View Full Version : The 11th day of a month

03-16-11, 05:59 PM
Okay my sister brought this up during dinner today and I thought I would post this here to see what you guys think. Alright so we all know that the World Trade Centers went down on September 11, 2001. Now a few days ago Japan had a huge tragic earthquake which then formed a tsunami. This happened on March 11, 2011. There was another tragic event that happened on the 11th day of a month but I don't remember what it was. Also in the bible there is something about the 11th hour. I don't know I just find it alittle weird that these 2 large tragic events happened on the 11th day of a month.

03-16-11, 06:02 PM
coincidences happen every day ;)

03-16-11, 06:02 PM
Trouble is with these sorts of links is that you can always find something somewhere to tie in with whatever pattern youbare looking for.

I work on the "take it as it comes" theory, as i found out you never know whats round the next corner.

03-16-11, 06:25 PM
I think your thinking of a big tsunami a few years ago in India or something... not sure but I remember what your talking about...

03-16-11, 09:59 PM
coincidences happen every day ;)

Exactly what I was going to say.

Natural events we have no control over, However in reference to 9-11,
Since those terrorists prey on mans faith and religion, wouldn't it be likely they planned on making there actions appear "biblical" to bolster the fear factor?

03-17-11, 12:10 AM
Actually the Earthquake was the tenth!! 3/10/11+9/11/01=???


^^^Taken straight from Facebook (Up until the 12/21/12 part. The rest was mine :))

Similar principle in action: xkcd: Dimensional Analysis (http://www.xkcd.com/687/)

Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that a pattern can be found almost ANYWHERE if you are searching desperately enough, as some people clearly do :)

When I say some people, mind, I don't mean you or your sister Hill. I mean the people who come up with the things in the first place :)

03-17-11, 12:11 AM
Also, Excellent point, Wayne. Could also be a play on 911 being the American emergency hotline.

03-17-11, 12:12 AM
Those idiots have preyed on peoples faith forever.

03-17-11, 01:52 AM
Ha, Tea put it nicely, and Wayne made a point I wouldn't of thought of. Then again, never knew about the 11th hour(unless you mean 3AM).

As Tea said, coincidences happen everyday. For example, I find it really weird how whenever I'm EXTREMELY upset, a storm always strolls in. Sometimes the wind even picks up. And no, I'm not fibbing. 100% honest.

It's also how people tend to have dreams and then it happens -after- the dream so you're like,"... Hasn't this already happened before?" Deja vu.

Another good example is when Daddy(actually my grandfather, grew up with no biological father, so always have viewed him as my fatherly figure) died. Months before his death, I somehow knew he wouldn't see another year. He'd pass on a Friday while I was in Algebra class during lunch. Sure enough, it was a Friday in April... I was in Algebra class. When I returned from lunch, she told me to get my things and go to the office. They didn't tell me why, but something told me it happened. Sure enough, my stepfather was in the school lobby trying to hold back tears. Once again, not fibbing.

Weird things happen all the time :> Just pure coincidence.

03-17-11, 02:01 AM
Another good example is when Daddy(actually my grandfather, grew up with no biological father, so always have viewed him as my fatherly figure) died.

Weird things happen all the time :> Just pure coincidence.

I grew up nearly the same, My biological father is a piece of crap, my step father is such an a-hole he even lobbed insults at me at moms funeral.

My mother had to work long hours to provide for my sister and I, so Grandpa and grandma raised us.

My stern values came from the grandparents, zero tolerance for lies and stealing, Grandpa basically taught me that if I work for what I want and always be honest, everything else will fall into place, and he was absolutely right.

03-17-11, 03:06 AM
I think everyone in this thread should watch Jim Carrey's movie "the number 23".

03-17-11, 03:40 AM
Number 23,

According to the Roman Catholic Church, there are 23 dogmas.

It is said that Caesar was stabbed 23 times.

Blood's circulation throughout the body occurs every 23 seconds.

The human arm has 23 points of articulation

There is 23 chromosomes in the human reproductive cells.

In geometry, the Euclid contains 23 axioms and if you add 2+3 = 5,
a prime component in the base 10 of mathematics.

23 years ago I was 23 years old and 23 years prior to that I inhaled my first 23 breaths.

03-17-11, 03:53 AM
Wow xD Never knew 23 was so... significant?

At any rate, it's not that my biological father was a... well he kinda is but.. Long story short it was an impulse action so I grew up never knowing who he was, what he looked like, etc. It wasn't until I was 16 that my mother told me, and a few months ago I finally met him. I guess he isn't a piece of crap, he means well and he's genuinely sorry for everything, I just don't appreciate his actions(smoker, alcoholic, impulsive, etc.).

My stepfather isn't all that bad, just a bit hot-headed at times. I'd say about 50/50. Had a lot of fighting in the beginning, have an occasional fight every now and then, still. Sometimes he just gets mad about something else and has a crappy day and I just so happen to be the small little straw of hay to break the camel's back, you know?

03-17-11, 11:45 PM
My stepfather isn't all that bad, just a bit hot-headed at times. I'd say about 50/50. Had a lot of fighting in the beginning, have an occasional fight every now and then, still. Sometimes he just gets mad about something else and has a crappy day and I just so happen to be the small little straw of hay to break the camel's back, you know?

That's a parent thing, I think, not necessarily a step-parent thing. My folks and I get into it all the time over silly stuff, just cause one of us or the other had a bad day and then, like you said, it's just one more straw.

03-18-11, 02:50 AM
Oh I was just talking in general, not a step-parent stereotype. xD but yeah, I get that with my mom, at times, too. It's just more frequently with the step-father.