View Full Version : Pics of my little garter

03-16-11, 10:06 AM
Here's my little Wandering Garter Snake.

The day we found him:

And some more recent pics:


03-16-11, 10:14 AM
That's a nice Vegrans. what do you feed yours? "Hobo" is on pinkie mice now, he used to demand guppies, thankfully he grew out of it.

I have a little runt male, named him "Hobo", he's 4 years old now.

03-16-11, 11:05 AM
What do you feed them when they are that small??!! I caught one like that last year and tried feeding it pinhead crickets but it didn't seem to want them after a few days I let it go so hopefully it wouldn't starve.

03-16-11, 11:12 AM
Cool looking little guy.

03-16-11, 12:55 PM
What do you feed them when they are that small??!! I caught one like that last year and tried feeding it pinhead crickets but it didn't seem to want them after a few days I let it go so hopefully it wouldn't starve.

When I first found him, I started by feeding him f/t pinkie parts. One pinkie would be enough for 3 meals for him at that size. You can also feed them chopped up earthworms and certain types of fish, but I decided to just go with mice and he took to them right away.

03-16-11, 07:35 PM
What do you feed them when they are that small??!! I caught one like that last year and tried feeding it pinhead crickets but it didn't seem to want them after a few days I let it go so hopefully it wouldn't starve.

That's because they are not insectivores. Not sure how that misinformation got started, but it's widespread misinformation that even some hole in the wall pet shops pass on to customers.