View Full Version : Hmmm. Interesting.

03-03-11, 11:45 AM
So, I've been reading everyones posts about breeding their snakes and it's spiked my curiosity.
As some of you probably noticed by now, I absolutely adore my ball python Blue.. (Normal Female)
I was wondering if I'd be capable of breeding her, or another required ball python. (I do have to admit, I would be very nervous breeding her for my first time.) Now, please don't start attacking me for getting into something I don't know about, that's why I'm posting this. I'm not looking to start this for a few years now. I have a few years of school ahead of me, and thought it might be an interesting way to pay off some student debt, but I want to do my research and plan it right.
And everyone here knows their stuff so well, who better to ask?
I actually have a few questions to start the wheel moving.
First are there any certain websites or books you'd suggest? I'm already all over google, but you can't trust everything on the internet so any good sources you guys know of that I could read, if even for my own knowledge even if I never act on it. (Anything from actually breeding to genetics which I want to research a lot more in itself)
My next question would be, if I were to use Blue in my breeding project what male morph would you suggest? I was considering a male pewter maybe to start, because they aren't that expersive themselves, and when paired with a normal female I (think) they produce cinnys, pastel jugles, and more pewters? Is there anything better that anyone can think of, that wouldn't cost more than a thousand or so canadian dollars?
Or is there a completely different pairing you would suggest?
I'm sorry if this thread is a litter of the forum, just thinking about it a lot lately, and wanted to know other peoples opinions. Again, this isn't something I want to just go jump into, but I am interested by it.

03-04-11, 01:34 PM
First I'll say get your snake's set up all fine and dandy if it's still giving you problems and then think about breeding.

To answer your questions Markus Jayne, Ball pythons | ball python breeders | ballpython.ca (http://www.ballpython.ca) is a great place to start. Mark has a wonderfully informative website. I also like Strictlyballs Home (http://www.strictlyballs.ca) for the DIY section. I personally believe in the Sutherlands breeding movie. TSK - The Snake Keeper (http://www.ballpython.com)

I would recommend that you look into a rack system for housing purposes if you plan to breed a pair or more snakes. You'll need housing for both adults as well as possibly 8 - 10 babies. Also recommend a quality thermostat for your housing needs. I believe in ensuring quality housing comes first then the animals.

You also need to know that you will not see a profit for some time. If you're looking at paying your student bills off then I recommend taking any "snake investment" money and putting it into a GIC and just let it gain interest. It's a lot more safe than snake breeding. Don't forget you need to successfully breed the pair, get eggs, hatch eggs and ensure the babies eat and are OK before sale. Then you need to be able to sell the babies.

If that's all fine with you then if you want a morph to start with I recommend a double or triple co-dominant and dominant snake like you pointed out. The pewter. I would also look into a spinner blast when this years babies arrive. Just remember that whatever you paid for the snake by the time it breed you're looking at the babies being about half the value.

03-04-11, 08:22 PM
Thanks for the reply.
And neither of my snakes set up is giving me issues anymore. I finally just realized I was being stupid with the way my entire room was set up. After I was satisfied that my new corn was healthy and mite free, I moved the tanks into the same area, curtained it off, and have my bed in there as well so I just focus on heating that section rather than the whole room/aquariums. With that worked out, I've easily been able to keep them heated properly. (With just the heat mats and a basking light during the day, some really cold nights I've turned the ceramic lights on, but only twice so far, and it's getting warmer here.)
Regarding a proper thermostat, right now I'm using a digital one with a wire/probe on it by exo terra, but I am waiting for a proper gun from Hagen that the new place I've started picking up my feeders from is ordering for me. I can't remember the exact name off the top of my head, sorry.
Glad you gave me lot's to think about/ look into. More than anything, I just want to expand my knowledge, and completely understand what's involved. I've seen so many threads from people who clearly didn't do enough research before hand, and some from those who clearly did and still don't always have the good results. (Willows threads are the first to come to mind. :( )
I will defiantly look into your suggestion with the GIC.
Either way, if I ever decide to do in the following years or not, I've already decided I want to get a nice ball python morph when this year babies come out, and for the past while I've been considering one of Mikes, because he is near me, has a great rep. on this site, and his snakes are gorgeous. I'm kidding myself if I think I won't be getting another snake sometime soon, and I know my next will be another ball python, so I might as well take this into consideration, just in case. . ;]