View Full Version : I was told that you crazy keepres like Pic's

Isaac's Ark
03-11-11, 04:03 AM
well here you go Boa Breeding pictures why not may as well start some sort of hype with all these babies being born. May as well show that there are more to come.

http://isaacsark.webs.com//1.0%20Anery%20poss.%20DH%20snow%20%200.1%20%20Het% 20Albino.JPG

http://isaacsark.webs.com//1.0%20Anery%20poss%20DH%20Snow%20%200.1%20%20het%2 0albino.JPG

http://isaacsark.webs.com//Het%20Albino%20X%20Anery%20Poss%20Het%20Albino%202 .jpg


03-11-11, 04:53 AM
That first pic is really cute~ It's like you disturbed their special moment and flipped the large bowl up to look at you like,"What're you doing?!"

03-12-11, 05:01 AM
Cool pics!