View Full Version : Just fished these out pictures B4 breeding

Isaac's Ark
03-15-11, 09:14 PM
I was about to clear the cameras card and found these pictures this is the humble beginning of The Ark. Isaac is my 4 year old son he is pictured here cleaning man I laugh every time he is in the room working. He is the reason we have expanded make no mistake about it. There seams to be a lot of I want that one dad funny enough he does have a good eye.

03-15-11, 09:15 PM
Retic or Burmese? Or am I off all the way around?

03-15-11, 09:19 PM
these are boas ;) not pythons

03-15-11, 09:21 PM
these are boas ;) not pythons

Oh g-d So what is it then? Cause now I have to know.

Isaac's Ark
03-15-11, 09:42 PM
The first one as you can see seams to a very gray like color but is not and anery because we can see orange in some places is a Female Poss DH Snow the second is our Adult Abby Boa and the third is a adult 100% het albino. Abby was bred to a Hypo hog and the het albino was bred to a anery Poss het albino if this same anery is produces albinos with the het albino he will be breeding the Poss DH Snow. All of these are found in the BCI Family also known as Colombian red tail boa.

03-15-11, 09:46 PM
I should have known that >.< At least about the Red Tail Boa part...had several of them at a zoo I worked at a while ago while in college. That is just silly of me LOL Thanks for that it would have bugged the mess out of me.

They are some beautiful snakes :) Lucky you have the ability to have all of them.

03-15-11, 09:52 PM
Kids n' herps. It warms my heart :D

Isaac's Ark
03-15-11, 11:12 PM
NO NO Kids Laughing at their father after watching them get bit by one of our monsters is heart warming My daughter was crying one day and I asked my wife to bring me the camera she had my daughter in her arms i took my eyes of the animal for a few seconds to reach the camera and slam Abby gave me a valentines kiss. Then at that very moment my daughter burst out laughing. That warms the heart. FYI no children are allowed in the reptile room during large cage clean ups. For this exact reason seconds are all it takes to change the life of a child.

03-16-11, 12:27 AM
FYI no children are allowed in the reptile room during large cage clean ups
good policy