


04-13-11, 08:32 AM
lol - love that last picture. "Ummm... Where is miiiiine?"

04-28-11, 11:49 AM
Put him in the bath for first time today, water not too deep so he could touch bottom and he spent the whole time charging around (and biting my finger!)


05-05-11, 03:50 AM
Cute lil bugger

05-05-11, 06:47 AM
Cute lil bugger
I second that. That's not a bite it's a thank you for the bath kiss. LOL:)

05-05-11, 07:10 AM
Was the first time he ever drew blood - he tends to "hold on" with his teeth and if you say "no" he lets go and gives you a guilty look - this time tho he just clamped harder and harder till the skin split - was more bruised than cut to be honest.

And your right he is a cute little bugger!! :)

05-05-11, 12:42 PM
When i put my monitors in the bath for the first time i tend to take the top of a cat litter box and place it in the bath, once they go in they run into it if they are scared and i coax em out with food. 5 minutes later they are swimming and relaxed.

He is cute as hell:P

05-19-11, 04:28 AM
Noticed this last night - looks like someone was too tired to actually climb INTO his bed!!


05-19-11, 04:30 AM
Is the hole big enough? Cute pic either way.

05-19-11, 04:31 AM
Yeah - he slides in and out fine - sleeps in there everynight usually but was fast asleep when i took those pics.

05-19-11, 07:01 AM
Thats adorable

red ink
05-19-11, 07:30 AM
Great little ackie mate, just a suggestion as well if I may. Having kept Odatrias before... standard husbandry temps for them here is a basking spot of at least 50 degrees celcius.