View Full Version : Belize Snake - what is it?

03-13-11, 11:49 AM
Hi there! We saw this snake in Belize. It was in the interior jungle area and was laying across a back dirt road. It was mostly black, very thick and about 7 feet long. We only got a pic of the last bit. Some people there said it might be a boa constrictor but another thought maybe a fer-de-lance.

Anyone here know for sure?

03-13-11, 06:27 PM
Doesn't look like a boa, hard to tell from the pic though.

03-13-11, 06:46 PM
Tail looks like it could have the red tail pattern but unfortunatelywithout more pics its difficult to say.

03-14-11, 07:11 AM
Tail looks like it could have the red tail pattern but unfortunatelywithout more pics its difficult to say.

my thoughts exactly.

03-14-11, 10:46 AM
The closest thing I could find was "Mexican Moccasin"

Dangerous Snakes of Belize: 8 Snakes Found in Belize Are Dangerous to Humans (http://consejo.bz/belize/snakes.html)