View Full Version : The houses my crew live in

03-13-11, 08:42 PM
Pic 1 is Zoomers Habitat a 20 gal plenty of room for him and a friend or two. I didn't bother waking him up. He loves to bask in the sun that comes thru the window behind his cage.

Pic 2 is a habitat I built in an emergency out of a wooden shipping crate as we thought we were going to rescue a Green Iquana from a bad situation. However the Iguana ended up ataching itself to a monitor lizard who had its bottom jaw ripped off and is becoming an integral part of the monitors recovery. So it looks like she is staying there as a helper lizard. So we found and rescued Fresno, fortunately from not a bad situation and she lives there now

Pic 3 is Georgie and Gracie's habitat a 55 gal tall tank. They are on the top of a double 55 gallon stand. Georgie usually thinks he is the king of the castle.

Pic 4 is Mushu's habitat he is on the bottom of the 55 gal stand in a home built deeper enclosure about 60 gal.

Pic 5 is Capornicus in the the 10 Gal we rescued him in. I have plans for a double enclosure built in an old sturdy component cabinet to house Zoomer and friends when they come and Caporicus and friends when they come as well.

Walker and Charlene

03-14-11, 08:20 AM
Sweet set ups.

03-14-11, 08:56 AM
Nice housing..... sad story about the monitor.

03-14-11, 10:15 AM
Nice housing..... sad story about the monitor.

Actually not that sad as the Iguana is a huge help, she has awesome care at the reptile rescue she is at, and there may even be a vet in the States who will give her a new jaw Pro Bono.

She currently needs to be tube fed. However believe it or not the Iguana does try to put food down her throat for her. With a new jaw she will be able to live a fairly normal life and not have the dirty mouth probs of most monitors as the bottom jaw is where most of the glands are that make thier mouths dirty.


Walker and Charlene

03-14-11, 01:04 PM
ahah awww I love the landscape picture behind the beardie tank :P