View Full Version : Choosing a container

03-06-11, 02:00 AM
i am new to breeding ball pythons and i cant seem to find a "good" incubation container. i could use a tupperware container but my only problem is that i do not have much room in my hovabator incubator. they are pretty small incubators and i am trying to find a container that is not too big (to take up the entire hova bator) and not too small ( no room for the eggs) let me know if you have any suggestons or what you personally use. thank you

03-06-11, 05:19 PM
Did you try on Kingsnake.com? They might have something.

03-26-11, 08:32 AM
Not sure if I should post a link to another herp forum, cant find it in the rules but if this breaks one please remove this post.
Home made incubators - Reptile Forums (http://www.reptileforums.co.uk/forums/breeding/132157-home-made-incubators.html)

03-28-11, 09:16 AM
I don't think finding a container to fit in your Hovabator is your problem.
The Hovabator is your problem.
Hovabators are notorious for crapping out at any given time and being absolutely terrible at holding humidity (which you'll need to maintain at 100% for 56 days).
If you have something that you want to see hatch, I recommend finding a new incubator.
One can be made for under $100.
Tons of threads online regarding homemade incubators.